Syria General /sg/ Dead Sunnis are Best Sunnis Edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>E Aleppo/alBab Feb1
>Wadi Barada Jan30
>Palmyra Jan30
>Mosul Jan24
>Deir Ezzor jan22
>E Ghouta Jan14
>Aleppo Dec22

Developments Feb3
>Both SAA & FSA are closing on Al-Bab
>IS sets ablaze Syria’s largest source of gas as SAA closes on their positions
>2 kids had hands amputees by IS for refusing to execute civilians
>SAA attempts to liberate Battalion 559 base in east Damascus
>Syria denounces Turkey’s illegal incursion into the country to the UN
>IS takes over new areas in East Qalamoun, threatens airbase
>IS uses captured Turkish Army equipment against SAA in Aleppo
>IS loses several sites in western Palmyra to SAA
>Turkish military claims to have killed 51 ISIS terrorists in airstrikes
>IS executes 6 fighters for running away from SAA in DeZ
>Siege of DeZ Airport almost lifted


Other urls found in this thread:

Bashar is a dictator. he must fall

Reminder that Jews are white, based and the real master race.

SAY IT WITH ME Sup Forums:


while you are all shitposting, a liberation process is happening in syria


"To your descendants I give this land, from the city of London to the great city, the city of novgorod" -Hanseatic bookkeeper ca.1445

Groß-Hansa WILL rise and there's nothing you can do about it.


Oh no I'm triggered. You're truly an atheist

Will Trump side with Assad???

Official /pol Discord:


Reminder that ISIS is 100% Sunni
0% Anything else

trump has ordered drone strikes against syrians who fight terrorists

I've tried. But he's an edgelord. He's hip and he browse the scary world of 4chinz wow so brave

That sucks, I hope for the best for those who are there

If triggering S*nni roaches was something I cared about I would be barrel-bombing your children in Al-Rastan you filthy maggot.

>2 kids had hands amputees by IS for refusing to execute civilians
Fuggg. These kids deserve to immortalized in history as heroes.So young yet braver than most men.
More on this story?

Pretty funny that America is constantly fucked with by Sunnis and Arabs, but instead they just want to bomb the Shi'ite Persians in Iran, lol.

can you syrians tell me what the hell are they saying?

A7_Mirza just made a new Homs map

Tweet here:

HD version here:

Its pretty detailed and shows how SAA control a part of the Jihar crossroad - Huwaysis road

Im kinda disappointed by how close the frontline still is to Qaryatayn though

ITT babbies trying to combat a syrian atheist that is super redpilled about muslims

fukken lmao nice

you have my bullpup PKP, dude

C'est vrai ca, mais ne oublie pas, je n'suis pas un hollandais.

Sooo, when are you rangebanning the Chinese?

Is Internet hard to come by in Syria?

>implying 25% of the country is fighting the rest 75% who are backed by world powers

Yes homsi fag. Great logic. All Sunnis are pro isis. If all Sunnis were against the minorities. Youd be long beheaded ugly nigger

what has iran even done to deserve it?
did they start even one war in history?

hhnnnnngggg grills with crew-served weapons. The only thing that'd be hotter is if she was in zero gravity.

Even the people in the shittiest parts of africa have internet. Even fucking ISIS has internet (cafes)

Hopefully Trump could change that
It's a leaked recording from Jabhat al Nusra leaders threatening to kill Ahrar al Sham personnel and admitting to assassinating others.

Raqqa needs more B52s.

alors, je ne avait aucune idee.

mais merci pour ton espagnol quand mêmel! ;)

Don't look at me.
I'm not a rich fag who's got an expensive internet connection and lives alone yet sucks German dick to get 20$ to buy his (((((((sister)))))) a dress

>Hopefully Trump could change that

Don't you know goy??? Iran invaded... uhmm..., they attacked..., oh I know! This one time they nationalized the oil in their country that was under direct Shell control, that's communist behaviour right there!!!

Lmao @ Mexico thinking Trump won't follow through on his promises. Build that Wall Paco.


arent they technically kharjites?

digits say what percent of buildings will stay intact aftet the "liberation"

check check


You should join us on Discord, I would love to hear about whats going on in Syria from a Syrian himself

You can join us here (Sorry for shilling so much, we just want to hear about whats going on in the world)

trump is continuing obama's legacy

All I know is that it happened in Mosul, poor kids got amputated in front of their families, those disgusting S*nni Jihadis deserve to die
>If all Sunnis were against the minorities. Youd be long beheaded ugly nigger
You wish Maweya roach, implying a large number of poorly armed, poorly trained, useless fuckwits could pose a threat against the well-educated, secular, well-armed, back by world leaders, strong minorities controlling the country, you wish faggot.

lmao bloodthirsty sven

132 tons of freedom.

