Ask a non-liberal Berkeley student anything
Ask a non-liberal Berkeley student anything
Who is lost SJW you've ever met
how deluded is the campus really
I don't have the picture of the Russian chicken but prove it faggot or your just another larper.
Im not sure what you mean
There are posters al over that say "fuck trump" and "is monogamy really the future?" not to mention the bathroom stalls are full of "FUCK DRUMPF!!!" and "NOT MY FUCKING PRESIDENT" as well as your generic anarchy symbols
how are the classes? (in terms of professors and students talking about trump)
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
Can you please post picture of this around the campus.
Naziphobia is a big deal guys.
Why are you a racist?
Is my school Id proof enough?
Some professors believe in the whole "don't talk about political affiliations at school" thing, but others are full on "fuck drumpf and fuck you for voting for him!" to the point where even my Anthropology class dedicated 2 whole classes to talking about that whole Milo riot, also some of my classes had a moment of silence the day trump was elected..
Can you still get bots of acid there?
are you Russian hacker? And how much do you pay Putin to be one
I would get murdered for just having that on my phone here, let alone spotted hanging one up
Because i've been to a school that lets the coloured people in
>moment of silence
my God, thats fucking crazy
Have you ever revealed your power level?
inb4 someone uses that bar code to find out who you are
how's the republican club holding up?
I dont use it myself, but yea, this campus is swarming with drugs and drugies tbqh.
My ties with russia are confidential, friend.
If you're at a university, it's usually just not worth the trouble. I mean maybe if you're just feeling bored and ornery.
after lurking Sup Forums i know that US universities are commie hotbeads, but in Poland if you're not in some liberal arts meme degree you can be casually racist
do you feel the education is still worth it at least? i guess you would have to get a good word of mouth about professors before signing up
I havent revealed myself yet, and don't honestly plan to, a lot of people like me dont want to risk being jumped here. Tensions are very high.
I never joined it, despite encouragement from friends, due to the fact it is essentially a public hit list for the crazed liberals there to use.
you realize that that barcode is still usable, right? completely cover it next time
what's the ratio of normal men to numales
Depends on the crowd. When I was an undergrad in an all-male dorm we'd sit around and exchange racist slurs for fun.
If I'm working with profs and grad students around a conference table allegedly to advance research and they crack jokes about politics like they're 5 year's old, it's just easier to smile politely and wait for the conversation to get back to business.
Well I guess that means I'm officially on the "Alt-Right hit list" at Berkeley now, thanks for that tip
Stop larping. When we nuke Berkeley, we will do it knowing there are no rational people under the mushroom.
In my 2 years here, I have met 1 person claiming to be conservative/libertarian, and 1 person who was sort of inbetween. everyone one else I've ever met here is a numale cuck.
I gladly give my life for the betterment of America, MAGA, friend.
I hate to say it, but it depends. I'm not sure I would say my education was worth it at the current tuition rates. It was at the time.
I would aim toward a low-cost option unless you really need or want to get in to a competitive place. A buddy of mine recently went and got a graduate degree after a number of years with a BA bouncing around unsatisfactory jobs. But he did it on the cheap and in a particular and unusual field that he's interested in and good at. Definitely worth it for him as a decision to set his life on a different track.
How big is your dick
isn't that last year's class pass?
in the negatives
I don't take the bus anymore, I commute from another city, about 60 miles out.
lmao nice job leaving the barcode uncovered, you're gonna get doxxed
Its just my ID number, without my name and the rest of the info, its worthless.
like your life, after (((they))) find out
but for real bro, how is the situation there, like is it really that intense that you could be killed or badly hurt if people find out that you are right wing
Would you say most people who go there were liberal to begin with, or is the indoctrination so strong that they turn people liberal?
I would imagine most freshmen would not have much of a political ideology at first.
Possible, depends on who it is that finds out, but it is 100% ion the realm of possibility
>Badly hurt
that WILL happen eventually if you let people know you hold conservative (aka NAZI) views here.
I'd say a fair amount are liberal before they even get here, but their views are only strengthened once they arrive, and the poor moderates that come here either join them, or see the lunacy and how almost cult like it is here and push that type of shit away and become recluse, or join the republican club (or simply hide the fact they are conservative, like me)
>never met a conservative
come to BCR you faggot
So here's one of the good tricks to play if you want to ream one up the administration's ass. They're worried about money and PR. That means they're worried about parents being concerned and getting on the phone and giving them fuss.
So what you need to do is organize with a group people like yourself and then organize a way to have your parents start calling them all riled up and angry demanding to know what steps the university is taking to ensure the safety of their children, what psychological services are available, etc. And you'd want to present a litany of all the cry-ins, moments of silence, and everything else you doubtless got email blasts about.
That way you can escalate and move on to directly contacting whoever had a moment of silence or sent the email blast.
Next step, get out your student handbook or whatever else they provide that outlines the rules of conduct and university vision. The question is: are they living up to their own ideals? Then you can start with whoever wrote or issued that documentation, and proceed up the chain of command. Save the tactical arguments for the low-rank goons and the broad strategy for the higher-ups. If necessary, go all the way to board of directors, and contact the legal department for advice along the way.
You have to hit them where it hurts.
I always wondered how colleges became so liberal in the first place? I don't know if you would have any insight into this, but do they ask professors their political ideology before they get hired or something?
Are the students so liberal because they come from money and never had to deal with actual nogs at work or in the real world?
Fellow UC fag! Greetings from San Diego
Is Berkeley boring? San Diego is piss fucking dry and there is nothing to do
That's laid out in extensive detail in more than one book that I've read, but I forget which one to recommend. But basically you'd want to look into the flow of money and the transformation from learning to training.
Who was phone ?
There are many reasons, including the nature of the work (conservatives go into business and finance or labor work), the fact that leftist ideologies empower academics, a closed environment that actively keeps out conservatives (compare mainstream institutions to religious ones), the intellectual need to always be progressing, and, of course, Soviet influence (no, not the Frankfurt School).
I wouldn't be surprised if they did ask the professors desu
I think it's more about location and money though
There's protests almost daily but otherwise it's pretty boring
What's your major?
Is it white?
Is it expensive?
Biological Anthropology
>Dat Uncovered Bar Code
Your ass is about to get lit for going to a faggy ass school like Berkeley. Mnah, i'll let you off the hook. I got to a public university in California also. Not as liberal as UC Berkeley (Noone can beat Berkeley i guess). But still, it's tough making friends when 90% or more think if you voted for Trump then you are a Nazi-racist-bigot-transphobic-homophobic- you get the gist. It's stupendous! The memes have literally broken into reality. SJWism has got to go or else i'm moving somewhere where i can escape ad return with help.
Jesus Christ. What the fuck does that mean? Transhumanism?
Ever see the show Bones? She's a biological anthropologist just focused on forensic anthropology. That's the good shit. Otherwise it's a lot of human evolution and shit.
Dude try drinking prior to political discussion. Everybody gets mad as hell and they all start shouting at once in a blind rage. It's great.
>the show
>human evolution
OK, transhumanism.
>tfw I was planning on doing grad school at Berkeley
not so much anymore now
I literally went to Berkeley because of name recognition.
Don't be like me
Go someplace that is actually good
No way man! I have a hard time keeping my power level below 9000 as is. Alcohol would make me go full blown Saiyan. I also have a real suspicion that i'm about to get v&. I've begun to notice the same vehicles everywhere i walk and the amount of small planes and helicopters looming over my home is becoming too consistent and numerous. I need to straighten out my act.
Alright guys, been fun but I gotta fuck off somewhere. Feel free to keep posting but I wont be replying anymore.