Its of most and UBER importance
We need to REDPILL WOMAN any Ideas?
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There are actually more redpilled women out there than you think - but the MSM/Jewmedia would have you believe otherwise since all they want to show you are the SJWs/feminists who 'speak' for all women.
Any Ideas though? for more red pills
One who reads the bible and believes in Gods word fully, you posted a harlot she is NOT redpilled dressed like a prostitute
fuck off your kike notion woman are the most beautiful thing of humans. she is sexy and young redpilled that is why you complain. she is not even showing her cleavage just giving a kek kiss of blessing
Each one will take a different approach, but once you can convince them to paddle themselves in the face with your cock, you know they have been redpilled.
She's showing her shoulders
What a fag
Women should dress with modesty, the bible says a prudent wife is a gift from God
The Bible says for you to get your cock cut like a jewish christian good goy go fuck yourself
Just give it time, women will come to our side when the left starts to make its anti white sentiments increasingly apparent.
As slow as they are they aren't suicidal, at least not intentionally so.
No it doesn't, it says you shouldn't actually. It's only at 8 days old that you should, but if you're uncircumcised when you discovered Christ you don't have to become circumcised. Maybe read your bible for once
Like I care.
Go preach somewhere else. Have you read Enuma Elish or Saxon Gospels? I discovered Hari KRIST already.
It's sad what has become of Portugal, you don't care about God's word? If you don't care about your creator WHO do you care about?
Because your "God" has made me and likely him circumcised against our will you imbecile.
How is that a bad thing? For once the leaf is right.
HARI IS MY GOD you fucking faggot KRIST BALDUR
the true redpill about this is that woman aren't redpill unless her man is redpill. Take from that what you will but theres a reason why there are tons of rampant bluepill men and woman roaming the country.
Ideas and knowledge changes man
men change women
therefore we just need more redpill men.
ALSO KEK Egyptian God
If God commanded it be done then it should be done, who are we as humans to question what God has asked of us? It may seem unnecessary to us humans but why question God?
I think the more redpilled woman the more man will change belive me...
You don't....
Women just mold themselves to strong men's belief.
>"There is only 2 genders, Male & Female, it should be mandatory to bring back traditional gender roles, women will always be inferior to men when it comes to leadership roles, hard labour and protection, however women have a main purpose in life which is to breed more humans to continue the human evolution progress, without them we will die out.
How should I drop this redpill?
Because I don't fucking want to be circumcised for your Jew god. I should not have to have my body mutilated because you think it should be on unfounded beliefs.
Cant be done.
Women dont need to "take the redpill", just get them out of politics and out of any power.
Women were only good when there was a patriarchy telling them what to do and what to think, and this isnt MGTOW shit I'm dead serious.
Look at early post-war USA.
We need to take away the vote and make women housewives again.
He's not a Jew God, he is a universal God. He made all life
I get your point. You are right. But having a strong woman with such virtues will redpill more so we are getting to conclusion that we need a strong leader then a a strong leader woman. both strong role models
Your imaginary friend did t make anything
God's not real bro.
Trump is.
Find politically moderate or apolitical women, easier to redpill than SJWs. And many of them have SJW friends who might get semi-redpilled by proxy.
Bitch looks mexican.
He is a semetic God. What is to keep Odin from being the true spawn of all life?
Your belief.
I should not have to be circumcised for your semetic God when I do not believe in him..
I'm slowly redpilling my Mayan gf. Just got finished destroying her belief that letting refugees in will benefit anybody. The video of the french ladies going to the cafe finally got her. I could use more ammo guys.
Go preach bible shit somewhere else or convert hinduism. the god your heart is searching is Brahama.
you're alright leaf
I'm not a kike
I don't have an imaginary friend
Yes he is
Odin is a fairy tale, God made the men who made up the stories about Odin
Hinduism is Satanism
He tries that jewish scum
t. christian shill
Most people on Sup Forums aren't Christians you dumb leaf, and you won't convince them otherwise by talking about the virtues of having your dick mutilated for a Jew.
Odin made the men who made the stories about God
Xenu made the men who made the stories about God
Talfirgo made the men who made the stories about God.
You seem confused.
