
That's not what genetics shows though

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Blacks have physiological differences from whites.

Have a person sit down on a table until the backs of their knees touch the edge of the table. Then ask them to point their toes in the air.

Blacks will point their toes straight up. Where as whites will point their toes inwards and up.

This is the quickest example of how different races even use different groups of muscles.

I'm not saying only blacks can use xyz muscles. I'm saying that different races favor different muscles.

If the black points their toes like a white or a white like a blacks then the odds are that they aren't purely that race.

Also blacks have different bone densities from white. The darker the skin pigmentation the more calcium will be in the bones.

There is also a brain cavity to dick size relationship. I'm not saying having a smaller brain makes you less intelligent - that is actually determined by the folds in the brain (concentration of neurons. You need more folds to have a greater surface area of white matter). But blacks have the smallest brain cavity with the largest dick size and asians have the greatest brain cavity with the smallest dick size.

This shit you're reading from MIT is propaganda.

what research are you citing?

Literally none. As always.

>big dick meme
>brain size meme
blacks have smooth cerebellums though

richard lewontin was a mistake

My brother is an anthropologist.

The dick size to brain cavity lecture was given at WVU. Everyone agreed with the guys findings but then he tried to claim that blacks on average are less intelligent (they are) - but this is not because of brain cavity size (which is what he cited as the reason). Needless to say, no one wrote any articles about these findings.

As for the muscle groups - my dad is a neurologist and has to run basic tests on new patients. One tests involves the dexterity of their limbs. He says blacks always point their toes up and whites always point their to inward.

This is because blacks use the muscles higher up in their legs but whites use muscles closer to the ankle.

>anecdotes are research

Oh look, it's a non-biology paper trying to say what is biology and what is not.

Interesting information. Too bad nobody wrote shit on that guys findings.

I'm sure you could find the research papers if you search google scholar

That's literally all research is-a giant anecdote that every one has encountered.

I wasn't being sarcastic, btw. I'll try looking for it sometime soon.

>>But that's not what modern genetics reveals. Quite the contrary, it shows that race is truly skin deep. Indeed, genetics undermines the whole concept that humanity is composed of ''races''—pure and static groups that are significantly different from one another. Genetics has proven otherwise by tracing human ancestry, as it is inscribed on DNA.

this is gibberish.

>race isn't real according to my new convenient definition



If that's what modern genetics reveals, why is it that nobody in the field can study this without severe repercussions?



Political correctness.

Blacks don't have Neanderthal DNA in their genetic makeup. Every other race within the spectrum of humanity besides Sub-Saharan Africans DO.

How can blacks be modern man without a genetic contribution(s) that everyone else has?



the bone density thing wasn't part of that guys lecture.

I'm pretty sure you can easily find documentation on that.
More redpill info:

Blacks and abbos are the only races to not have neanderthal DNA.

So they are actually a bit more different from us than the MIT paper would like to claim.


So modern genetics reveals political correctness? Cool science, next.

holy shit I literally just said this lol

Big Black Myth.

I'm a Urologist and I see alot of dicks in my line of work.The biggest dicks I've seen have always been white. Smallest dicks are Pakistani and Indian.

>The darker the skin pigmentation the more calcium will be in the bones.

You're retarded.


The higher the intensity of pigmentation the more calcium there will be in the bones

Feel better?

Remember goyim, race is skin color and nothing more

Thats not what genetics shows though. Go ahead and move to southern africa and say that they are exactly the same besides skin color.


Just because it's hosted on an MIT server doesn't mean it comes with MIT's blessing, support, or even awareness. It clearly states that this is an article by a non-scientist journalist (and not even a science journalist, Mark Schoofs works for fucking Buzzfeed these days).

Literally every peer-reviewed paper published on the matter says that race exists and has significant effects on personality, aptitude, and ability.

we don't know shit about genetics and epigenetics for that matter. mit is cucked as fuck apparently

Obviously, the races aren't SIGNIFICANTLY different, but they're different enough that there are noticeable effects on the large scale.

>Schedule appointment with new doctor
>I get asked for my race

Gee I bet those racist doctors are just trying to avoid treating black folks, that must be it.


Except they're wrong.

Caucasiod, Mongoliod, Negroid, Melansian, Dravdian, Abo, Amerindian

Significant skeletal differences and other traits. Not to mention admixture with other homonids are different.

Its a strawman by pretending the claim was that races are a static group of traits that everyone in one category has that no one has in other categories.

The truth is that on a large aggregate scale, races can be identified and categorized roughly by various traits that combined in particular ways results in persons that tend to look a certain way have have a certain physiology. There is also the point of genes and haplogroups. If there was no genetic basis for race or ethnicity then genetic ancestry would not be possible yet its a booming industry at the moment.

Because there are literally differences in bone structure and genetics to the point that different medicines work better for blacks than whites and vice versa, and that, given two skeletons stripped of flesh, someone specialised would be able to tell you which race each belonged to.

