Libertarians are becoming more fashy

Because communism aims to take power from the individual, and grant it to the state.

The Civil rights Act told businesses who they could hire. No freedom of association.

Hart Cellar lied that it wouldn't change demographics. Now we have lost our ethnic dominance and these populations are increasingly voting for bigger government.

It is logical for Libertarians to be fashy in this age. Because we are in a culture war with communists, and we need to swing the overton window.

Really, I am a republican and a libertarian. I believe in a balance between America's original identity and personal liberty. This WAS the original intention of the founding fathers.

jewish fascism is where were headed

we will be strong

ape assesment

glock em



Libertarians are all correct

The Bogpill is the final pill.



No one will see this but I'm animesexual


libertarians are faggots who sell us out to globalists


The Reich will be born anew in 2018



The ones who don't believe in borders are.

Unless they believe in boarders for capital flows and trade, they invariably sell us out.

And if they do believe in protectionism, that usually requires a "big" state.

There is a lot of variation. But, yes I agree.

Should be proud many are becoming more fashy

Look how Molyneux is transitioning. Reminds me a lot of how I many go through a liberal phase before arriving as a conservative. Try on ideas, question them, arrive at a more correct theory.

I'm willing to bet 25%+ of antifa will become hardcore conservatives in the future, at least ones with higher IQs