The only way to redpill women is for them to be sexually attracted to you. Then she just adopts whatever you believe. You can't just talk to them and expect them to logically understand. They have to be confident that you know what you're doing and they will just follow. Never try to debate females.
Hinduism is Satanism.
Christian cuck turns out to be Satan himself go preach somewhere else I do not like your satan nor your christ. fuck off.
search brahama. not kike god shit amalgamtion of dagon orzmud saturn that in reality is nothing. and long rotten shit
That's 1,000% false
God bless you user xx
I'm not a kike
How so?
This picture would be better of Christ didn't have long hair, this pagan inspired portrayal should have been extinct 2,000 years ago
Because none of them are real, there is only God
You don't redpill women, women are inherantly irrational creatures. You redpill the strong men / authorities in her life and she naturally defaults to their views. This incapability to accept the nature of women seems a major roadblock to many here
That is objectively false.
just make chad-profiles on twatter and cuckbook and post memes like "conservative women soo hawt" or something like this..
women do everything to please chad.
But you pray to kike god.
search for brahama or follow me.
It's unfortunate that we have to badly photoshop them into existence.
Women follow strong and intelligent examples. Be one.
No it's not. Read the bible
No I don't, I pray to the one God
This guy gets it
the artist has a lot of paintings for sale, all of them with long hair though.
I was thinking about buying something as a gift.
Read any other religious book in existence, it disproves your God. What weak trolling attempts, give me some hard arguments.
>>Having a strong woman
Women aren't strong, they're dependents
>>Will redpill more
>>Strong leader women
You don't understand women, and any man who follows a women is not a man worth following
You can't disprove God, it's like trying to disprove the fact that you exist.
Who's the artist?
If true!
Who cares? Meme kek will make her possible.
Times will change be more open to gates of Kek...actually I am dating an austrian hungarian woman starting to red pill
It's hard to redpill most women. They're either stuck watching CNN and being fed whatever shit is spewed there, or spend too much time on social media which is flooded with leftist propaganda. The way that I am becoming redpilled (I can't claim that I am yet) started with my friends in college who helped me see things from a different perspective, and my boyfriend. Maybe that's what it takes... or maybe they're too far gone. I can't say.
Here's the link to the gallery, a lot of them aren't great but i can't seem to find anything else thats reasonably priced.
If you are pessimist then nothing will change...
Also Patriarchs here you have no chance...
That is Kike most rotten trick. for you to get to ultimate jewish bait.
I can actually you nig.
Women default to authority in their lives. In a healthy society this means she reflects the views of her father, and later husband. Otherwise she defaults to other women who should of been taught by their father / husband. In our current society it comes from government, media. Since men have largely taken in the sameness meme. Men and women are not the same, men lead, women follow. When men don't lead, women are confused and default to whatever men want or they're told men want. If you want things to change, change yourself, and convince other men to do so. Demand what you want, and make it happen.
Women follow men, and as such we need to use social media to make it seem like conservative women are attractive to chads.
Be an example be strong be intellegent cultivate your heritage and ancestry.
semi satan digits confirm
Don't post graven images, and I don't know what this is supposed to say? God has never appeared in person, for example with Moses he appeared as a burning bush
Woman follow man since the patriachy tried to surpress woman like biblical figures and scriptures.
In the pagan ancient times it was not like that different roles but not making the womb of your children inferior.
>using the term redpilled wrong
Get out newfag
You don't enlighten all women you moron. You find yourself a decent woman and be a dominant male. She'll mold her beliefs around yours
Too complex for you to understand?
Fascinating how one faggot can derail an entire thread and make sure no actual discussion is made.
that's such an unbelievably bad shop
To the off topic religion discussion -
God is real, in that outside forces created our reality, which divided from our own. God exists in the fourth dimension, he cannot interact with this one directly after the split this is why the holy Spirit and beings we call 'angels' or 'demons' act as mediums. These beings however have their own free will, thus nephilum, fall of the watcher angels, and fall of Lucifer and his angels. Revolution isn't describing an end of the world, it's describing a recombination of this reality with God's reality.
