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sounds like a lot of people out of work in china, theyre already pissed off, lets piss them off some more

Why is Trudeau such a cuck? I thought his father was Fidel Castro not Pierre

people still have to take care of the robots. And it also makes Mexico and Chinya worse

Serious question. As automation rises, how will the businesses continue to make profits when the purchasing power drops due to less money in the hands of the populace. Who will they sell their products to?

other corporations

corporations rule the world

It still requires maintenance for the robots/building, electricians for the wiring, plumbers for the plumbing, janitors for cleaning, among other things.

Corporations dont buy though they sell comodities

Hopefully automation will bring back social darwinism, and only those who are willing to take entrepreneurial risks will succeed.

Unless, of course, we will one day reach a post-scarcity utopia, in which social welfare programs can be virtually limitless, and human labor capital not needed.

Did he take a dive?

On an industrial scale, this can all be automated.

The only caveat is domestic situations.

Except that's not nearly enough jobs to replace the ones taken by automation. If robots can replace 500 industrial workers, then it doesn't open up 500 jobs to keep the robots running.


still more than 0

Who's gonna fund more pipelines when we've moved to renewable energy in 5-10 years?

It's a cut from Chinese standards though, not western. Western factories already have these levels of automation.

Repairs and maintenance, u canadian dummie

>renewable energy in 5-10 years
wew haven't heard that before


renewable energy is a meme that only survives because of massive government subsidies

skynet is real

The big question is why shouldn't that manufacturing be done here instead? Where American consumers can benefit from the lower prices?

no one, the world economy is on a path to collapse, it'll get to a point where farmers and armed gangs who can extort them for food will have the most power, we'll enter a sort de facto neo-feudalism most likely, either that or we'll end up with a distributist economy in which people will own what they need to make a living and large corporations will collapse under their own weight while small businesses and micro generation thrives

Do you want to live in smog?

True. I make a much better wage as an automation troubleshooter than the operators do. Though they outnumber us 5 to one in my shop. It is a bigger difference in the shops that use older tech. Hat we are looking at is fewer, better jobs. Perfect for an educated, well off smaller population.

Renewable energy has dropped 80% in costs in just 10 years. That's insane. It's already cheaper than coal without subsidies. And it's only going to get cheaper. We're looking at a near future scenario where renewables costs 1/10th of what fossil fuels cost now. Only thing holding them back at this point is battery storage for times when the sun and wind aren't strong.

What an exploitable image.

>Does this look like the face of mercy to you?

What smog?

We're not fucking china, we actually have huge fucking environmental standards imposed on us, we're one of the most heavily taxed and regulated economies in the world, what the fuck makes you think there would be smog??

The godddamn EPA pollutes more than factories do.

Oh good, cheaper Chinese products with better qual...



can you give me some sites/info on this please

>The godddamn EPA pollutes more than factories do.
[citation needed]

You are correct that the price has dropped, but it's still ~15% more than coal.

USA and Russia will go full blown socialist states and or there will be massive purges...Rest of the world is going to rot in overpopulation without an economy.

Automation will red-pill everybody on how terrible machines are. Nobody will have money to spend because the robots will keep all the money inside the companies instead of workers getting paycheck to recycle money back into the system. There's honestly no threat of robots replacing human workers.

>1 factory

Who knows? Some poeple say we've been through this before, but how do we really know that it'll be the same as industrialization.

The only jobs in the future will be mercenary jobs under your local warlord

>tfw you will never live in the 50's America

>we sleep to forget things

are they just figuring that out? that's what dreams are - flushing items out of your memory that you don't need. your active mind makes up stories as it sees the last of these being flushed out for something to do.

This. Can you imagine how big the riots will be when people are starving? There is no way they are going to let this happen without some major overhauls to how society functions. Maybe UBI, maybe something else.

looks like he has a glass jaw. pushed the button on his chin.

Unless they magically became cost effective overnight, we'll be using oil for a lot longer

The price drop info is correct, but he's bullshitting about the price being less than coal. Wind is getting close, but it's not there yet.

The price has continued to drop. All reports show it is more competitive every year.

How does word "renewable" not excite you? Outside of idiots who are unable to find a job outside of the coal and oil industries, I don't understand why anyone would pro-fossil fuels? For the memes? You do realize we're going to run out eventually, right?

