Why do you idolize Nazi Germany instead of Russian Empire?

Why do you idolize Nazi Germany instead of glorious and mighty Russian Empire?

Nazi Germany was established as response to the brutal raping in WWI.
Russian Empire was established as result of decisive victory in Great Northern War.

Nazi Germany killed tens of millions of whites and ruined its own country and most of Europe.
Russian Empire colonized Siberia, Central Asia and Alaska and built for whites hundrends and thousands new towns and villages.

Culture of Nazi Germany is now totally banned.
Cultural heritage of Russian Empire is still world-known and popular.

Nazi Germany existed for about a decade.
Russian Empire existed for many centuries.

More over, in the past Russian Tsardom protected Europe from the Mongols and then destroyed all their khanates.
Nazi Germany is the reason of today's massive immigration from Africa and arab countries.

There is no rational reasons to envy Nazi Germany.

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She's dead, no more.
It's over.

NSDAP invented welfare and socialism, the real kind on how you live not the theoretical kind.

Russians never look sleek, not the case with Nazis you gopnik

NSDAP invented national socialist goals that everyone benefits from, invented the welfare of the many > the welfare of the few etc..

United all the classes and power statas, invented new things, built new industrial plants, gave more real power to individuals and not theoretical ones etc..

I like where you are going with this, бpaтюня.

inb4 "the zernokolonka", "bolsheviks are best that happen with russians", "muh Stalin", "all achievments were made under soviet rulership.

Kys Faggots.

Russian Empire/a strong state to the east was a necessity of the world, Hitler possibly thought of this as well, the Russians post is to the east and guards to the west.

because the SU was everything bad about Nazi Germany but none of the good

the Nazis were closer to taking over Europe anyway. I mean real Europe not Balkans and Eastern Europe

>taking over
There was no take over by Germans of sovereign European states only liberation by large arms of Germany.

The metaphysical depth of their doctrine is second to none in the world of politics.
It was not only about economics and governing, it was also about one's self.

>tfw you realise they nearly invented a culture from scratch.
>Brightest flames burn the shortest

>Russian Empire
>Soviet Union


I don't read books and hardly know crap about anything because it takes too long and I have more important things to do.

>russian "empire"
literally WE WUZ tier


Only liberation and the joining into a host of European family states, by big brother Germany.

Nazis appeal to my edginess more.

Why not be edgy capitalist who wants to enslave all the poor?

>because the SU was everything bad about Nazi Germany but none of the good

Fucking lol. This is why the German's lost. They were trained to think soviets were subhuman (and everyone else). Soviets did get pounded at first but Germans became so psychologically fucked from Stalingrad it ended there. Soviets went all out, they were at the edge of collapse and started giving no fucks.

When they saw the T34 they knew they got fucked, physically and psychologically. German's couldn't believe Russian's could build the greatest tank/war machine and it fucking pounded them from then on.
Russia a few decades prior was hundred(s) of years behind Europe. HUNDREDS. The amount of progress was astonishing. Hitler was a fucking idiot wanna-be Napoleon and meth-addict.

>the Nazis were closer to taking over Europe anyway. I mean real Europe not Balkans and Eastern Europe
>closer to taking over Europe
You're an idiot. Taking out the USSR is what mattered, the western front was a joke in comparison. 80% of Germans died to the soviet forces.

German's would have lost regardless if the USSR got fucked. The manufacturing of Britain and the US was so far ahead of Germany, it was over.

Germany rebounded so hard in these decades, all this SJW bullshit and the end of real white Europe and white guilt was because of Hitler's meth confidence. Too bad. Hitler fucked ALL of Europe for likely ever.

Stalingrad was everything. This is a great diary of a German soldier fighting it.

No New Man, no incredible future tech in only a few years, no game-changing public and environmental policies, no futuristic style and uniforms, no New World Order, mixed with ancient dark revivalism.

>german says this
>your jewish propaganda says otherwise

>I watched SPR/BoB, once.

At least be a Russia-boo, don't just be a Hollywood stooge.

Did the USA think Russians were subhuman when you inevitably had to fight the Soviets?
No, they thought Bolshevism was subhuman, same as Germans.

>Nazi Germany
Lost to communists

>Russian Empire
Lost to communists

I'd rather idolize communists.

Hitler was a soldier in WW1. He probably shot a few people.

Made me chuckle.

You just said something without context, when my previous statement had nothing to do with how you responded.

To be fair, communists lost to Russians themselves. We just had to sit back and watch it fall apart.

How about we do our own good and not poke nose in other countries affairs?

How can one idolize the Russian Empire when it set the ground for bolshevism and failed to stop it

I agree. It's a sticky business, though. "America First" elicited a chimpout by globalists. People actually bleieve a people's head of state is supposed to put the interests of the "international community" first, read "corporations and monetary entities". Make no mistake, global capitalism is the reason for the majority of the world's warfare and corruption. It's not easily nailed down to ideology, like the mass murders by communists, as it's crimes are simply carried out in the name of "interest".


>Killing a ridiculous amount of soviet civilians, and only against Bolshevism.
The poor man is a delusional retard. Nazis got fucked from poor strategy and over-engineering their weapons because muh German perfection. Killed their best minds too. They fucked up so many times, strategically, politically. It's embarrassing. Stalin even won after killing off his best Generals.

What did you expect him to say? His family got raped too and likely lived under Soviet rule.

All wrong. Don't care. Read a few books you wiki-skimming retard and maybe you won't post drivel.

Soviets did the heavy lifting for the entire war, even early on with the Jap battles where Japs got fucked and stopped pushing.

Soviets aren't perfect human beings or any of that shit. German's just got outplayed so hard. They would have never won, no matter what. Meth confidence and poor tactics killed German legacy (and best men) forever.


