Do you realise that if she had won we would be 100% doomed now?

Do you realise that if she had won we would be 100% doomed now?

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Daily happenings though, including epic world war. Not so bad.


Yeah, kinda nuts innit.



If she had won, then the fuckheads who are starting fires and beating people would have had their way.
The very thought of it infuriates me.

This. I'm bored of winning i need more happenings.

Every day.

Every goddamn day.


She'd probably ban lolicon within the first year, feminists love bullying innocent pedosexuals.

Yup. Hillary would have already attacked Russia and Iran as she promised and would be under the Swiss Alps right now. What Trump has done is tame in comparison to what Hillary promised to do. close

That's alright, Trump is trying hard to fuck up as much as he can.

Enjoy the next 4 years, leaf, as Canada will have to accept that the US is not necessarily taking its side when Russia makes absurd claims regarding the Arctic Circle.

Is there some way to save the people that live in the Hillary timeline? We can't just leave them like that.

America would've been annexed by Maple Sweden, But that's exactly what a shillary-fag wants

But she did win the vote, drumpf is illegitimate. He is actively undermining our democracy.

We must merge the timelines so that Trump can end Hillary's reign everywhere in the multiverse

Hope exists in every timeline. Those under Hillary's rule must fight another battle.

they're probably already dead.
I wonder what the last posts on Sup Forums are in that timeline.

There must always be conflict, There must always be a story to tell otherwise we become boring as shit and get cancelled

I am happy Trump won but...

I remember the old days in which we all hoped for wars and happenings. A Clinton presidency would have surely meant WW3 and would have made Trump look great in hindsight. Now anything bad that happens is blamed on Trump.

Just imagine how much wealth and power that witch would have accumulated.

The Bogdanoff's descended down from the heavens and merged their consciousness with their main-timeline counterparts,

Sometimes you may dream of a world completely sundered apart with social justice and nuclear hellfire, Those were not dreams

No, anything bad that happens that was caused by Trump is blamed on Trump.

I see neonazi kiddies like the victim game as much as their neon-colored-hair, sexually confused counterparts on the political spectrum.

fuck you

Don't you have some threads to upboat in your safe space?

This is CREW misinformation and a classic case of psychological projection. This is your reminder that the Democratic Party is the one harboring pedophiles.

A cogent and well-measured response. Trump intellectuals are truly a pinnacle of rational thought.

It's all you deserve. And yet still better than your safe space.

On the contrary, we are doomed if we don't remove (((Trump))) from power.

>provides zero reasons why

We are doomed. Trump is one of them. They're 4d chessing us, you have no idea how fucked everything is.

>Trump intellectual at it again

I'm in Team A. You're in Team B! You said something that deviates from what we should say and think. Look, here's a gif to help with my response! I can't form thoughts. I can only think in stereotypes fed to me.

i can fucking feel it

h4 is antifa dont tallk to him

>Republican Congress refusing to work with her like they did Obama.

It would be shitty, but not armageddon shitty.

yes. we would have been permentanly fucked.
Beyong the point of unfucking ourselves.

though i do find the entire election campaign suspect, when the only person ON THE FUCKING PLANET, that this demonic cunt had the ((chance)) of winning against, was Donal Trump


Yes I agree

Nasty woman

It's so much nicer having a president who cries like a little bitch faggot every time someone criticizes him.


The Canadian cuck president?

That would be our prime minister, sir.

No, Trump.

Luckily the people that matter disagree with you as Trump continues to let you destroy your party. #MAGA #LOCKHERUP #DRAINTHESWAMP.

I can't stand her but this made me legitimately sad.

I wake up every morning happy and thank my lucky stars that we won.

The god emperor will save more than just this timeline, even know he's working on a secret project to connect to the timelines, protecting us from interdimensional judaism with the power of his will alone.

my life was literally in danger during her bid for president I would have been in hot water if she got in.

>The lefties don't like people talking about "flying cars" if its not their little clique doing the talking.

Never forget

trump is a kike puppet, there will be happenings