Trump On A Rampage Against This "So Called" Judge


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Congress can impeach the judge, hopefully they do.

Unfortunately the sum of the mass of every testicle in congress amounts to a fraction of 1 of Trump's™.

>Bad people are very happy!

he sounds like a fucking 5 year old

>and others
(((what))) did he mean by this?

It's so embarrassing why doesn't he just call them islamists?

The Northern boarder will become an issue in the future, all thanks to Mr. President.

I wish but there's no legal precedent. Having a terrible opinion doesn't count.

Illegal immigration through Canada the the US is eminent, because Canada is such a bad country.

>tweeting once is a rampage

>1 post by this ID

Hello rebbit.

If push comes to shove we will win. The executive branch has all the guns.

Can you explain what has happened to me? I've been without internet for 5 days.

Why is trump such a faggot?

When cucknada ran out of gib money, they will come to the US

>2nd wall when

I want to cut this post into marble and stick it up at the capitol building!

>Terrible opinion

It's just an obvious political hack job.

I'll be donating the amount of replies this post gets to Trump's writing class fund! C'mon guys. If we make it to 1000, Trumpie can finally learn how to write!!!


You like to fuck your mother, dont you? Thats disgusting.

t. "bad person."
You know he's not allowed to call you what you are without libshits going apeshit

How does one fucking judge have the power to literally just revoke orders by the president? Like, with no explanation or even real reason given at all?
Also what's gonna happen to him now? This must be against the law, right?

all this does is just piss muslims off more

you convert more flies with honey

the young generation of muslims is the only hope but now they are just going to run back to their false profits

and all hell will break loose when the next liberal takes office

when was the last time the pendulum didnts swing back and forth between left and right every 8 years

bush sr was the only one to beat the trend but it will never happen again

soros will move liberals to swing states for the 2020 election

rip america you will join us in suffering

not to mention the pedos have dirt on trump

atleast you have your guns some of you

Impeach for what, exactly? Being correct and enforcing the rule of law?

Is that judge a Jew??

Do you want him to type "communists are very happy!"?
I sure do.

An Islamist attack is going to be our reichstag fire huh?

Save this. This is what will happen:
> Judge lifts ban because Liberals protesting
> Terrorism happens and lots of people die.
> Liberals fault!
> Trump was right
> Trump's rule fully begins

They all have fallen to Trump's trap. How stupid are these people.

Wow I'm with her now! Liberal jokes are the funniest, screw Trump and his memes!

Voter ID laws and paper ballots.


Why doesn't he just stop tweeting

I wonder how much of the civilized world must burn before people realize muslims belong in the desert and niggers belong in the jungle

TL;DR on the security council upholding the ban pls

Aww, is baby having another tantrum?

He's talking about the jews

This is how you call CIA agents who only drive in to help a coup. FUCK JEWS

Fuck off. I'm busy in other threads, paranoid faggot.

Especially in a new administration. He's super powerful right now. Many appointments still pending. He's going to be nominating judges for vacant spots like on the 9th circuit - there are four spots vacant. Do these judges want to risk fucking up when they can get a better job?

Trump banned the refugee program and visa travel from 7 countries. The left is freaking out calling it racist. Leftist judges have been virtue signaling by attacking this order even though it's constitutional. This will probably end up at the Supreme Court.

Fuck off.

Totally. It doesn't even reference constitutionality.

You're very funny. I'm sure many of us were entertained............

True. But he can make the left freak out on many fronts. I love this.

THIS THIS THIS. It's just a euphemism.

Has anybody actually read the court order?

it is a temporary restraining order, implemented before giving a preliminary injunction.

The court order does not seem to actually debate the constitutionality of the EO, it just mentions that the states are likely to prevail in their overturning the EO.

This smells fishy. Somebody wanted somebody else to get into the country in this window.

Article III of the United States Constitution, and
Marbury v Madison.



Past CIA agents left at these countries to help the coup.

Kek agrees, the prophecy will be true.

Because we hope that judges will not bend to political pressure, but unfortunately judges are humans, not robots. You are correct in your assessment. The judge did not substantiate their decision. The judge has tarnished their brand. It's a bad move. Nothing will happen to the judge, more than likely. It's just embarrassing to his profession. And no, it's not against the law to not know how to do your job. But the judge should take a constitutional law class. He's fucking retarded.

Nobody cares about your fearmongering. The president has every right to control immigration. That's the question at hand. I don't care about the rest of it.

Good question. I will research and report in about 10 mins.


4D chess

Because he won acting this way. He's not going to change.

100% correct

Suck a dick.


Judge James Robart. I can't find anything that indicates that he's a Jew, but look at the following:

Robart sits on the federal bench in Seattle, where he last year declared that “black lives matter” while hearing a Department of Justice lawsuit against the Seattle Police Department over racial disparities in fatal shootings by police

My reaction to this activitist retard being a judge: pic related.


