Will he be sworn in this week? What is holding him back at this point?

Can anyone tell me the full run down on what we can expect to happen this week in regards to Jeff Session?

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I heard it's because shitlibs are prolonging the process.

Will he bring down the pedo rings?

could the VISA ban have included people sessions could prosecute, they delay his swearing in and a judge temporarily messes with the VISA ban to let their future prosecutions leave?

They are holding off until the rest of the cabinet is confirmed by the Senate, since the moment he gets confirmed he has to resign from the Senate and can not vote for the nominees and Trump needs basically every warm body in the Senate that he can get to keep the Dems from voting down his nominees....

Shit so he's going to be the last one in? Any idea how long they will hold off the rest of his cabinet? I know there are 11 of them left to be sworn in but I'm not sure what the usual wait time is following the Presidents inauguration.

This. I believe it's mainly because Betsy Devos's vote is in jeopardy and likely not the others. Once she's confirmed they will likely vote on Sessions.

As soon as he gets appointed.

pizzagate bust


^ followed by the stock market crash

Honestly though, I have no doubt in my mind that Trump has everything lined up to commence the pedo raid as soon as Sessions is sworn in.

Why the hell are they so set on delaying Sessions' inevitable confirmation? Is this the hill they want to die on? The man is undeniably qualified for the job.

Why not pick a fight over someone else? Like the braindead Education secretary-to-be or the anti-EPA EPA guy?

He'll be in the role by next week.

Based Jeff Sessions.

He'll be approved.
Betsy DeVos is the one they are targeting
She may have been put up as a sacrificial lamb

Need more time to destroy evidence and cover up their tracks is my guess

Te other presidents have had more confirmations by this point than trump has

She'll get in unless the dems get a miracle and another GOP senator flips but that's highly unlikely. Especially since the two who did flip were teacher union backed shills who effectively just destroyed their political careers in the party. Pence has the tie breaker and he'll use it and DeVos will be appointed. There's nothing the dems can do and the Teacher's Union will autistically screech for days

I noticed the 2 dissenters are both women.

They are from rural states that don't benefit as much from Charter schools

So what? This is nothing but political theatre, everyone (maybe with the exception of DeVos) will be confirmed. They're using political capital they don't have on a fight that's unwinnable.

Good luck fighting the Supreme Court battle, Chuck. Say what you will about Republicans, bit they're a lot smarter tha. The other side. They've always done a great job of controlling the narrative, and they'll do that now and paint the Dems as much greater obstructionists.

It's hilarious how myopic the Democratic party is. They deserve another whopping.

is the butthurt on devos actually founded? i'm not a blind trump follower but generally his picks have been good, lotta uncertainty about devos though

The EPA guy actually admitted to climate change being man made. Sanders was still buttflustered tho

The Saturnian Cult is scared of him.

Democrats and Some Neocon republicans try to prolong as possible as they can because They knew if Sessions get in then they will be fried alive in thousands way Due to involved in corruption, treason and sex ring

>Charter schools

She's a nut who only cares about school choice as long as it helps her evangelical agenda. Not to mention she has zero experience besides being an "education activist" in Detroit. By the way, nearly half of Detroit is functionally illiterate.

DeVos is arguably the worst pick. By far. Leftists love screeching about Rick Perry, but his energy policy in Texas was decent. Ben Carson is the token black guy, but even he seems better than DeVos.

Jeff "BDSM" Sessions

Party is OVER for Shitlibs once Sessions gets in

I'm ok with DeVos because she will fuck the Teacher Union up.

I'm sure there are other ways to fuck unions up without worsening the already horrible education policy.

Ask Scott Walker for union-busting tips.