Google redefined FASCISM for us

Google redefined FASCISM for us....

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What did it use to say?

yes OP, what was the definition before?

There was none
Because nobody could agree what it was

Woah. That synonym. Holy fuck.

Who edits that?

They added the right-wing part.

>Who edits that?

You caught me, I don't know if this was always the definition or not but I don't remember "right-wing" being in the definition, nor the synonym of "isolationism" or "xenophobia". Those aren't synonymous.

>OP added in those synonyms
The Merriam Webster defines fascism as "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

A stark disparity between this one's and Google's.

>fascism = isolationism
>fascism = anti-semitism
>fascism = "rightism"

Let's just change the definition to include anything we don't like!

I can't prove otherwise, but yall just need to google er yerselves lads!

>not clicking "more"

Get your shit together, Kiwi. OP is legit.

All Trump supporters talk about is MUH FREEDUM

Still wrong in that the only race-based fascism was Hitler's version. None of the others particularly cared especially not Mussolini.

Trump is not particularly authoritarian at all and is only modestly right wing.

Fascism only existed in one country from 1925 to 1942 under Benito Mussolini, who called himself a socialist and a communist. There have been no other parties calling the selves fascist that have taken power anywhere else. Hitler was a NAZI, not a fascist. Stop conflating terms you don't understand.

I tried to explain this to my English class when I was in high school and they thought I was fucking dumb. They're ideologically inseparable. They only differ in (((historical examples))).

well fuck me sideways


Churchhill defined it properly

Apparently enforcing immigration law and vigilance against ISIS coming to our country is wildly authoritarian.

It's funny because trump wants to expand the 2nd amendment, allowing his political adversaries to arm themselves. He wants to cut taxes and deregulate the economy. He wants to cut funding to universities that don't respect the first amendment. This whole political climate is just a product of liberals being completely detached from reality.
