No seriously, why are you still a capitalist?

No seriously, why are you still a capitalist?

Other urls found in this thread:

because communism leads immediately to stagnation

Because every communist country is a shithole

because communism turned my country into a shithole and capitalism is the only thing pulling it out of it

>literally the first line
>property is owned by the people who put in the effort to generate and develop it


>destruction vs creation

because every time it's been tried it's failed super hard and millions starved to death.

Because a man is entitled to the sweat of his own brow


Because everything in that picture is bullshit

Freedoms capitalists support:
>1) Freedom of speech
>2) Freedom of association
>3) Right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
>4) Freedom of religion
>5) Right to bear arms
>6) Right to property

Freedoms communists support:

Because communism doesn't work

Why not a middleman which combines positive elements of both without attempting to appeal to some ideological globalist objective?

The house in this pic is from Canada. Canada is not capitalism.

Communism denies the personhood of the individual. We are merely gears in the working of historical forces. Dialectical materialism is fucking retarded. Its up there with the four humors theory of illness.

Because basing an entire ideology on a materialist understanding of history is completely stupid. If you're going to make an ideology at least base it on something more concrete like racial IQ statistics or niche sexual fetishes.

>Communist faggots thinking this looks cool

fucking retards pick an alphabet you faggots your 'soviet' aesthetic is stupid

Because I have no interest in subsudizing an obese internet commie's worthless existence. Please kill yourself immediately so that your parents can have a shot at paying back the loans you bullied them into taking so you could spend 5 years getting a degree in sociology.

I'm not though

Highest standard of living on the planet

>freedom of speech
>freedom of association
>freedom of religion

I don't want that though. I want a state where Islam and leftism are punishable by death all nonwhites are deported immediately and faggots are not allowed in the open


I'm a Fascist though

>knowing that much about the Russian language
Wanna know how I know you're a Russiaboo?

Because left wing movements all want to fill my country with sand niggers, and are pretty much universally anti white.

After learning Russian, reading shit like this just confuses the hell outa me

Is anyone gonna make an actual argument against Communism or are you just gonna REEEEEEEE?

Also OP, that chart is fucking trash.
>Communism is deeply embedded in Nationalism
>Family is central, fertility rates are high
Have you even read Origin of Family, Private Property, and the State? jesus.

>Islam and leftism are punishable by death
Well you won't be able to kill them, but at least under true capitalism you won't be forced to serve them, and none of your tax dollars will go towards them.

>all nonwhites are deported immediately
No welfare state means they either leave, starve, or become useful citizens

>faggots are not allowed in the open
Once again, at least you won't be forced to bake their cakes under free capitalism

Communism: Economically retarded idiots try to figure out how to allocate resources and fail miserably dragging down the hordes of commoners with them.


nah I'm just a balkan diaspora who knows cyrillic

this shitty latin-cyrillic aesthetic by western liberal college kids who don't know a thing about Eastern Europe but copy the aesthetic looks stupid

True Communism is a philosophical paradox.

Communism doesn't work as a social or economic system
But when Communism is tried and doesn't work in reality it isn't really Communism.
So Communism can never occur in reality

In capitalism you get to keep the fruits of your labor and property. In communism property doesn't exist.

Natural rights are derived from property, they are an extension of it. Without property, rights don't exist.

I'll take the one that offers me property, rights, and the fruits of my labor over the one where I don't get any property or rights.

It's been explained to you simpletons 5 billion times that Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea et al were Socialist States with varying approaches to socialism created by the principles of Marxism-Leninism, and that true communism is a stateless, classless society and thus can only be achieved on a world scale and has not been achieved yet.

For some reason you choose to ignore this and spew more shit.

>Without property, rights don't exist.
This is some pretty severe classcuckery my Capitalist "friend"


Without property, motivation will be severely reduced.

So basically, It's exactly as I said.

Communism does not and cannot function.
Whenever it is tried it fails and fails horribly.
But you only accept the ridiculously idealistic fantasy vision of Communism as the only real Communism.
Therefore: real Communism cannot exist.


