Here in brazil the level of autism is incredible, to end this curse we need to answer this question: Is nazism left or right wing?

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Third position

Natonial Socialism is neither left wing or right wing, and it's absolutely retarded to think of politics with a 2D spectrum.

Left wing and quite decent economic policy with a right wing as hell fucking full retard foreign policy. They should have stopped at Poland.

There is no left or right only up or down. Up with national socialist freedom or down to the ant heap of anything opposed to national socialism

Economically left
Socially right

it's a dead ideology

>poltards believing being right wing will safe them on the day of the rope

What's the name of the z axis on your spectrum

Seu Fascistinha de merda


Soviets wouldn't have stopped at Germany

Its is centrist. That would be an oversimplification though. Not everything can be represented on a 2D graph

Depends on how you define right and left.



No, but if Hitler didn't waste his troops trying to plunge the right reds into the Urals he probably could have held them off fighting over dead poles.

Holy fuck

Liberal style of government based on conservative style of living.

Radical. Centrism.
Radical elements from both left and right.
Radical social traditionalism.
Radical socialist economy.

At least that was the idea, until Hitler sold out to big industry to gain power. Then it was basically radically traditional social democracy, without the democracy.

Nazism is syncretic.
These left vs right (((memes))) need to die.

Forget Socialism being exclusively Marxist and research Prussian Socialism. There's your answer.


From the point of colloquial use of terms left and right, Nazism under Hitler was neither.


That's an awful analysis. Strasserism wasn't centrist at all.

Fake quote, nigger.


Yes but Strasser said something similar.
>We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system! And with my inclination to practical action it seems obvious to me that we have to put a better, more just, more moral system in its place, one which, as it were, has arms and legs and better arms and legs than the present one!

>Dr. Martin, I am a man marked by death. We shall not be able to go on seeing each other for long and in your own interests I suggest you do not come here any more. Whatever happens, mark what I say: From now on Germany is in the hands of an Austrian who is a congenital liar, a former officer who is a pervert, and a clubfoot. And I tell you the last is the worst of them all. This is Satan in human form.

Objectively the worst combination.

Socialism wasn't exclusive to marxism. Remeber, it was MARXISM Hitler wanted to get rid of, they called it Red Terror due to what it did to Russian people and German economy.

that quote was made by Gregor Strasser (who was killed by Hitlers goons during the night of the long knives).
also he didn't give workers the means of production and he increased privatization,

Which is why they rose to power and threaten the Jew world into killing them? What kind of shill are you?



also half of the quote is fake since neither Hitler or Strasser where found of Marx

Starsserism= Far left

Hitlerism= Centrist

Himmler= Far right

Socialism is left wing , explain how it could possibly be right wing?

Just because you call yourself socialist dosen't make you one.
Is the Democratic peoples republic of Korea democratic? technically it isn't a republic either

That sums it up better than the fucking wall of text I just tried to explain it in. If you think in terms of a single spectrum with two end points you close yourself to all other possibilities. These kind of dichotomies are mind tricks to keep you from thinking outside of prescribed boundaries.

You could try fitting it into the left right dichotomy but why bother? It doesn't have to exist within a democratic dialectic because it isn't democratic.

This. Just like most of modern "democratic socialists" aren't even socialists.

it's obvioiusly left wing. The only remotly considered thing that is right winged is the assumption that nationalism is a right wing tendency. This is a fallacy though. When we discuss whether something is right or left we usually mean what is their position on the free market. Everything else we add to that definition is partisan politcs which can change anytime with the swing of the populace's opinions. Therefor, nationalism has no left or right. Hitler was a socialism in a pool of communist sharks, hence why to them he was a right winged lunatic. In reality, he was more of a leftist than bernie sanders.

What did Kek mean by this ?

That depends m8. It's maybe like that in America.
In Europe left-right relates to social stances mostly.
But as this Australian said, it's dumb to simplify ideologies like that.
For example, I'm placed as centre-left on political tests, but I vehemently oppose Muslim immigration, abortion, cultural relativism and shit like that.
In contemporary political climate, I would be denounced as Hitler reborn.

isnt it the opposite?
socially left due to the focus of the collective and nation and economically right with privately owned companies instead of government owned?


Nazism falls straight up on the PC, it's not left or right

fourth post best post

kek's sense of humor is amazing.

It's authoritarian left wing. The social programs are a dead give away. The racial purity is just authoritarian. Not specific to left or right.


very true though, why did he want to kill stalin so bad?

Mostly left but because of muh nationalism it makes it ultra right wing

>privately owned companies instead of government owned

In National Socialism? Do you even corporate state, bruh?