Hell, I believe they can even tell from a blood sample.

Having traces of a failed sub human is orob why youre steadily failing now.

that's easy find the nigger with sickle cell anemia

well not so much anymore.

Genetic drift actually makes it possible for other races to have sickle cell.

Well, mixed races anyway.

East and South Asians seem to be doing just fine, they have Neanderthal DNA in their genetic makeup as well. Everyone outside of Sub-Saharan Africa thrived and created. Blacks have done nothing.

Neanderthal DNA is actually shrinking in modern man. The traits might be unsuccessful for reproduction.

nigger confirmed.

The Nazi's put Jews into concentration camps for the same reason we did it to Japs. During WWI, the Jews had almost unilaterally supported Germany's enemies and greatly contributed to their embarrassing loss.

Blacks are 55x more likely of having the "warrior Gene"that makes you violent and crazy

>5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele


50% of Whites have the empathy gene compared to 10% of blacks


Intelligence is mostly inherited, blacks score on average 1 standard deviation or below whites on IQ tests meaning far more are near retard level while only a microscopic number can be called "geniuses"


Here is an African trying to build a plane

Just because the Nazis misinterpreted eugenics doesn't mean it is wrong.

eugenics was supposed to peacefully elevate humanity without the violent natural selection which animals must go through.

The Nazis turned the ideas of eugenics on its head, by embracing natural selection via total war, where the strongest nation would defeat all others in a fight to the death, which is precisely what eugenics is supposed to prevent.

Liberal eugenics must be embraced again. We can create a utopia with eugenics.

Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races.

Genetic analysis "supports the traditional racial groups classification."

"Human genetic variation is geographically structured" and corresponds with race.

Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals.

Oral bacteria can be used to determine race.

Race can be determined via brain scans.

Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

You can use DNA to determine the race of a criminal

Exactly, it's like questioning the thermite reactions validity because just seeing molten iron form from it is anecdotal

Why do you think? Because it's bullshit and the real results would be racist

this right here folks

damn this is a powerful counterargument. srs.


Don't be upset nigger, just because we're smarter doesn't mean you guys aren't better athletes or more human or something.
>We're failing because we let other races in kek, that's got to feel bad to know you are the ruin of civilization

>race is only skin deep!
>just dont practice that as a doctor or you'll kill your patients lol

sure thing libcucks

>it shows that race is truly skin deep

They routinely determine race and sex in forensic anthropology and archaeology but lefties will push this meme anyway while also claiming to be the pro-science side.


They actually have more neanderthal DNA even

>That's literally all research is
Guess how I know you've never done research on anything before

I read that japs have differently angled pelvises in a manga.

Jesus christ no wonder the africans used to kill and eat them

Dude, we're not buying this fake holocaust any more.

It didn't happen.

The holohoax was a cover up of the atrocities the Russians, Poles, and Jews did to the Germans.

god these creatures are hideous, and people wonder why blacks are the worst looking race, not just their shit skin

Actually that is a very good point.

Asian women have the shortest distance between the base of their vagina and their asshole.

Black women have the greatest distance.

Ayyy rule britannia motherfuckers

>muh toes
this is the dumbest shit i've read today. congratulations. reminds me of this scene.

>everyone in this thread with literally zero counter arguments think they are smarter than MIT researchers

lmao i guess you know what they say

[spoiler] pic related [/spoiler]

Oh shit son, how will MIT ever recover?!

Niggers, jews, arabs, chinks, trannies, faggots, feminists, SJWs and other leafs are still need to be purged.
At least for hyhiene purpose.


I admit it I am very stupid!

>race is truly skin deep. Indeed, genetics undermines the whole concept that humanity is composed of ''races''

Man, it feels kind of fucking crazy to live in a world where the ones denying evolution are now the prestigious liberal universities.

Just you watch. In our lifetimes Dawkins is going to convert to christianity or some shit. It's like everything went topsy turvy.

someone's afraid to test this out (you)

admitting isn't enough. you have to truly understand it!

You are correct! I am stupid YES. But do I understand my own stupidity. NO! You are right! How do I understand my own stupidity ? Teach me user

The liberals don't like it, they think a freak with no legs and two heads is a-ok because otherwise you're an ableist. We're all equal and shit, even though I'm sure if you asked the poor bastard he's even say he wishes he wasn't born.
Niggers are 55x more likely to violent?
>Not all niggers
Muslims are the only people that blow themselves up and kill innocent people
>Not all muslims
It's always the same with them, they don't live in the real world.

In canada a free speech event got shut down by ...lefties.

The regressive left has spoken!

Its time to swallow aa final redpill anons.
There are probably no god or gods. Or we will never prove existence or non existence.
You're just a hormone addicted meat bag, biorobot with self- and cross-progrramming brain.
You're just a transport for genes.
Aim of existence is to survive and reproduce.
Your self awareness is a lie, a fantom.
Consciousness is an evolution bug, same as Ego.
Morality is a inner sense of profits of non-zero sum game.
Every religion is a lie.
Money is just information.
You can't see the truth because of biological limits.
On the peak of development communism, capitalism, anarchism, democracy, totalitarism become the same.