Moses a kike who had visions!? fuck your preaching do you believe in kikes shit fucking rotten retard
Faggots should be stoned, I am 0% faggot
fuck off you satanist prick
pol is a christian board
>>Woman follow man since the patriachy tried to surpress woman
No, women follow because it's their nature to follow. Just as a dog follows a man that has served as a good source of livelihood, just as a cat decides to stick around a specific family for mututal gain. Women are weak, stupid, creatures who would die in the wild as easily as any domesticated livestock left to the elements. Look up 'pregnancy brain' as weak as women are, they're even weaker and more vulnerable during childbearing. It's in their benefit to keep a man around, just as it is in the man's if he wishes to see his offspring survive to adulthood.
Clear you live in the caves of obscurity. oldfag
but kek banish the darkness
Biblical Jew is not the same as modern Jew.
Christians are the continuation of the biblical Judaism, we just took on a new name. The Jews of today are LARPERS, they ignore history and pretend Christ was never sent by God. Even Muslims recognise this. Jews are the devil that's why, Muhammedism is a Satanic cult, but the Arabs are just pawns they're useful idiots, the Jews are worse
Ehhh. This universe probably exists from a fluke or crunch. And the dark matter is actually nothing.
Most of Christianity has written and logic errors. Also has errors in science.
Now there's two of them. I didn't really care before but now I agree that the only thing Canada deserves is a nuclear holocaust.
He's right, you find a women and mold her. You don't find a women whose already been molded by a strong man and attach yourself to her like some parasite
>No, women follow because it's their nature to follow. Just as a dog follows a man that has served as a good source of livelihood
you compare woman to dogs you are retard fucking kike patriarch shit hole
>rips her eyebrows out of her face
>draws them back on daily
>dyes hair
>whore makeup
Looks more like a Chola than redpilled waifu material desu senpai.
>you deserve a nuclear holocaust because you're not an enlightened atheist like I am
you are leading too a totally pragmatic topic.. Of course I know soem things i can enlgthen my girl still you do not get the point. do prefer to meet cuck woman or woman which are knowledgeble about their heritage and zionism
lol europe has no hope, bunch of athiest losers now... see what happens to your nation when you give up god?
Dark matter and energy don't exist, their factors that're forced to exist because the astronomical model we're currently relied upon is not correct. Edison's theory of relativity was wrong when he proposed it and still is now. The speed of light is not a constant, and gravity does not keep the universe together. Look into Plasma cosmology, or Nikols Tesla's original criticism of Einstein's theory, the factor he called "aether".
The universe we inhabit exists because we're being tested, if we prove worthy we'll ascend and the 'revolution' event will take place. If we're not, we'll die off like any other of the realities. We're germs in a petri dish being observed how capable we are.
Christionity is one part of a set
A set which ironically has more truth to it than the current religion science has become were the reliance upon the scientific method was done away with for self worship. The religion of science comes complete with it's own inquisitors looking to suppress and shame any who speak our or question the accepted models
People like you normally haven't the faintest idea of what Christionity states
Abrahamic rotten shit begone and you are a good christian. LIAR
>being able to be redpilled
pick one and only one faggot
Never redpill your woman. Trust me. Churchpill instead
I don't think I'm a good Christian, everyday there is more for me to learn and everyday I could improve myself
You fucking rotten cuck woman always produce themselves and like too look good to their man. Since ancient times rot away.
I compare a women's nature of being reliant upon man to a dog which is reliant to it's owner. Women are chattel, the property of their father, a marriage is a transfer of ownership of the women.
No religion that puts women on a pedestal is filled with anything but self serving hedonism. No nation that puts women in charge services or thrives, but destroy's itself.
>> i can enlgthen my girl
You really don't understand women
Women do not become enlightened, they can barely feel love the same way men can. What they do is learn to mimic or tell you what you want to hear. If they respect you and view you as an authority, they will absorb your views as her own. She will give you shit tests to see if you're worth being her authority, if you fail she'll keep you around until she finds someone better. After you're her authority, she'll challenge you, not for a shit test, but because she wants you to advise her where she lacks information.
>>do prefer to meet cuck woman or woman which are knowledgeble
You find a women whose wife and mother material, you don't find a women who you want to act just like a bro or colleague
>Modern Church and Christianity
Cancer, and leads to Jewish subversion
Faggot? whom do you think you are a human? or red rotten monkey clay.