A right implies the existence of property. You cannot divorce the two. Try to think of an example of a right that exists apart from property.

The only correct response

This is the worst utopian bullshit I've read so far this year

That's hard cherry picking. If live in america you could buy a insanely nice house for less than 120k. If were talking about a place like britain then yes.


I don't like the idea of my shit being taken from be and given to niggers. I guess I'd be okay with it if it was taken from me and given to my countrymen for whom I feel some degree of kinship.

The fact that anybody would have the audacity to claim that communism retains the classical family structure and supports the classical family boggles the mind.

>You can't define individual needs without a free market to signal the value of the goods.
Seriously? Have you considered asking the people what they want?

>Men are motivated to work more when they're rewarded for the effort
Because of the profit system, working an 8 hour day gets you 1 hour's worth of actual return on your labor. Also unless society isn't getting what they need, who the fuck cares how "productive" anyone is?

>Communism isn't real because Dialectical Materialism is a religion because that's how I describe it

This is a really dipshit picture and you should feel bad if it seems insightful to you. Read a history book. Not the one's they give out in high school, a REAL history book. For once. Please.

Even at the final stage of true communism, it is still an ideology that promises to take all that you've worked for, enslave you under a totalitarian regime, and destroy your culture and religion.

>Wealth Redistribution
Your evidence for "inheritence being the only way to be rich" is cherry picked beyond belief. Just the top ten alone constantly shifts and right now it is made up of people that earned pretty much all of their money. Housing and interest is not a bad thing, you get what you pay for. I would rather have a nice house on credit than share a flat with 3 other families. (see the Soviet Union)
You are aware commies pushed women into the workforce consistently, and quite a few commie regimes have tried to eliminate it altogether. (See Commie China)
>Quality of work
Easy jobs will always be worthless because everyone wants to do them. Society can't exist as nothing more than fun jobs. Obsessive optimization is more efficient and allows for more output in less time.
>Work life balance
Companies tend to not profit off of killing their workers. Your argument is baseless bullshit
And? I don't support globalization, but if I had a choice globalist capitalism will always beat communism. Especially seeing as most modern commies are globalists too.
>Personality blah blah blah
People aren't encouraged to be assholes, how does a society which gives you whatever you want not encourage laziness and greed. In capitalism, voluntary charity exists and it has been proven to exist. Also no people aren't encouraged to horde wealth, they are encouraged to invest
>Vision of happiness
I see you can read minds too. Seeing as this chart just goes from bullshit to complete bullshit I probably shouldn't even have wasted my time.

wtf i love bread lines now

>1 Post by this ID

At least have some balls with the b8 you Ebola-AIDS in human form.

I'm neither capitalist nor communist. That's a false dichotomy. I will say capitalism, for all its flaws, isn't quite as garbage as communism.

>Socialist states exist as a precursor to communism
>Socialist try to create communism
>Never reaches it and gets millions killed instead
>Hence it is a failed attempt at communism

>Not being part of The Third Team

Neck yourself.

I don't like communism at all though, I'm just in that "Sunday night before work" mood. Thanks for the replies.

That said, this wasn't "le troll bait" - this board needs more discussion of politics and political theory and less relentless praising of "god emperor" Trump over absolutely everything he does, now that we're the_donald-lite.

Well mind providing an actual political theory then?

>this is how gommies actually believe their ideology works


Utopian how? It's a description of history.
Freedom of speech? Freedom of sexuality? Freedom of expression? The Right to healthcare? all of these can exist in a society without property.
>So basically, It's exactly as I said.
No, can you read? For real, are you able to read? Because you seem to not have read a word I wrote.
>But you only accept the ridiculously idealistic fantasy vision of Communism as the only real Communism.
No, I only accept the definition of Communism as described by Marx himself. No state, no class, no property. Has that happened yet? No. Okay. Okay? You alright? Is that too complicated for you?
For real.

I know I should probably give up now but this is kind of amusing.