>which social welfare programs can be virtually limitless, and human labor capital not needed
we're heading in this direction but the world can't handle it, i bet the Trump and multiple government organizations talked about automation destroying labor as a resource

Frankly, full on automation would be the final straw that would cause the working class to literally take up arms and storm corporations. We'd have a violent revolution on our hands.

Machines aren't going anywhere. In the short term the profit benefit is too great. Companies are going to be racing each other to automate the fastest. It will cause widespread unemployment for many years but nothing will be able to stop it because it just saves too much money and creates too much productivity. The only solution is socialism unfortunately. When you can't provide enough jobs for the people the only solution is to give them a basic income and try to keep them occupied with entertainment so they don't get too bored and start committing crime.

Automation means chinese workers are unnecessary. It becomes ideal to manufacture automated things where you sell them, so america will start producing again if everything is automated- there just won't be jobs.


Richard Nixon proposed a basic income plan. food for thought.

If people get upset and create a law against using too much automation, China will just continue to do all of our manufacturing.

>productivity rises a bajillion percent and theres literally zero defects
>product is still trash

Nope the government systems will change or people will die. Well people are going to die anyways so we might as well get a Utopia out of it. Fighting against technology so you can be a wage cuck is the funniest thing ive ever heard.

Yeah right. Skynet's still only a fantasy, but why should we actively pursue something that could eventually lead to it being an actual thing? Especially when Sup Forums has already proven that advanced AI can be twisted into fascism rather easily in a matter of hours.

I'm both excited and scared about automation. One one hand. A completely automated industry running at maximum efficiency most likely means prices go down and goods become more available for everyone. On the other hand it most likely will lead to a socialist hellscape where you depend on the govt for everything. I don't think we are ready for it.

But will they still use their workers or go full automation?

time for UBI


>Automated repairs for shit like that
That's a loooooooooooong fucking way off buddy
Even if all the actual manufacturing is done by robots, having those maintenance jobs in America is better than having zero jobs.

>If you kill your enemies they win

This is an even bigger problem for China

Do we still use horses to transport goods or did we go full automobile? No one brings wooden spears to wars anymore. People are obsolete in the industrial job market.


The problem is less the price and more the reliability, wind and solar need to be built in very specific places for maximum efficiency and even then it's not THAT great. We need to invest more in nuclear if we actually want to replace coal for power generation.

Let China go full automation and see what happens to their country.

That little fucker knows what he did.

Bingo. The entire issue with worker's rights is that if you increase wages far beyond their marginal level, you also increase the incentive to decrease costs enormously. Create a law granting expensive healthcare or pensions and the guy who automates automatically becomes more profitable and all the employees get fired. If this isn't an option you end up with some undeveloped country undercutting production(see china) since they don't have these restrictive laws.

>you need just as many people to repair the machines as the people whos jobs the machines took

nope. Total automation is a while off, but majority automation is just around the corner, would already be here if not for "muh jubs" retards

It's really not that far off. Every company is looking to automate as much as possible. In my company in just the last 5 years we've had two entire departments shutdown by automation. A simple cheap computer program can do the work of 200 people so they all got laid off. And we're not even a high tech company or an industrial manufacturing plant.

You already depend on the government for everything. They pack people in massive skyscrapers for petes sake. If the systems shut down today billions would die. Stop acting like we are a free race and embrace the future.

Lmao, the way you talk screams reddit, anyways, the energy it takes for solar panels to pay back the energy required to make them takes years to pay back, and then it is degraded.

The people who own the factories make a shitload of money and the people die of starvation. Same thing that always happens in China, just much worse for the poor and much better for the rich. If you don't own a robot factory, you'll be dead or so poor you'd wish you were dead.

Sounds like the best argument for stopping all immigration. If automation is going to be getting rid of jobs, we don't need immigrants who will be a burden to the remaining taxpayers.

So whats the problem here? I would rather have machines make shit in my country than give chinks more money.

