Q.Can you tell us what to expect in the near future?
FBI user: We expect some movement next week. High level arrests of close to 3 dozen pedophile politicians, some who are quite well known. Another 42 people also expected to be arrested in the drag net. 72 in all.
>checkd digits
user will it lead to a war?
Actual fake news
I wonder if Malaysian Mike has already told the Podestas to go into hiding just to spite us
keep an eye out for suicides in the coming weeks.
It's been quiet today. Too quiet.
Yes, nothing happening is always proof.
That's some serious source fucktard
The poor formatting doesn't help me to not think this is a larp. I would both like pizzagate to be real and not be real. To have politicians locked up with good reason will help clear the swamp. On the other hand...those poor children :(
But still, this article... fuck it.
kek is here lads, bump
There's always something to piss and moan about when you make a living pissing and moaning. I don't hear them today.
half of /pol would fuck a kid if they got a chance
this place is full of mouthbreathers that would lick the boots of the pedo elite while they chop up their little sister
don't think article to realize how things are progressing
474 people busted the other day.. how many more to come? we shall see
kys your ideas are worthless
Which is why they are outright trying to turn public opinion to favor anti trump rhetoric.
even Dilbertman admits that Pizzagate is likely cognitive dissonance
homeland security ad on human trafficking filmed at a pizza shop
Wouldn't confirmation bias be the correct term?
If this were to happen the MSM would just bury it again.
>FBI user
I thought he died.
Fucking do it already
There's been a post about Pizzagate blowing up every day for the last month
alex jones pointed out that they recently arrested a lot of pedos and rescued at least 28 kids in ((california)) and the news was pretty much silent about it
>1 post by this ID
>nice proxy, Leaf
might be a different one
What- I got nothing else to say
Can you imagine the shitstorm internally if FBI user was real? Guarantee they either figured out who it was and canned him/changed his role or they had a Bureau-wide memo about staying the fuck off Sup Forums or you'll go to prison
>tfw Paul R Nelson turned informant and led FBI to Republican child traffic ring
Bump for Justice
>1. Post LARP thread on Sup Forums
>2. Write about LARP thread on blog
>3. Post ITS HAPPENING thread about blog post
>4. ???
>5. Profit
>I'm totally an FBI insider
>something YUUUGE is going to happen soon
>please pay attention to me
How lonely do you have to be to LARP and make this shit up,.
hey its me, the fbi. sorry, we got paid lots of money so we cancelled the raid. also Sup Forums said lolis are cool, so chill out bro lmao
KEK is always with us
Imma givena bumpzza
homeland security ad on human trafficking filmed at a pizza shop
Fuck off CTR
About as lonely as us for bumping this thread
hey its me, the fbi. we used the money we got paid with for vacations LOL
hat's a big part of it, but there's definitely cognitive dissonance at play too
>evidence that doesn't support my conclusion? It must be a fake!
>I already know I'm right, so any evidence that says otherwise must just be part of the conspiracy
fuck guys, I just found this strange bill the other day. Could it be related?
kys degenerate and stop projecting your sick fucking ideas
Is this rare flag?
For shareblue: white people will always be way higher up on the socioeconomic ladder than shitskins, and we always will be!you know that in your heart to be 100% true shareblue. I want to waterboard your faggot pedo boss Brock with pure grain alcohol everyday 24/7 until the skin of his face peels back from his bones like everclear on a linoleum floor.
DHS pizzagate commercial
girl outside pizza shop
swirl on window
guy walks buy looks confused
sign changes from free parking to
im sold all night
narrator says:
your second look could be there second chance
stock crash on monday
>try to hide pizzagate
They arrested hundreds of people. It's actually happening.
>cognitive dissonance
Probably doesn't mean what you think it does
well, absolutely nothing he said turned out to be true
and then he suddenly stopped posting
I think signs point to him being a LARPer
The pleasure of fucking up a pedo elite is much better than licking their boots
Tony Weiner is facing child porn charges, not a peep out of the media.
Let the night of long knives commence. This purge will be fucking glorious to see happen.