I agree with Thomas Jefferson:

You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so. They have, with others, the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps.... Their power [is] the more dangerous as they are in office for life, and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots. It has more wisely made all the departments co-equal and co-sovereign within themselves.

>Trump's rule fully begins

meanwhile up here a judge was removed from the bench for wearing a MAGA hat


Trump needs to get the fuck off Twitter. He's the leader of the free world. This shit was great through January 21st, now he needs to stop acting like an angry child on social media

If there's a terrorist attack it will be a false flag


What the hell. How did he not fight that? One could make the argument that the hat was an ironic fashion statement or something. A lot of hipsters wore it, too. It was and is a trend, mock it if you want to. There's no guarantee the judge is a supporter. They could say it's bad judgment to wear it, but it's hardly a job-losing type of action.

What the fuck is this supposed to mean?

That's your opinion. I would agree with you if we had a fair press. Unfortunately, the media has continued to act like it did during the campaign. Until such time that the media calms the fuck down and stops acting as though they're specifically funded to fight Trump every step of the way bordering on libel, then Trump should keep tweeting.

Who cares? I hope there is another terrorist attack. I hope hundreds die. And I want it to be a refugee. This will shut all of these faggots up.

Then why is Mr. Politically Incorrect Tough Guy afraid to call them islamic terrorists? Did he lose his balls when he was elected?

>Who cares? I hope there is another terrorist attack. I hope hundreds die. And I want it to be a refugee. This will shut all of these faggots up.

LOL you're an evil cunt

let him fire off on twitter. At least it means no mainstream spin.

Twitter is a major component of Trump's political power. He can aim a flamethrower of holy truth at anyone. You are mad if you think that Trump, in a battle against the establishment, can, should, or will step back from that internet provided megaphone.

A 70 year old dude figured out the power of internet social media and its application to the US political process before anybody else. The man is hardcore.

Find out if he's a Jew. I'm curious since someone above asked the question.


People are taking this order WAY too seriously. It's not a muslim ban, no one even bothered to read it and explain why the details within the bill are bad. No one thinks that maybe a halt on immigration is a good thing for right now.

This really shouldn't have been THIS big of a deal

im not sure if i really understand what happened?
the judge let people who allready have visas enter the US?
atleast thats what i think ive understood so far.

and thats not even a bump in the road.

can anyone explain to me if im right?

Is the judge Mexican again?

Apparently, that is the mental state of his voters.

Unfortunately, the leftists find a way to shit on his tweets.

Well said. I could kiss you for that.

Kek. I know.

But hey, people have been doing shit like this for years. Look at the unclassified releases from the government on Cuba. They talked about false flags to justify an invasion of Cuba. It happens all the time.

Trump should order the FAA to issue a ground stop for any airline that ignores his executive order.

What about that woman judge who wore the pussy hat and got away with it?

didn't hear about that

Yes, but the left has stoked the fears of people and they've been losing their shit all along.

Paid protesters to protest all campaign events and select protests outside his tower.
Protests night of Election Day.
Protests day after Election Day.
Protests of electoral college voting.
Protests of Senate confirmation voting for Trump.
Protests day of inauguration.
Protests day after inauguration.
Airport protests after travel ban.
Protests of Judge Gorsuch within 20 mins of being nominated.

Boy who cried wolf. Protests are losing their desired effect and are becoming meaningless.

The judge basically froze his executive order, making it null and void at the moment. The Justice Department just filed an appeal within the last few hours or so. It might end up at the Supreme Court. I hope it does. We need to set a precedent that the POTUS has the authority to control immigration.

What if a virus like Zika or the Ebola Virus became an epidemic and took over Africa, and Trump said, "ban all immigration from Africa", shouldn't he be able to stop it?

Ridiculous scenario, but just play along for a second: What if we did public opinion polls in Afghanistan and asked, "If you moved to the U.S. for whatever reason, would you ever consider acts of terror or harming Americans as a message to show America that they've been meddling in the affairs of other countries for far too long and they need to be taught a lesson?" And 90% of people in the survey said "Yes" - could we suspend immigration from Afghanistan citing that the people of Afghanistan have expressed too much anti-American sentiment and it would be a risk to have them here, we must stop immigration.

The president, for better or for worse, NEEDS this type of power. Congress is too slow.

If you read the case he did give reasons user.

Specifically, that the order put undue hardship on Washington State while providing no real benefit.

thank you!
finally i understand.

the norwegian media is just like CNN. impossible to get facts out of all the propaganda.


Does that word even have meaning anymore or has the american MSM killed it alreadY?

No. See my other posts. He's the judge that declared "black Lives Matter". Complete activitist nutjob. Needs to be removed.

Fuck you, kill yourself at the earliest opportunity please.

She needs to be removed as well.

Is one of them David Brock? Pic related.

I don't get this.
Our CIA and the FBI and the other intelligence agencies have full knowledge of foreign terrorist groups trying to infiltrate our country with the intent to do harm.
I can't speak for Europe, but our process of vetting immigrants has been top notch since 9/11.
Most of our terrorist attacks have been home grown guys, shouldn't we be fighting a propaganda war to keep American Muslims loyal to America first?

