I have NEVER wanted a terrorist attack to happen more than I do now!

Here's hoping ISIS blow up the superbowl

What do you think President Trump's reaction would be?

Purge the judges?
Genocide the judiciary?

the fact that one single judge has the power to overrule the president is pretty retarded

it's pretty clear Trump is setting up for a Reichstag Fire

what's it gonna be and when?

He'll probably get his buddy Erik Prince to organize it

Fucking ninth circuit is ridiculous. Supreme Court will wreck them soon.

why would he announce it tho? Now if something happens the left will have a conspiracy field day

>Purge the judges?
>Genocide the judiciary?

Both, followed by tearing up the constitution and declaring himself president for life.

And being the cocksucking, whitetrash, dickhead you are, you faved every single tweet.

That's not the problem. The problem is that it got up to a federal court so fast

Checks and balances are fucking stupid. Especially with how what it takes to win the presidency.

At that point, you should be allowed to do whatever you want. Why even have a President if his decisions aren't even honored?

What good is a ruler if he can't rule?

don't cut yourself on that edge

>executive thinks it has more power than the judicial

Trump is to smart to get caught. I hate false flags, but if it will shut the fucking left up, I'am all for it, and I think most of us are. We know the truth about Islam, not just radicals. We also know people are not coming over here blowing shit up every week, but that does not mean once we start letting in Muslims in high numbers, refugees etc....they won't start killing innocent people. We can't take the risk, and let Islam take over the United States.

Uh... What other court would it go to? A federal district court is literally the original jurisdiction for such cases.

>I have NEVER wanted a terrorist attack to happen more than I do now!

yeah, go ahead and kys pencil dick

No, it's a federal judge, there aren't that many of them and they have to be confirmed by Congress. Circlejerking aside we have checks and balances for a reason. The president is not a dictator who rules by decree. Trump's ban was poorly thought out and implemented. The fact that it cancelled visas and green cards is the biggest source of contention, other than that most people wouldn't have had a problem and the judge, who is a lifelong republican, wouldn't have struck it down if it didn't do this. Before you call me a cuck or a shill just try and think of a better way to disagree

LOL the fact you want a terror attack is pretty much proof your agenda has nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with racism

The fact that one single man (a president) should be able to create stupid rules is pretty retarded

isnt it more likely Trump was briefed on a POSSIBLE terrorist attack rather than plan one himself

Kill yourself FAGGOT white trash

No, it is making sure bills and laws get passed to protect America from future attacks, which will happen if we start letting in refugees, and Muslims by record numbers.

Islam is a cancer that we cannot allow in the USA.

Courts are so clogged with shit though. Meanwhile this made it in a matter of days. Judges can prioritize cases, but it seems iffy here.


If this goes to Scotus, which it probably will, Trump is going to lose

Sorry faggots. 4th Reich next time maybe lol

Either way, whatever it is. We can't let Muslims into our country, anyone with half a brain should know that.

Cuck shill.

You're right. It's a good idea to intensively vet people coming from warzones and the middle east. It's not a good idea to tell american residents to fuck off at airports.

He didn't create any rules, he used laws put in place by Obama, and used by Obama 3 times for the same reasons. This is all political kabuki theater. This judge should be impeached for abuse of his office.

You want terror attacks to protect people from terror attacks


white trash faggot

>The president is not a dictator who rules by decree

Then what the fuck is the point? You may as well replace the role with a machine

Trump should have more say in how he runs his country, he's the fucking president

Aren't you supposed to scream "SHILL" incoherently?

He lost the popular vote. Not democratically elected. Should be impeached them pence impeached directly after for being a Faggot

wtf i hate laws now

Bad trolling.

Nazis like you are fine though right

I don't believe it was poorly thought out or an issue with implementation. Having potential terrs aware of a solid date gives them a deadline, this way, it was instantaneous. Having a few people inconvenienced with travel is a small price to pay to save lives.

The point of the executive is to set the agenda. He says "I want a travel ban for the middle east". The Judiciary makes sure that what he wants is within the law and then Congress makes it a reality. That's the idea anyway.

