Is classical music the ultimate proof of white superiority...

Is classical music the ultimate proof of white superiority? Only white people can gather together and cooperate to make something beautiful as classical music.

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it's called jazz, and classical musicians lack the skill and creativity to play it.

No, Australia is the ultimate proof of White Supremacy
> Send literally the worst of your country, which is all white people, to this deserted wasteland shithole that isn't even habitable for the most part and lacks accessible resources almost entirely
> A literal Criminalistan
> Dangerous animals and subhuman abbos and shit everywhere
> 100 years later it's a first world country with one of the best standards of living in the world

>freeform jazz
>good music

pick one and only one.

>compare something as simple as jazz to classical music.


>norgay thinks jazz is simple
>norgay thinks classical is complex

The jazz that black created was just some random gibberish. whites came and made it better

Jazz is negermusic, isn't it?

Hipster faggots pretending to like Classical.

>Only white people can gather together and cooperate to make something beautiful as classical music.

You realize that classical music is dying in the west, and is only really being sustained in countries like China?


g'day m8. put another shrimp on the barby.

The jazz music that blacks created was simple, when whites came (see Original Dixieland Jazz Band) they gave it structure. Jazz today isn't a pile of junk, I agree, but it was when blacks "created" it.

Which came from ragtime, which was written by blacks who were trained classically by whites

Try harder faggot

Jew haters btfo

It's true that the top pianists around today are either Chinese or Russian, but there aren't Chinese composers who can match what the European composers of the past did

You have no sense of European culture you mutant freak.Classical music is very popular in Berlin, Oslo, Stockholm, Moscow, St Petersburg, London and Vien and other major cities. In Norway over 1 million people watch the new year concert in Vien on tv. We also have big new year concerterts in Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo and many other smaller cities. Classical is still very popular.

He converted to catholicism, but nice try

The chinese aren't dominating classical music at all. There are maybe 4 or 5 big chinese pianists. Russians are dominating it, yes.

They definitely are. Look at any university or competition, even the Americans are Chinese. They still lack a certain spirit in their playing but they are technically skilled and there are tons of them

>mfw people all around the world have heard of Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Louis Armstrong, etc.
>mfw i can't even name a norwegian classical composer, let alone pop artist

everyone knows Norwegians are shit, and germans/austrians are superior.

Never heard of Grieg you degenerate?

You have never heard of Edvard Grieg? Yes, Germans and Austrians are good, but not better. I would pit Grieg up there with Schubert and Mozart.

I know only Armstrong, he's a nigger with huge cheeks who play the trumpet.

If you want something complex, try opera, a classical orchestra + singers who also have to act like in theater

I dunno, man. You seem some of the crazy shit those niggers in Africa can do with bongos?

no, i haven't. that's the point im making. im sure he's 'good', but no one has heard of him, meanwhile everyone in the world heard of these jiggaboos previously listed.


>muh orchestra
>muh classical musicians playing together
>muh simple music entertained with opera
>j-j-jazz musicians don't play in an orchestra r-r-r-ight guys?

eurofags sure are grasping at straws.

Jazz for me is elevator music, fucking boring, but whatever, I'm not an expert and I don't claim to be.
I'm out of this thread.

I know of that Armstrong neger. It's a pretty bad argument for anything how known they are, though.

PS: You have heard Grieg's music already without knowing it. I promise you. Go on YouTube. It's used everywhere.