Friendly reminder trump is using the NSA surveillance state

Just reminding you all that trump is using the NSA surveillance state. do you think he is spying on pussies?

Btw, here is a video of trump saying Edward Snowden should be executed:

Other urls found in this thread:

just a reminder its been a month... faggot

>The person who thinks snowden should be executed will stop the NSA surveillance state


You can't be this stupid right

He's just looking for the best one to grab

I've long since given up any hope for real change in government. Trump's pretty fucking good, all things considered.

>Btw, here is a video of trump saying Edward Snowden should be executed:

There are only two reasonable perspectives on the Snowden affair: 1) he really is a traitor because he brought over a million classified documents to Russia, i.e. he stole stuff not related to mass surveillance wrt civil liberties abuse, or 2) it was a US Govt. backed operation to brandish our cyberintelligence and cyberwarfare capabilities, and he's really a deep cover operative (note: Obama pardoned Manning and the general who leaked Stuxnet).

Either way, the correct and proper public govt. position is he deserves to be executed.

>He thinks trump is good

user, stop deluding yourself. he is literally one of the worst presidents the US has ever had, probably worse than bush and nixon

Using the NSA for the good of the land. Good luck hiding Antifa terrorists and illegals.

This is why right wingers are insincere:

>Obama uses the NSA surveillance state
"Impeach obama!!!!"

>Trump uses the exact same thing and appoints a person who openly said he wants to assassinate Edward snowden as the head of the CIA
"Nah surveillance state is okay XD fuck privacy :3"

>Worse than bush

Kek, no. Absolutely not. Unless he starts another war in the middle east which ends with 7000 Americans dead and such and such thousand civilians dead. You're fucking delusional

good. he needs all the help he can get to save western civilization.

Bush did not do as much damage in his first week of presidency compared to trump.

And also, trump is not a non-interventionist, he is faking it:

Trump advocating to send US troops into libya:

Trump on the iraq war, a day after it started, at Neil Cavuto of Fox Business:
“looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint"

Making statements is not equivalent to starting wars. Beam yourself back to planet retard, earth doesn't need you.

Not mention trump:
- put a gag order on government scientists

- stops pollution regulations allowing mine companies to pollute rivers

- passing bills to allow mentally ill people own guns

- Ordered a military raid in yemen which ended miserably due to the fact it was done with not enough intelligence

- passed an executive order to "cut 2 regulations for every new regulation", which is absolutely retarded

- Fired the attorney general because she told him he is breaking the law

- Banned 7 muslim countries which is a GIFT to terror organization who seek to recruit people against the west

- Deceives the american public in many different instances, including the crowd size in his inauguration and blaming iran for attacking a US navy ship when the ship was actually a saudi ship and it was not attacked by iran but by yemeni rebels

You are the one who is not on this planet. bush did not cause this much damage at his first week in office.

See what i posted above. that's just a portion of the terrible things he has done in his first week in office

I agree Trump isn't as isolationist as he pretends, but that's simply a negotiation tactic. The percentage of troops the US contributes to NATO/UN coalitions is incredibly unfair.

However, as for Libya and Iraq, he didn't have all the intelligence out govt. had access to at the time, and even then, past viewpoints aside, the geopolitical situation and wisdom has vastly changed since then anyway (i.e. even if Trump would have invaded Iraq in 2003, he now agrees Saddam should have remained in power, so you can't establish his current positions from the past).

>Simply a negotiation tactic XD

He was only one week in office and he already ordered a military raid on yemen. kindly stop pretending to be stupid, i know you are not.

> a big brother state will save the Western civilization
For once, Shlomo is not a faggot and is also correct

Did you read my post? I was agreeing with you, and nothing I said suggests I believed Trump wouldn't engage in Yemen, which is way different than Libya or Iraq. Complain to me when Trump invades Syria or Iran without just cause.

And btw, let me add this:
He was doing the military raid on yemen to help saudi arabia.

HELPING SAUDI ARABIA. i guess saudi oil is more important to him than human right violations. (just like other presidents, desu)

Trump is just a better liar, i hope you will understand this when the economy will start to stumble

>Implying trump isn't already preparing the ground for a war with iran

You seem upset :^)

How is this different? Yemen is yet another domino to fall in the Wahhabist quest to control the Middle East+North Africa

I would have been upset if Hillary won too.
You guys had to pick which type of shit you want to eat.