Sorry faggot, a racist ban is not going to survive in a supreme Court that's 50% liberal judges

The judge can't override the President entirely, but he can significantly hinder the President. The Left went forum shopping to find a court in the Ninth Circuit to hear the case so that any appeal itself would go to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals before finally going to the Supreme Court. They know full well Trump's order was Constitutional, but they will use the cloud of "maybe" to delay his actions for as long as possible.

The Left in the US mastered using the courts to kneecap their opponents decades ago. Find a friendly forum and delay, delay, delay.

Islam is not a race, how many times do
you chucklefucks need to be told this to understand?

They're Muslims. Just because they became citizens under Obongo's negligence doesn't mean we shouldn't do anything about them now

Stale b8, m8.

let's be real though, Islamic terrorism is a non-issue for America
you are really exaggerating it

>Checks and balances are fucking stupid. Especially with how what it takes to win the presidency.
You have absolutely no foresight

"nazis" don't blow up airports because people ate bacon.

False flag, does not mean people actually die.

And they did that, under Obama. Trump used laws signed by Obama, and used by Obama for the same reasons, 3 times.

Trump used existing law. Cry more.

don't go to the super bowl tomorrow, some of you guys are alright.

superbowl starts

>he doesn't know the role of the president
Did you pay attention in civics? The President is there to enforce the laws and is in charge of foreign policy. Government agencies are created by the president to enforce certain laws, or serve a purpose. Example, CIA collects information, this isn't enforcing a law but it's serving a purpose to collect information. The FBI enforces criminal law, the EPA enforces environmental regulations, etc... Executive orders are tricky and I've been against them since Obama started using them.

It was pretty much written by Bannon and Miller, they did not consult with the Department of State, Justice, or Homeland Security, all departments who would enforce the law. It made no sense, had to be clarified and was either intentionally malevolent or shockingly incompetent. I do not know which is worse. I am not against the ban in itself, but by being vague and then fucking over people with already approved visas and greencards it was unconstitutional and a black eye for the administration.

I'm not crying. I don't care about your travel ban. You asked what the role of the president was within a system of checks a balances. It's to set the agenda.

when you light a fire under their agenda these faggots they sure respond mighty quick don't they

fuckin kikes

>Trump is going to lose
Based on what teddy Roosevelt did similar things in the 1900s and wasn't questioned at all he'd absolutely win if it came to that there's already a precedent

>I have NEVER wanted a terrorist attack to happen more than I do now!

>Here's hoping ISIS blow up the superbowl

That's the difference between the left and the right. We actually want everyone in our country to succeed while you pray for Terrorist attacks to further your own personal agenda.

You're NEET neckbeard scum.

>muh civics

We voted for Trump to put an end to such bullshut

Lmfao fuck off faggot. You know this is about race and not anything else

Crew, we know it's you.

Stop posting.

Obama stopped a refugee program, he didn't stop a whole country from entering the US. Get your facts straight.

this fuck is looking for his 15 min. Rip to anyone involved in the violence tonight.

Is Catholicism a race now too?

Fuck off crew, stop shitting up my board.

The 9th Circuit is the most overruled/overtunred courts in the us. You're correct, they shopped for this judge. The Surpreme court doesn't have to hear the case, they can look at the facts, see that Trump was using existing law, and overturn the 9ths finding. Which is probably what will happen.

Discriminating against people based on religion isn't constitutional. Get ready for a savage rape when this goes to Scotus, BITCH

Do you even know what civics are?

Our legal system is fucking retarded and incoherent. For instance, guess who gave the Supreme Court the final say on constitutional matters? The Supreme Court.

It's a fucking joke.

>I don't want Muslims invading my
>stop being racist!
>Islam isn't a race

At least one of them is elected.

Are you sure you aren't a nigger? Cuz you look pretty niggery to me

Yeah you guys just murder a bunch of children, people in churches, people in mosques

And if we want the historical record we can point out your recent history of gassing millions of people and attacking all your neighbors

KEK! White people are way higher up on the socioeconomic ladder than shitskins, and we always will be. How does that make you feel?