Well, technically they're Kajeets if that's what you meant.

telegram is better

eh, more people use Discord

The phone call that saved Deir Ezzor

Ahh yes, jealousy, a well knows trait of the shitskin S*nni, he can't get a decent job and good education because he's a shitskin spending time in mosques and smoking shisha, can't establish relationships with western kuffars because they think he's disgusting, so he envies those who can.

What is the membership count? Better people are on telegram

Is this /sg/ discord or Sup Forums?

If Sup Forums then I've seen some cp and I don't want to reinstall discord just to see awful images


Just go back to digging under the wall Angel.

what is a discord?

no one uses that

Trump called off the ISIS attack, yes.

Yep, thats what they say. Found some ww2 stats online.

Need to think about storing them sensibly.

Yes, there is a /sg/ here

NSFW images are a bannable offense here

Feel free to join us, you would be most welcome

>half an hour ago
and "ivan" is the first to break the news complete with exclusive pics from military, with mkhabarat's blessings.
he's totally not vladimir putin, guys

>Kajeet is a wireless provider operating on the Verizon and Sprint LTE wireless networks.

>Obamacare scrapped
>Muslims blocked
>Mexicans deported

Lmao @ (You)

There are over 700 members in this Discord

no need, there is a shitty river, they can just swim and they are there.

it is called rio grande but it is not really THAT big.

I didn't write an essay about a dress just to bait for money

Also who's mentioning religion here? Did you faggots learn to live with one another yet? :^) or you monkeys gotta stay backwards? :^)

>I've seen some cp
>awful images
That's rich coming from a S*nni

not yet a popular app in my place

>Sunnis Sunnis Sunnis Sunnis

Man this is pathetic just stop

wtf is going on with the syrian anons?

/sg/ has a discord?

JIDF proxies

We're having fun and giving you a show. /sg/ is pretty dead. You gotta thank us for this

Way too many.

/sg/ group within the Sup Forums discord

Damn and they have the audacity to complain?
>bait for money
>Guy offered
>I accepted
Ahh the smell of burning braincells

>Did you faggots learn to live with one another yet?
Damn and he was using "edgelord" "newfag" and "pretending to be atheist" just a second ago

seems that they have their own civil war nao.

yes, feel free to join us

>he`s a killer
>what do you think, our country is so innocent?

#Syria #Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Visited #القرداحة #Qardaha Qardaha village today.

>Sup Forums discord
Fucking Christ, and I thought Sup Forums was bad enough

So before this becomes an uncomfy thread....

Let me tell you a story about Naledi.

Naledi was a fetishist. Naledi had a fetish for death. Every time someone died, Naledi would collect the corpse. And every corpse he gathered into a secret space. He had to crawl under and over, and finally, into the depths.

Naledi probably did not know why he did what he did. But his fetish was the birth of religion.

>syrian civil war inside a syrian civil war general
best timeline confirmed

If you want pathetic just read your reply catalog
I don't do shows with S*nni roaches

/ /sg/ general/ soon

Quotes like this gives hope...

That's his hometown. Although most niggers think it's an paradise, it's really not. It's just another shithole, electricity in downtown Latakia is way better than qrdaha

have you joined us?

700 /sg users in discord?

>mfw every sunni I ever met smiled broadly and nodded in agreement when I said Shia are kuffar

Rafidah mushrikeen will be wiped out, ahlus sunnah has woken

>Damn and they have the audacity to complain?

user, you have no idea. It's like Native Americans are just sabados goys for them to get welfare. Some start political groups when they get here for the specific purpose of complaining about our policies.

Oh no, the /sg/ population is growing here, not sure how many actually in here

You're clearly butthurt bout some Sunni who raped your mum (yes we're rapists hahahahaha typical s*nni) I'm not gonna reply anymore so don't bother. Fuck off


Is there any effective difference between the Discord and here, or is it still mostly shitposting?

Not yet. I don't have the app currently and I need to wait till electricity is back to download it

>Trump refused to talk with the Iraqi PM because of its support for the Iranian regime


>Violence flared today in Damascus, when two ..let me get this right Peter...two separate factions of the Sup Forums, whats a Sup Forums?...the Sup Forums /pol group? dash-sg, am I saying that right? That's right 2 factions of the /sg clashed today in Damascus. Reports indicate that....


>unironically using sunni memes

>Some start political groups when they get here for the specific purpose of complaining about our policies.
And people still complain about them getting Trumped
>Sunni who raped your mum
Ahh yes, the typical "I'm a shitty S*nni and I've been faced by the facts, I'll say things about his mother/sister/any female member of his family, I don't care if he badmouthes my family because we don't have honour as S*nnis but I heard others do so he'll definitely get mad. I'm also not replying anymore because I've been destroyed" technique. Typical S*nni.

>Live Chat
>No 300 post limit
>easier to follow conversation
>Still anonymous

Its organized and people have good discussions

Ok, save the link in Notes or something

moderate rebels are given a second chance


When are you guys gonna exterminate this alawite rats in your country?