That's what sweden tried too do before our elite tried to get rid of their "white guilt".

>None of those things are what Fascism is

Since Rangeban is not gona happen how do I filter all leafposts?

What did he mean by this?

die leftypol

It was on my kikebook, i thought I'd share leftyposts with you guys.

Doctor romania, i pulled a muscle in my back. Whats a good nonlethal cure?

Also here's a drawing of your flag, i hope you like :3

Because in the end I'll die alone. So why should I give a fuck about niggers and spic when they don't work to build my empire? If they cannot follow orders, they deserve to die. I am the means of production. I am the law. I am civilization and fuck the subhumans that grovel in the dirt.

>Drawing of your flag

Sup Forums X

>enslave you under a totalitarian regime
What regime? There's no state??
>and destroy your culture and religion
If your religion or culture tells you its okay to beat your wife or steal from people or behead homosexuals, then yeah it would not exist in communist society. Otherwise no one would give a shit. Your business is your business as long as it isn't fucking anyone's life up. That's a central principle of Communism.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the current functioning of other M-L states like Cuba, North Korea is a complicated issue and to try and boil it down to "success" and "failure" is babby talk.

>gets millions killed instead

Does this mean I need to switch my broswer to Firefox or Chrome?

Economically, I'm a pragmatic centrist who believes that competition should be the driving force in the economy, but it needs to be checked to ensure that monopolization isn't artificially stunting consumer surplus, especially where the monopoly only got to that position through tactics other than innovation and price cutting (such as through creating barriers to entry, tarnishing their competition, or cornering a market).

I also think there's an issue in how one's earnings are related to how much money one can shuffle towards themselves rather than how much value one creates for society. For example, high frequency traders make money by getting super fast cables proximate to an exchange and working their way in as a middleman in an equity transaction - something that creates no value for society whatsoever but is extremely lucrative. Whereas there are many accomplishments that create a lot of value for society but ultimately go unpaid. I'm not sure the best way to correct this system, though.

Also, I support an inheritance tax, and I think its perfectly legitimate in a merit-based system. I am sympathetic to the argument that a person who obtains property should be able to transfer or dispose of that property as they will (such as pass it to their children), but something needs to stop that wealth from going on generation-to-generation. Even libertarian poster child Robert Nozick argued for an inheritance tax in his Examined Life.

I drew it on adobe draw which is an ipad app.
Get fucked you kid fucking gypsies

Because communism only has an even remote chance of working in a 100% globally united community, which will never happen.
>USA becomes communist
Richest people in the country: wtf I hate USA now I'm going to UK
>UK becomes communist
Richest people in the union: wtf I hate UK now I'm going to USA

As long as the rich people who control most of the resources have a capitalist paradise to escape to with their wealth, they will always escape. Why the fuck would someone with $10,000,000,000 net worth ever willingly stay in a country that demands all of his wealth in taxes and only returns .000000001% of it to him?

Go establish world peace and a global balanced economy, (impossible due to the nature of humans) then we can talk about becoming Communists.

I love the Communist aesthetic and idealogy too my leaf friend, but it just won't work.

I'd rather have capitalism than cancer.

Gypsies cant handle the leaf bantz, they never could.

I saw it like 50 times before, then again it could be you because it was a leaf.

>Get fucked you kid fucking gypsies

At least use propper stale memes you potato. Forums-x/blob/master/
Scroll down to see the supported browsers.

>Because communism only has an even remote chance of working in a 100% globally united community, which will never happen.
>Go establish world peace and a global balanced economy, (impossible due to the nature of humans) then we can talk about becoming Communists.

Never understood the pessimism. It's entirely possible. Extremely difficult and not for weak individuals, but possible.

What bantz I just see mental retardation that is summed up with "HURR DURR I WAS ONLY PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED"

Because im a fascist.

How do i get one for tablet? I want to filter american shitposters, aka: all of them.

Americans are the worst offenders as they are shitposers and not master shitposters like leaf and emu


>What regime? There's no state??
There is the mob, and their total willingness to kill any two people willingly entering into a capitalistic agreement.