I think trump was the bigger pile of shit personally, but i can assure you i would rant against Hillary if she won

Cool story bro, surely nobody could nitpick Israel.

Things could be worse though. Clinton could have won

So a civilian of a country with severe flaws, can't point out the flaws of another country? By this logic, you'd never hear a bad thing about any country.

Just because I disagree with the neocon project, doesn't mean I'm opposed to all instances of conventional warfare, and there are scenarios in which invading Iran could be justifiable (like if we had found WMDs in Iraq, for example).

There's merit to arguing against intervention and supporting Saudi interests, that's not what I'm disputing. Commencing operations in Yemen though is in no way comparable to toppling Gaddafi or Saddam.

I just find criticism from a country that is "literally Hitler" to be amusing.

Using your own logic, let's look at things from the perspective of muslim countries: Should muslim countries invade the US because the united states have weapons of mass destruction? i mean, considering any US president in the past few decades was bombing the middle east, it wouldn't be surprising if they feel like the US is a danger to them

Invading Yemen is exactly the same as invading Iraq and Libya. All countries in the path of the Wahhabist control, all taken out by the US military. There is no way to sugarcoat this. Your government is paying for short term personl greed (Saudi, Qatari, UAE donations) for the rapid spread of radical Islam worldwide

You're really gonna compare the danger of a stable, first-world liberal democratic nation state having nuclear capabilities to that if a extremist theocracy with a death wish perpetually in danger of being destabilized? I can't believe I even have to point this out to an Israeli.

Protip: Thats not an Israeli, thats a communist.

>Getting information from a meme


You realize that the reason why Yemen was invaded was because it got rid of its government (but very quickly and successfully unlike the rebels you're trying to support in Syria)

The US is so stable that you have been bombing 7 different countries. much stability, only the US can be trusted with nuclear power amiright?

Hey, i will be fair through, theocracies are much worse than the US. it still might be a big mistake to start a war over the weapons they are developing

fuck off. your neocons created the surveillance state (copying israel)

>implying i'm in favor of the current Israeli regime

Trump's foreign intervention policy is realist, and as such is predicated on the lesser-of-two-evils. As opposed to the Libyan extremists vs. Gaddafi, ISIS vs. Saddam/Assad, I'm not convinced the current Yemeni "regime" is so much better. Again, I'm not disagreeing with your guys' analysis or even the ethical concerns, I'm just saying it's a different situation than the one Trump criticized in Libya, Iraq, and Syria.

Was it realistic to raid yemen when the generals told him there isn't enough intelligence yet?

It resulted in a death of american soldier

Invading countries that aren't a threat on behalf of the country that funds ISIS is realist?

I like you Israeli nationalists.
It's a shame hitler never got a chance to implement the madigascar plan. Judaism and the third Reich might have been allies to this day if he had succeeded

then shut the fuck up and fix these assholes here, faggot

clean your own act, before interfering in others, especially when (((you))) created the global surveillance state, not trump

I don't live in the US, though.

Thanks greatest ally. I'm sure we haven't pursued your interests at all in any of those matters.

I agree, we should stop all military operations and funding to Israel.

Stop talking shit, you kike fuck.

Yes, so what?

My point is, regardless of whether invading to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons is ethical or the correct chess move, there's more justification to do so than Iraq, which is what we were all initially criticizing.

What? First off, Obama approved the planning of the operation. And second, it was hardly unsuccessful.

Again, comparing Yemen to Iraq (which is what this debate was about) is incredibly disengenuous; where did you even get 'invading' from? Covert ops aren't on that level. Considering the benefits from US-Saudi relations, yes, that's the very definition of realist.

All of the times the US has commenced direct attacks, either by drones, bombings, or covert ops, as been against select actors designated as threats to the US or in retaliation to attacks.

Obama specifically delayed the operation because there was not enough intelligence yet.

Trump just went ahead and approved it despite the fact there wasn't enough intelligence yet

Obama was much more calculated than Trump in his actions. Trump is extremely impulsive