Ultimate form of organisation for human brings is weak AI based hive-mind, with every human being without consciousness connected to the Whole equially and forming a superbeing.

Paradise on Earth is reachable.

you can start with flagellating yourself every morning while reciting "any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."

Have you never seen the difference between black peoples calves and white peoples calves?
>I was on the rowing team in uni and the athletics squad would come in the same gym sometimes, I always thought long distance runners had high calves and explosive athletes had fuller ones because all the niggers that ran 1600m had the high calves, but it turns out like 90% of black people have them, and 90% of whites have the full calves. Ask the next nigger you see he'll confirm.

As someone who has studied genetics, this is bullshit. Nowdays we are discovering more and more slight mutations between races, that are different from skin and are about physiology.

Noticed that Obama granted millions of dollars to persuit "presion medicine"? This is based on this concept. Different races react different to some pharmaseuticals, some have higher effects, others lower. Another thing, is that, for example, blacks have much higher rates of Sickle cell anemia, because it's genes provide resistance to malaria.

This shit ain't based on skin. It's based on populations and their enviroments. To say there is no difference is just not accepting the new facts about genetics that are being discovered. The genetical diference is very small, but it's effects are huge.


Praise Kek !

this user is red pilled

>This shit ain't based on skin. It's based on populations and their enviroments.
doesn't that exactly the kind of shit that aids the point in the op?

there are going to be physiological differences, but even then those are just tendencies. would you really use that stupid toe test to determine anything?
even different people within the same race will use different muscles depending on their body and what they do for a living.

people are going to be different, yes. what i'm saying is that that poster is retarded. that he somehow linked brain to penis size is just the cherry on top.

Where are the proofs? They have no data page, this is not a peer reviewed study, they claim there was no interbreeding with other hominids (which is insanely unlikely) the Nazis are referenced in the first line and the fucking 'world renowned' geneticist ((Eric Lander)) (yep who'da thunk it) is a failed mathematician that taught remedial classes in Harvard and somehow ended up being a geneticist that never contributed anything to the field, except for making the first genome sequence less detailed to get it done fast to claim the team did it first.

PCA cluster analysis

Nucleotide diversity is based on single mutations, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The nucleotide diversity between humans is about 0.1 percent (one difference per one thousand nucleotides between two humans chosen at random). This amounts to approximately three million SNPs (since the human genome has about three billion nucleotides). There are an estimated ten million SNPs in the human population.


By populations, I mean genetic populations. Not all the individuals in a pop have the same genes, but a given pop will have it's on statistical distribuition of genes.
By enviroment, I'm talking about the eviroment in which a race evolved, and that shaped said genetical pool.
Using the Sickle cell anemia example, it's present in all populations, in low rates, except in blacks, in which is higher. This is because it limits live expectations (and is deadly if it's on mother's and father's side), but if you only have half of it it provides protection against malaria. Since malaria is prevalent on Africa, black population evolved to have these genes in abundance.

TL;DR basic mendel genetics.

for zyzz

Of course we're all very similar fuckwit, we're the same species. A change in just five genes can change your entire facial structure.
Now take out the 97% we share with apes and now we're talking about significant differences between the genes that only occur in humans.
>Nice irrelevant post though. I actually took biochemistry at Imperial so I'd like to hear your fucking qualifications

The amount of different nucletide is worth shit. Some differences mean nothing and don't change the protein generated by a gene, while certain variations of just one nucleotide can fuck up and give you a deadly genetic dissease.
Small porcentual variations between two populations can mean a fuck ton, it's just about investigating what genes are being changed and in which way.

>Humans and chimps share 99,3% of DNA

Nice meme

that 99% similar to chimps memeshit has been disproven. Try 80% idiot.

I think they lowered that percentage, though I'm not sure.

Holy shit what is kek's first prophecy

Doctors already know that medicine affects people of different ethnicities in different ways. Is just common people are still stupid. All people should be taught university level human biology and medicine

We share 80% with bovine mammals you twat, it's still high 90's just not 98 anymore

Think of it this way

average IQ:
niggers 95 - nothing
mexicans 98 - nothing
sand niggers 98 - bombs
indians 100 - philosophy, buddhism, science
whites 101 - philosophy, science
asians 112 - gunpowder, paper,
jews 115 - banks, interest, america

Just 17 points of difference turns bombs into banks

Exactly this.
The biology that most people know is pretty much basic, and mostly obsolete.

Your dick size comments calls you whole statement into question. Dicks size has everything to do with heat exchange. Your dick is a radiator. The hotter and drier, the bigger dick you need to manage temps and keep the swimmers happy.

I don't even understand the toe thing. People can't just bend their toes (without using their hands) 90 degrees straight up into the air, or even close to that. Wtf are you on about?

Which is why blacks have bigger dicks. They need to release heat because they were in africa.