If China goes full automation, their people WILL take up arms. Slave labor is at least a form of income, but no labor at all for all those people and all the tanks in their possession will save them from the sheer amount of human flesh driven mad by starvation.

will not save*

china will just implement UBI and prove once and for all its the most capitalistic country on the planet

I run a makino 5axis with fanuc controls, pretty sure robots use something very similar to gcode, if not the same thing.

seriously though I guess universal basic income will be a real thing one day, and think about it, it would be a win for the government, if you dont obey the laws, no check for you. plus they wouldnt allow all those people on the streets, it would be literal chaos.

as fucked up as it seems some people will just receive a check in the mail. whenever it becomes economically viable to do so, they will replace humans at every turn.

That quote is rather interesting, even adam smith said in the wealth of nations that advanced capitalistic countries could support everyone with much fewer workers and this was 200+ years ago. Wealth is all about productivity, not jobs.

China's a communist country. They'll manage by giving people food and a little bit of money. America is the country that's going to get fucked the hardest. America is too inflexible on the issue of handouts. It will take America too long to realize that the world has changed and by the time America does, the riots will have started.

DUH. Thats a main reason i agree with Trumps anti immigration policy. Even with automation we have low enough numbers and the geography to take care of our own. The military will protect our boarders and we will be set!

This is the real future people dont seem to grasp.

>We sleep to forget things

>and all the tanks in their possession will save them from the sheer amount of human flesh driven mad by starvation.
Tanks already saved communists in China from millions of mad starved chinks, they will do the same thing again.

Basic income would be a thing then I suppose

But user we need muslims to replace the shrinking population!!

you will build the robots

Not really. An actual revolution is a country so large can't be stopped, you can't count a few thousand in Tienanmen square as revolution. Assuming there's enough starving individuals, they'll do anything to win and there being so many, the government will lose.

Won't nearly all jobs be automated in our lifetimes? The only ones left will be for engineers and scientists to maintain the machines. How will the global economy react to 99% of people unemployed? Surely money won't have any value in a society with no scarcity of resources and no economic flow.

>jobs aren't coming back
>we need more immigrants
pick one and only one

Question. Who builds those robots? Could it be people? Could you be a retarded fucking leaf who needs to fuck off? hmm?

Because capitalisms fundamental strength is the consumer, not the worker. The consumer funds the good ideas and rejects the bad ones. An investor is just a large consumer who pre-orders the kinds of things he wants to see, whether because he likes it himself, or thinks it will be popular with other consumers (and thus, again, something that must be a good idea).

Its like social media, money is just retweets, likes, whatevers, that help society direct its resources. There is nothing about labor or jobs in capitalism, only ideas and lots of different people voting with their wallets on what they want.

UBI is a capitalist idea (as opposed to socialism which would solve a labor problem with bread lines and free houses/cars/whatever instead of money to go off and be a consumer with) and to be anti UBI is to be anti capitalist.

>what the fuck makes you think there would be smog??

That orange ape ranted something about "clean coal"...

Get cancer and die. If any of you nation ruining, knob gobling, beta nigger tier faggots show up to anymore rallies youre going to get the shit beat out of you. This site is as fake and gay as reddit. Eat shit mods. You will die. Sup Forums is a marxist SJW shithole with fag posts from shitty non countries. 8Ejdu

you need only a few people to build and maintain enough robots to replace many people, if you didnt it wouldnt be cost effective to use robots to start with. So gee, everyone becomes a technician and only 1 in 10 are employed. Great foresight there

The face of a killer

Doesn't China already have a lot of Muslims anyway?

Yeah when fast food is automated there will be two companies with 15 employees each who are periodically dispatched to the auto ff joints to fix robots and touch screens and shit. Then there will be rent a cops watching video surveillance to make sure everything is okay.

Ten fast food joints will not longer employ a couple hundred people? Rather like 30 people.

Repair technicians are going to be the industry doctors of the future

I guess you'd have plow fields with our bare hands, because it takes less people to do it with a tractor

Are you seriously attempting to say that arguing against UBI is the same as arguing against capitalism? Nigga what? It's a fucking government hand out with a fancy name. If you didn't commit some kind of energy towards something, there's no reason to fucking pay you. The assumption is that UBI will spend money but inflation always follows. Then you need price controls, regulations, etc etc in order to make it genuinely "work". It could really only be implemented by a large bureaucracy (the very thing we're trying to get away from).

Fuck UBI, I know what welfare looks like.