What teh fuck what the fuck what the fuck

why does the department of commerce have an estimated 15,000 identical white cars and vans parked across three square miles at Port Hueneme, California?

Go there on google maps, there are EVERYWHERE by the thousands, all blocked from public view.

What the fuck, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/Port Hueneme, CA/@34.1632516,-119.2116979,906m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80e84b007fdaca29:0x48333ac255857a54!8m2!3d34.1477829!4d-119.1951074?hl=en

The four parking lots in that one pic are one section of many identical sections full of identical white cars and vans, just go south and east along the major streets. they're everywhere

More like 900 cars.

They are mail trucks.

Go there on google maps. There are around 20 different parking lots, OP pics are just a fraction. Use street view, they are not mail trucks. Unmarked, plain white.

I counted 13,500

google.com/maps/place/Port Hueneme, CA/@34.1632516,-119.2116979,906m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80e84b007fdaca29:0x48333ac255857a54!8m2!3d34.1477829!4d-119.1951074?hl=en

>He's right

for a comfy ride to the FEMA camps. Ready for the oven jew?

it's almost like the government buys and uses vehicles ?????

>dept. of commerce
>it's almost as if there is a receiving area for imported vehicles near the dock
You're a fucking idiot.

Archives show the vehicles there for ~6 years. Imported vehicles would also be different makes and models.

15,000 identical, unmarked vehicles for the dept. of commerce?

well they do have 47,000 employees per commerce.gov/page/about-commerce
maybe those people need transportation?


its communication.

Whoa 15k identical vehicles from a government body?!?!?!

Ok, retard. Tell me what the conspiracy angle here is.

who knows? I can't think of any decent purpose for all that.

But on the local paper's website they say they're overflow imports with white protective coating

Government (specifically navy and marine corps from personal experience) will drive white vehicles marked us govt all the time for official business and duty drivers. Nothing crazy here desu.

Marine corps govt vics are just standard white vans. No conspiracy, just vans going to military bases so everyone can have a duty vehicle

They's gonna uber for extra moneys.

to stage events?

aren't there like 3 million non-uniformed civilian federal employees? 15k cars doesn't seem unreasonable if there's a large number of federal employees in the area for whatever reason.

I live in port hueneme top kek guys

Also, we are the only deep water harbor between la and the bay

literally govt rental cars..

Those are toyotas and will shipped to Isis through Saudi Arabia

Government waste. There thousands are rotting FEMA trailers too

Usually government acquisitions have to be manufactured in the US. Doubt those are Toyotas.

Unsold, Hidden.


Your government has an abundance of cars instead of not enough

Not all countries can say the same. Be glad of it

If it were anything important, they wouldn't let it be on Google Maps

>Port Hueneme
this is where a large % of all cars imported into the US come in.

If you want to see something weird, go to Cal State Channel Islands, and go to the residential area they built next to it. There's a dirt lot holding thousands of brand new cars. Every day hundreds are delivered and, generally, hundreds leave.

Staging for distribution is massive, scale-wise.

>the gov stole the money from citizens to buy those cars
>lucky citizens