The gang of dirty fucking muslims who raped hundreds of underage white girls in the UK are due for release soon and the...

The gang of dirty fucking muslims who raped hundreds of underage white girls in the UK are due for release soon and the prime minister is trying to get them deport. Only problem is their lawyers are trying every dirty trick and delaying tactic in the book to try and stop this from happening. The judge has blasted them for it. Turns out a national newspaper has kindly told us who is representing this absolute scum.

The lawyers who are representing the racist muslim child sex abuse gang who raped hundreds of white girls are none other than:

Burton & Burton Solicitors
Fox House
17 Dale Street

What say we give them a bit of Sup Forums justice?

Other urls found in this thread:

bump for justice

I'm all for gasing this human filth and their lawyers but what the fuck is Sup Forums justice? Blocking their pool?

Is this what it’s come to? Prime target in sight and no one here knows what to do anymore? I guess all Sup Forums is now is pseudo fascism and dick rate threads.

You're the one in the UK. What can I do? dumb teajockey

>What say we give them a bit of Sup Forums justice

t. Redditor

Nypa faggot

Is this just a general trend with subhumans or are all mudslimes ears particularly fucking low hanging?

>released soon
Wtf?! Rotherham scandal commenced 4yars ago!
They didn't get at least 30years?!

those would unironically be considered white males in America

>Burton & Burton Solicitors
>Fox House
>17 Dale Street
>NG2 4LE
Burn them to the ground

fuck off newfag

lol? how long do people get for rape and child abuse in Germany?
6 months?

> Sup Forums justice


They should be free

"WE WANT A RACE WAR" "lol you wanna start a race war what are you a fucking faggot #notyourarmy"

Grow a pair of fucking balls and go murder these clowns

They're probably court appointed. You can't blame them for this, they have to defend all comers.



what a waste of a get


>not something we all want

This is a board of peace. If you want to start a race war then I don't know what to tell you other than kys faggot. Then again I tell everyone that



wasted fucking hell

what did kek mean by this?

Wasted get.

all criminal lawyers are subhuman scum, probably the number one group that should be targeted.
we have a pretty famous slut ciminal lawyer in australia (depicted in a popular miniseries) who gets fucked by the client and half of the court and judge in pretty much every case, obvious, blatant corruption, sex for light sentencing.


if this was america they would need to be deported for there own safety.
for that matter if that was america they would not of gotton a 6month sentence.

Nobody is putting a gun to their heads.

Dues Vult retake Constantinople

also this twat is addicted to various drugs and still operating as a lawyer to this day.
i would love to see her life collapse from under her feet.

I'm here for the get

i'll bump that


They can't be forced to take a case, can they?

Fuck deporting them chain a rock to them and throw them in the fucking Thames

What does he mean by this?

I believe you can be stricken off if you refuse in some instances.

Why is it always Pakistani's? Do the Indians in the UK act like this too?

>We should kill the rapists!

>What if we kill their dirty jew state appointed legal representatives instead and let them go haha

Enternal anglo is at it again

Someone eventually takes the case.
not sure how it works in UK but in america the case get's passed around tell someone takes it or it falls upon someone who for lack of a better work is sorta under contract from the government to take these cases.

so yes and no more than likely these guys accepted it given that there actually pushing to get the guys the best deal possible that or the sand niggers have help from some sand nigger organization that's giving them legal counsel in which case the lawyers have no choice but to send the paperwork in for whatever.

the race wars started a long long time ago cucky

Mexican are the last defense against killing the jews!

There's still niggers everywhere niggering it up, so I'd say it hasn't started yet. Maybe pre-game warm up but definitely not a war.

>4 years for gang rape of children

You euros are such fuckin cucks

save europe from itself

who the fuck are you kidding, britbong
those snaggletooth Yuke Hay teen girls were LUSTING after Big Brown Cock.

Make a thread on double 4 chan too. They'll probably pin it.

This is Rochdale...different group of criminals, same MO.

Someone should just find out where they live and off them.
Seriously..even the libtards would have a hard time painting a gang-rapist-pedophile killer as a bad guy.

why not both?

I want to kill someone.

This shit is infuriating. Why is this allowed?

not your personal army

we are a board of peace

be more subtle next time


>we are a board of peace
aussie speaks the truth