Gotta say, really doesnt help pizzagates credibility when loons like these attack anyone who disagrees with unverifiable evidence
pizzagate is a psyop. Gelitin did a painting of it in 2001, you can find it toward the bottom of the page on Gelitin.net (they did the performance art for 911 before 911) the only victims are regina lapp (22 female) who died of unkown causes in the Pajama factory(Which is where werkinonmahnightcheese, has an actual killroom, he wrote killroom on the front door of, and posted pics to instagram-see pizzagate wiki Jeff Smith) Alefantis himself had the Pajama factory video taken down, but he won't take down the Pegasus video that has been uploaded to another channel. Other victim is Caris Cummings(taped to a table on alefantis instagram with man standing behind. This may the same girl as posted to Pizza Brain's website wearing a shirt that says "pizza slut", making a child wear that, warrants a investigation of Pizza Brain. Pizza Brain is connected to Little Baby's icr cream. LIttle babys ice cream went viral back in 2012(over 11million views of youtubers who made reaction videos saying Little babys ice cream is serial killer pedo dog whistling, for the same reason that alefantis instagram went viral, because of blatant serial killer pedo dog whistling(part of an obvious psyop since this youtube pizza pedo flash mob also included, Paperboy Prince (made blatant video dancing in front kids on playground, pizza in hand ("ridin round with that pizza"), as well as Dan tallerco(pizza journalist-who made a video talking about dead pizzas in 2012 "pizza obituary, pizza talk episode 5) who did a video on Pizza Brain museum(the kind of pedo place that might have a novelty handkerchief with map of pizza places on it). The pizza brain museum founder uses the phrase "pizza related" in a video. Clearly this a simulation started in 2012, which was purposely leaked to us through wikileaks. The shills are still wrong, since the pizza talkers since 2012, are part of an organized psyop effort, involving children (caris cummings) in a government psyop, which is child abuse.
Hey Sup Forums.
I work for the FBI and I can tell you that none of this is actually happening. All we are doing is rounding up all niggers and faggots and slaughtering them.
You're welcome.
no its a faggot
Praise KEK
Well that's promising.
I just finished my night shift at Nintendo and this was all everyone was talking about, there will be investigations and arrests for years.
About to BLOW...
This poster is my dad, can confirm he works at Nintendo.
what the fuck is up with OPs irrelevant source. I'll believe it when I see it.
Expect arrests to be made 9AM EST
We are entering a new era. The happening of the likes of which we have never seen.
We will remember February 6th 2017 for a long time to come.
2/6 is the anti-9/11
Original FBI user hasn't been here since before the election. Many suspect he was Michael Brown and the wife he often mentioned was named Susan. Snopes says it's a lie so it's probably true.
why do you people keep losing your shit over nothing
stop pretending things like this are real
i'm not even a shill, why can't you see you're all chasing your own shadows
this is like bogdonoff-posting except that you guys actually believe it
So Beautiful if true, this wicked demon needs to be behind bars.
wats this guise?
Also don't forget Freedom Hosting 2 was hacked and 2.3 gb of pedodb was released.
Many new emails, usernames, bitcoin addresses to cross reference.
Sooner or later, shit is going to rain in bags.
My FBI contact said arrests will be made Monday morning with Super Bowl hysteria as a cover.
>that sexy dragon
I come to Sup Forums to get away from my g/fur boners and now I half need a fap.
I lost track of pizza gate. How far does this rabbit hole go?
>Super Bowl hysteria
W-what? Like the wardrobe malfunction? Tom Brady gets Joe Thiesmann'd?
My FBI source says Trump is the most aggressive president he's ever worked for. Trump gave them two weeks to arrest those indicted.
seems accurate but dense, nothing really revealing. cant be proven either way really
For real. That's international tier news.
Monday morning will be clogged with Super Bowl everything. It's going to be quick and quiet.
>still pushing this faker than fake news.
>no evidence whatsoever, not one bit.
Only if the mainstream media get a whiff of it, but they won't.
Praise Kek, Praise FBI user
They're inhaling right now. But they won't report it. It's up to indepedent media and people on twitter.
youre an idiot and a shill.
>half of /pol would fuck a kid
we know which half you are
Prolly... topic has shelf life of three days tops.
Next week... we know...
All likelihood, just a trolly shillarper, but maybe... yus maybe...
Mangia! Mangia!
Check out the triangles...
>Because we need the American people to join in this fight. Do you want our children targeted, raped, damaged? Do we want our politicians belonging to some Saudi, or some Israeli extortionist? Do we want our politicians to be owned by Goldman Sachs? Do you want your daughter to end up alone with a Jeffery Epstein, Alan Dershowitz, or Anthony Wiener?
Former FH1 pedo admin will be soon deported to the US... expecting many happenings.
he left until you had time to forget all his bogus predictions from before
spooped me