DAaily reminder protestors are just uneducated fucks most of them.

>hurr am 18 must vote to prove adulthood
>oh look everyone on jewbook is filming themselves at protests
>i want to make meme banners and be famous

Other urls found in this thread:

Just for you to know tha vast majority, age irrelevant, are politically illiterate.

Most of them don't know how the system works, don't know any ideology and will mostly associate with a party once the flock instinct kicks in. It's virtually the same shit like Republican-Democrat shit over in america, except let's say you can still find ideological differences between them there, while here, well it's just marketing mostly.

>protestors are just uneducated fucks


I understand doing it against someone like current US pseudo-dictator president.

But protesting against socialists?

You know, the people all for equality, egalitarianism and generally all things good known to humanity?

I literally can't comprehend how someone could be that deluded.

Just stick to the threads about Bulgaria, its clear you have no idea of what's happening.FUcking moron.


If they repealed the corruption shit why are they still there?

IIRC they didn't. They just hope the protestors get bored.

To repeal that law they had to write a law specifically for that,
The problem is that that law has an extra unnecessary part in it that is unconstitutional and has nothing to do with anything. Because of that they can repeal the new law and bring the old law back thus doing nothing.
Besides that they are still pushing the law in the Parliament.

They have multiple backups and aren't giving up.

Ok guys. Let me ask you this:

Let's say that a journalist, who happens to be jewish and one of the biggest supporters of this protest (paper and television), would write an article where he would say that this law opens the way for another Holocaust.

OY VEY wouldn't that raise some questions about this protest? Also considering the huge propaganda that is done to have people in the streets, on all the liberal channels.

INB4 it's just a coincidence.

Bucuresti, langa Piata Domenii, Strada Alexandru Constantinescu 11-13, într-un bloc cu o clinica dentala la parter.

Bucharest, near Domenii Square, Alexandru Constantinescu Street nr 11-13, in an apartment block with a dental clinic at the bottom floor.

Gondola doesn't talk, he only observes.
I want muh sage back this pretty cool

No refunds


Era sarcastic pana-n maduva.


Thank's for this OP, user. I come on Sup Forums for this and not to see it overrun by those pro-USR shills that somehow roam here.


>leav tier



>but it's comparable to the revolution and mineriads, no?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Why do Romanians appropriate Slav culture?

Because romanians are basically mixed slavs whenether others like to admit it or not.

We got massive slav influence until let's say 17th century or so when the latin culture started to be fancy. There were even movements for latinization of our language by borrowing words from other languages (mainly french). There was also a guy who proposed to just take them as-is from latin and slightly adapt them.

It's in essence the same shit Macedonia is doing with "antiquization".

Can I get a quick rundown on the last days?

I don't have a TV and just don't usually care about romainian politics

>"gents, we have now big power in gov, shall we save our asses from jail and penalties, also let me be prime minister?"
>t. dragnea
>"k boss, done" - xoxo the gov.
>"um [pause in speach] no"
>t. Iohannis
>prosTV and "news" converting this into the new Young and The Restless, in memory of OTV
>people go to protest
>get media coverage
>more people protest
>it hits social media
>becomes a fad
>daily protest bread

Oversimplified. Basically PSD having a monopoly gives them a chance to not be prosecuted and lifting penalties retroactively. People are outraged by this, rightfully so, but I think it just blew out of the normal proportions.

The only people who knew what they were protesting in Romania were the ones in the 90s, when they were protesting the country takeover by the old guard - Securitate. Now under the name of SRI, one of the biggest secret services in the world per capita, it's infiltrated in the press and politics and you swallow their propaganda. That's what happens when you have no knowledge of history; you are damned to repeat it.

Read some text from 500 years ago in Romanian and one in French or English and see which one resembles more the modern language, before making that statement.

If you happen to read the oldest surving text in the language you'd notice quite a bunch of slavic words.

Never mind those that were already implemented in the language.

Nevermind old slavic was preffered at religious rituals and even in formal letters/documents.

I stand my statement. Sure, it does have a latin based, but you can't deny folks didn't want to make it more latin that it was already.

See: Titu Maiorescu & Friends.

What is the demographics of protesters?
Are there people who don't approve the protesters?
What percentage of the total population are we talking about?

>What is the demographics of protesters?
All kinds of demographics really, think of american democrats. You'll find here anything from highschool students to seniors, each more or less educated.

>Are there people who don't approve the protesters?
Yes there are, mostly supporters of the party that people protest against, anyone affiliated with them or people who just want neither of this shit.

>Yes there are, mostly supporters of the party that people protest against, anyone affiliated with them or people who just want neither of this shit.
Sorry, I don't know much about your politics. Can you tell me, if you divide the total population into 3 parts as protesters, anti-protesters and neutral, what are the percentages of each part?

>the current US pseudo-dictator president
Obama left office last month.

Not quite aware of the numbers, 600.000 is a big number that is circulating around, but I think it's just the capital, which makes it overwhelmingly protestors in a population of ~1.19 million in Bucharest