>and Trump said, "ban all immigration from Africa", shouldn't he be able to stop it?

The precedent under current law is that the President can issue executive orders as he will. But if those orders cause undue hardship without providing greater benefit, then plaintiffs can sue and get the order stopped.

Washington State claims, rightly so, that this order places undue hardship on them and should not be allowed.

>yfw activist judges will be purged in our lifetimes
they set themselves up to get btfo, then """protest""" by rioting

shit is too easy, but still sweet

>he literally says that in his inauguration speech
He isn't talking about just islamic terrorists though.

He's talking about the globalists, criminals AND terrorists. The first one he can't just name without having everything on his side.

That would be bad ass. Good idea user.
Did you see that they revoked 100,000 immigration visas as precautionary move because of the fear of legal challenges? Haha bad ass move.

Those aren't valid reasons. It's bullshit placeholder filler. It's similar to Sally Yates putting out a statement defying the executive order. She put "reasons" that aren't relevant to the question of constitutionality. That should be the heart of all decisions for this.

No prob. Happy to help. And hey - wasn't it proven that Norwegian media was in the tank for Clinton? There was a lot of evidence - Clinton Foundation money and stuff. I saw it a few months ago.

He's tweeted like 5 times about this judge's decision. Considering he's the POTUS, and he's released less tweets about Iran and that's someone we may end up going to war with, I consider it a rampage.

This. Pol is full of retards

One of the powers that congress explicitly gave POTUS is to limit immigration as he sees fit.

This is two branches of the government in agreement, and a random judge is mentioning greater benefit and precedent - a judicial creation.

Judge going to get btfo.

I 100% disagree. We shall see who ultimately prevails.


Your argument is intelligent and very sound. I don't think his executive order necessarily stopped any terrorists, and it's more of a message that he's cracking down on terrorism and he's going to do whatever he can to stop it.

Ignore the other countries, let's talk about don't think stopping all Syrian refugees was a good idea? These people can't be vetted. It's proven that for enough money or whatever, people over there will falsify documents and shit to give you whatever identify you pay for. It's very risky to accept these people. Please argue otherwise.

Smart dude. Wanna move to America? You're the type of immigrant we need.

yes. its embarassing, and its gotten out of hand after Trump won the election.
I just hope Trump keeps on winning, as europe has a lot to learn from him.

>Syrian refugees can't be vetted
Who told you that?

>It's proven that for enough money or whatever, people over there will falsify documents and shit to give you whatever identify you pay for.
Proven by whom?

Can't wait for the BTFO moment. After his declaration of Black Lives Matter and this judicial overreach/move of political activism, he needs to step down.

>Who told you that?

Director of the FBI before congress.

Whether or not you all disagree with the ruling, stop saying
1. It's bullshit. It was OBVIOUSLY placing undue stress on Washington State
2. The Constitution gives the President control of immigration. While true, the Constitution ALSO gave the court the power to overrule executive orders in cases of law.

In this case, Washington State sued a Federal order that placed undue harm on them and challenged the President's assertion that the ban was in the best interest of national security. All of this was legal, the ruling was fine in that it protected an effected party from executive over reach.

Also, it is a TEMPORARY injunction. Further cases will establish whether or not Washington's claim was true.

Why so many bongs being douches lately?

>the constitution gives the President control

should say the congress. The second use of constitution is correct.

CTR got their hands on fresh new proxies

I think they are part of the muzzie/EU infiltrators, Brazilbro. Sorry my countrymen are being dicks.

Secretary off State Hillary Clinton.

Forgive me for using "politifake"

Trump is an idiot

At the committee meeting, U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., asked Comey if there was concern that the FBI could miss a potential terrorist infiltrator because intelligence databases may not contain complete information on every refugee.

Comey agreed, saying the procedure isn’t perfect, because it relies on checking for criminal records or other nefarious activity.

"We can only query against that which we have collected," Comey said. "If someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home but we are not going to — there will be nothing show up because we have no record on that person."

Although Comey said the process has since “improved dramatically,” Syrian refugees will be even harder to check because, unlike in Iraq, U.S. soldiers have not been on the ground collecting information on the local population. “If we don’t know much about somebody, there won’t be anything in our data,” he said. “I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”
James Clapper:

“I don’t, obviously, put it past the likes of ISIL to infiltrate operatives among these refugees, so that’s a huge concern of ours,” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said at a security industry conference in September, using another name for the Islamic State. He added that the government has “a pretty aggressive program” for screening refugees but that he is less confident about European nations.

Here you go you fucking retard. You're totally BTFO!!!!


what did a judge stop trumps executive orders? don't tell me please this will make me angry

He's gotta fit this shit in twitter character limite.

Bad < cunt in characters.

There's a character limit on twitter you loon.

Drump triggered cause Checked and balanced

>Bad people are very happy
What did he mean by this?


Like calm down nigga you'll be fine