Hitlers only life goal was fighting them.


Why not idolize the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth? Second country in the world with a constitution, just saying . If only we have gotten further and get a Polish-Lithuanian-Russian Commonwealth, we would've been in paradise.

>kill off the most intelligent and accomplished people in his country
>b-but muh BANKS
Most here probably don't even know why Jews are so involved in banking, sad.

If Hitler wasn't such a dumbass they would have had nukes first. He should have never had power to begin with and is why the elite Germans were very weary and skeptical of him. His life goal was that of a shitposter on Sup Forums combined with meth. Sad for the current Germans who still suffer from his fuckups and always will.

I mention meth a lot because it defines Hitler so well in so many ways. Over-confident, thinking he had the impenetrable army and superior blood. Unrealistic in decisions, no fucks given except his legacy to be the next Napoleon but even better.

wasn't the polish-lithuanian-ruthenian commenweatlh almost a thing?

Actually I am in favor of this.
The nazi worship here makes me uncomfortable with my nazi heritage.

Also glad that we have become way less anit-semitic with Trump.

>kill off the most intelligent and accomplished people in his country
He expelled the Jewish race from Germany, Germany was the strongest and richest state in the world, as well as the most technologically advanced, NOT DUE TO JEWS!
Fuck off filthy kike.

Jews were the bankers, lawyers, and all other PARASITES in Germany, the Jew brings poverty, death, destruction, chaos and such.

The Russian empire was a multicultural shithole who collapsed on itself. There is nothing admirable in that.

Yes, yes it was

Panzer I
Number built—1,493
Panzer II
Number built—1,856
Panzer III
number built—5,764
Panzer IV
Number built—8,800
Number built—6,000
Tiger I
Number built—1,347

Germany had only 200,000 Jews, with all of them in parasitic jobs in media/lawyers/doctors etc... none of them in building the economy.

25,260 tanks, world greatest economic power and system, only crippled by the lack of land to supplement such a great race.

russian empire is cool. the thing about nazi germany is it was an underdog with a clear, ambitious vision and a powerful aesthetic, the modernized spiritualism is much more attractive compared to just an empire out to get rich. russia needs a comparable romantic idealism if it wants to be idealized

>burn your own fields and food supplies and claim the enemy killed those people that starved

>order your soldiers to attack in meat waves into machine gun fire because muh numbers

literally the worst most poorly handled military ever the Russians were so shit, they were many many times the size of their opponents and nearly fucking lost in a ONE front war, it's pathetic, please suck Lenin's cock harder faggot

Awesome uniforms thats why.

I wonder why, Russka :^)

Lol nazi Germany was a response to the Bolshevist Jews trying to start a communist revolution, lynching thousands of christians while at it.

We killed them, then we proceeded to finish our job, but were ejected mid-game.

Still waiting for a re-connect.

>He expelled the Jewish race from Germany, Germany was the strongest and richest state in the world, as well as the most technologically advanced, NOT DUE TO JEWS!

Embarrassing post so i'll assume you're trolling. If not, just off yourself for being such a myopic moron. Keeping arguably the greatest physicist of all time, outside of his own country because of some fanatic blood relation paranoia.
Keep spewing bullshit, the irony is laughable. Read a book faggot instead of subscribing to hive-mind dogma.

It's like Hitler wanted to fuck up, he didn't accomplish anything but destroying his own country and killing the best of his people. He would have never won, too retarded to pull out before his best armies got fucked in Russian wastelands.

>b-but muh race superiority you kike!
Please keep clinging onto that. The irony is so thick.

Bepни Цapя-бaтюшкy(((

All parasitic kikes, who did absolutely nothing.

Golden Horde>russian empire

You can go to Palestine with your superior """"scientists""""" and ""intellectuals"", why doesn't israel have such a superior society compared to Whites?
I don't give a shit about Jews, they aren't Europeans thus WILL NOT be in Europe, their filthy degenerate race.

>It's like Hitler wanted to fuck up, he didn't accomplish anything but destroying his own country and killing the best of his people. He would have never won, too retarded to pull out before his best armies got fucked in Russian wastelands.
He accomplished 14 years of war against the Jewish aggressor.

>what is the roman empire

>Golden Horde

The lowliest German worker is superior to the best kike.

>literally the worst most poorly handled military ever the Russians were so shit, they were many many times the size of their opponents and nearly fucking lost in a ONE front war, it's pathetic, please suck Lenin's cock harder faggot
Read faggot, instead of watching movies. Communism is disgusting, keep assuming we're all fanboying one side.
My point was Soviets still won even though they fucked up immensely. Stop being such a binary child. With the French being laughable and the US still fucking around, it WAS almost entirely a one-front war. Hitler knew that you petulant idiot. He thought the Japanese would do much on the East of Russia, nah they fucked up too.

That was the entire point of operation Barbarossa. The entire war depended on it and 80% of the German army died on the Eastern front. Embarrassing move and should have learned from Napoleon.

>media/lawyers/doctors etc... none of them in building the economy.
Take an economics course you fucking moron.

You guys could have made some real arguments, but this shit is embarrassing. Is Sup Forums in high-school trying to be edgy and contrarian? This is a comedy clusterfuck.
Hitler permanently fucked Germany. I would love to see his reaction today at his society. Too bad he was a pussy and offed himself.

Keep being a kike it will surely help your case.

because of superior memes

Nah bro I think even the most globalist like is far superior to the average turkroach

You have to be in high-school, right? Stay mad. You're a waste of anything productive.

>He accomplished 14 years of war against the Jewish aggressor.
And his entire nation got raped and fucked. Merkel is a rebound from Hitler. Shameful.

"Saliva samples taken from 39 relatives of the Nazi leader show he may have had biological links to the “subhuman” races that he tried to exterminate during the Holocaust."