>Otherwise no one would give a shit. Your business is your business as long as it isn't fucking anyone's life up. That's a central principle of Communism.
So you'll allow us to spread our Christian religion, keep our capitalism, and criticize communism? Sounds good to me.

>billions of people worldwide are going to form into a classless, property-less, stateless society. How do you expect that to come about? How would it be sustainable without some form of hierarchy/state forming?

>Economically, I'm a pragmatic centrist who believes that competition should be the driving force in the economy, but it needs to be checked to ensure that monopolization isn't artificially stunting consumer surplus, especially where the monopoly only got to that position through tactics other than innovation and price cutting (such as through creating barriers to entry, tarnishing their competition, or cornering a market).

Soo the system that allows monopolies to forcefully happen is what you will use to stop, like that ever worked.

>Also, I support an inheritance tax, and I think its perfectly legitimate in a merit-based system. I am sympathetic to the argument that a person who obtains property should be able to transfer or dispose of that property as they will (such as pass it to their children), but something needs to stop that wealth from going on generation-to-generation. Even libertarian poster child Robert Nozick argued for an inheritance tax in his Examined Life.

Except it has been show that almost never happenes. The children of the Rich are incompetent retards 9 out of 10 times so they lose the money. And even if they didn't, what harm are they doing by having that money and using it, if they are sucesful, they are. No reason to change it.

Communism is only attainable in societies where labor produces more wealth than Capital
to achieve it today would mean abandoning most forms of modern technology. part of the reason the USSR failed to establish the DotP is that it industrialized

The disadvantages of modern American capitalism seem on point. The advantages of communism on the left are a figment of an overactive imagination though

Technically anything is possible. I mean it's 99.99% not likely. There are millions of people on Earth whose beliefs are so extreme that they under no circumstance would willingly unite with the rest of humanity as equals, such radical Muslims or some anons on Sup Forums.

I mean theoretically you could just nuke the entire middle east and go around witch hunting racial supremacists into extinction, but that would end up doing more harm than good.

Kek my bad there should have been a line break after 'stateless society'

I'm not, I'm a fascist. The majority of us are fascists here.

Stopped reading
People have no idea what communism is supposed to be and assume that everything ussr did was communism

>The majority of us are fascists here
It's actually fairly well split between libertarians, fascists, centrists, and leftists

Why do the greatest leaders die?

Because I like food.

>fairley split
>adds centrists and leftists

4 Chins is like four fiths fascist/lolbetarian and the last fifth should not be considered a person.

This is now a commieball thread


>There is the mob, and their total willingness to kill any two people willingly entering into a capitalistic agreement
>the mob
You mean people? human beings? Trying to stop the development of an exploitative relationship? The horror.

>So you'll allow us to spread our Christian religion
as long as you're not banning abortion or persecuting gays or raping children then yeah sure
>keep our capitalism
no. Capitalism is by definition fucking people's lives up.
>criticize communism
Of course.

It's the total overthrow of the dominant ideology. I obviously don't expect it to be easy. Currently I align with the formation of an International Communist Party that anybody can join, as discussed by Amadeo Bordiga.

>The State ensures....

Nothing other than its own survival at everyone else's expense and misery.

Communists are not people, and as such, they have no human rights.

You don't need to be a capitalist to recognize communism as lethal nihilism

It's well split between Libertarians and Fascist (about 30% each) but if you include monarchists, natsocs, and neoreactionaries Fascism makes up the majority of the site.

>Communism is only attainable in societies where labor produces more wealth than Capital
to achieve it today would mean abandoning most forms of modern technology. part of the reason the USSR failed to establish the DotP is that it industrialized
Not necessarily, Marx himself predicted that industry would become more automated. The point is that in Communism, more automation means more vacation time, not less jobs.
I'm just saying, back when Feudalism was falling apart a lot of intellectuals in monasteries thought it was literally the end of the world. As Slavoj Zizek famously asked "Why is it easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine a modest change in the economic order?"