The problem with the ban was it banned people with green cards, visas, and permanent residents. If that wasn't included it'd be legal. Since it is included it is unconstitutional. I think most Americans aren't opposed to the idea of a temporary moratorium on travel from those countries but fucking over the people mentioned above was retarded and what will get this overturned.

it wont go through

I think part of President Trump's strategy is to go hard from day 1 and make libcucks play all their tricks early. Imagine if the President keeps up this pace they can't challenge that much stuff 4 years straight.

What?? We spend fucking trillions and changed the way we traveled because of Islamic terrorism. We lost countless lives and time on Islamic terrorism. This isn't just from 2001 onwards this goes back to the 70s onwards.

This isn't your country, faggot

What you wrote was retarded so I'm just going to call you a cuck shill again.

Cuck shill.

You faggots that think Islam is peaceful are fucking brainwashed. They are a cancer, they are evil, they must be killed.

If a Muslim tells you that ISIS are not real Muslims they are lying. Their holy book tells them to lie, deceive infidels to gain support, to make them feel like they are a peaceful religion. Use whatever tactics needed to spread their religion throughout the world.

Islam are NOT peaceful, if you do not believe in Islam, they want to kill you. While they are shaking your head, they are planning a way to kill you at the same time.

They are the Trojan horse of the west.

We are not at the point of Europe. There are barely any muslims here at the moment. A false flag will probably be blamed on Iran and another costly invasion, maybe even WWIII. What's so good about that?

b8 harder faggot

shaking your hand*

Go back to plebbit NIGGER.


Yes, nazis are ok, because I have yet to see any attack, smashed cars or burned down businesses because of a nazi.
Muslims and especially leftist scum who think it has moral highground, now that is quite another story.

>The president is not a dictator who rules by decree
Except in this case he actually can.

Has Gorsuch already been confirmed or will it be gridlock?

Redditor AND a cuck shill.

You're not though. Now let me deposit these fat nuts straight into your minimum wage mouth

Woops, one slipped out

There we go

Choke on em faggot

The PResident does not enforce the law, you fucking chucklehead. He's the leader of the Executive Branch, which oversees the day to day operations of the country and the Federal government. The Judicial Branch, in teh courts, enforce the law. Governtment agencies have no oversight on laws, they create and enforce regulations. The FBI does not enforce law, they - wait for it - investigate. Thus, "Federal Bureau Of Investigation". The courts enforce the law, when the FBI arrests someone.

You're a fucking moron. You don't have a basic understanding of the 3 branches of government, you have no business running your ignorant mouth about anything. Just shut the fuck up and go back to Civics class, and fucking pay attention this time, stupid.

I won't even bother commenting on the second batch of textual diarhea you splattered on the page.

well said burger! I hope the best for you and your country to fight off the parasite known as Islam!

White people are way higher up on the socioeconomic ladder than shitskins, and we always will be.

I didn't ask a fucking thing, you ignorant chad.

We can not let it get to the shape of the EU. That is why we have to get more people to support the refugee and travel ban.

A false flag will be to gain support, not cause a war.

>Arrange a false flag event to install a dictatorship
>Better announce it before hand on twitter first

Tie means the ruling of the lower court holds


Yes it is.

There was an Allah ackbar in Pasadena and a police officer stabbed in Colorado within 2 days. Both Muslim but media tries to bury it

Crew poster shoo shoo.

Go to the bar and get laid, go outside. Fucking Nerd Virgins

Aren't you from a country where a nazi literally hijacked your government lmao

>attacking all your neighbors
Calm down Habib, don't go Jihad'ing anyone now


He stopped the same countries, and his staff chose the countries on the list, you ignorant twat. This was all done the same fucking way under Obama, using the law Obama signed, using the list of countries Obama's staff put together.

So fuck off, ya dumb cunt.

This. Fuck democracy and freedumbs.

I'm not seeing an argument, as expected from a shitskin, no brain whatsoever.