Steel beams bend at temperatures lower than they completely melt at

Steel beams bend at temperatures lower than they completely melt at.

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At what temperature do they vaporize instantly?

The plane was super heated and instantly melted the beams, retard.


like, a lot




The question is not always about whether the structures would have collapsed, although they would not have, but about the news reports.
The phraseology often included reports of the structural supports melting into pools of slag. Something which any metalworker can tell you is hard as shit to do.

how do you know that isn't the aluminum/othershit from the plane

>but about the news reports.
knowing what we know now about how fucking shit the news is, there's no telling what they made up for the sensationalism

Is it also hard to wait until building 7 does actually turn to dust due to an office fire before reporting that it had collapsed while your camera guy and reporter can't understand while it's still standing there on live TV?

9/11 wasn't the first time a terrorist plot targeted the WTC. Buying insurance that covers terrorist attacks makes sense if it was already a target for terrorists.

reminder: donald trump is a 9/11 truther

will he expose after his 8 year term is done?

Aluminum melts at a lower temperature than iron ore steel, aluminum pours silver, not bright orange, like melting steel beams.

Skip to 2:30:

Oh, are talking about that time in 1993 where the FBI gave some moron a real bomb but he was too dumb to part the truck in the right place so it didn't actually take down any structural supports?

And then the informant saved a copy of the tape as evidence?

that is completely true, I think the weird thing is that him and none of his family members were in the building that day.

Also does anyone the video of the explosion before the plane hits?

Yeah but Bush still did 9/11

wow, basic physics, who knew?

Wasn't the first time they tried to frame Arabs and blow it up. Research the '93 bombing, find the Egyptian Colonel that secretly taped his conversations with his FBI handler. They gave him a live bomb.

it wouldn't be pure aluminum though, it would be an alloy and also have a bunch of office crap/jetfuel/etc in it. if there was a comparison vid with that junk added in it would be more believable

kek, it looks like fucking thermite

He lost all the airline suits - the $4.55 billion was all he got out of the insurance payout for the entire WTC plaza.

Total reconstruction costs, maintaining the lease on the Plaza from the NY Port Authority, loss of tenant revenue, etc put his net loss *after* the insurance payout somewhere in the neighborhood of $7-8 billion.

Jews are sneaky, manipulative sumbitches, but I'm pretty sure they never conspire to LOSE money... I mean, that's gotta be like a rule or something, right?


>office crap
>molten lava and shooting out sparks

Nigger you ever like played around with an OA torch or even a frickin bic lighter?


yes in highschool

The buildings came down in 10 seconds, 110 stories each, 1300+ feet each, collapsed below street level and burned underground for three months.
Pyroclastic dust flow accompanied each, symmetrical demolition.

>"I just can't imagine anything going through THAT WALL"

Molten steel was found at the base on 9/11

Delete this

Poor little Larry, all he got was more money than he personally invested. And all that terrible commercial real estate, that's worth nothing, to any one.

The Juice did 9/11.

>the juice that did 9/11


It's funny how the timeline lined up, from a "certain point of view", isn't it?

oi vey airlines, pay me my shekels!

surprised he didn't sue the families of the people on the planes for damaging his precious 'steel' beams with their bodies

>You can literally see the barrel of thermite packed into the corner of the building burning it's way through until it collapses

what's your point Jim?


Implying that's liquid metal and not just ashes from whatever else is burning inside.

ok, but why was there molten steel at the wreckage site?

there's video footage on yt from days/weeks after. I cba to find it tho. Sorry

I know right? Every time I light a fire in my wood stove, all of a sudden it starts spilling out everywhere. I had to get the wife a welding helmet because it blasts out a shower of sparks when you open it to reload the wood.

I have her do it because she's afraid to operate the fire extinguisher, and I will not have the house catch fire and collapse because of a woman.


you should stop putting jet fuel in your oven then

There is a hole in the building retard lol. Gravity causes things to fall.


Gravity can't melt steel beams, Deborah.

Well it's a good thing it was just ashes falling from one of the gaping holes in the building that was just hit by an airplane

No, that's terrible! If it weren't for that damn hole the beams wouldn't have melted out the side of the building and we wouldn't have all this war and terrorism today.

bullshit, if that were true you could change the molecular structure of something by simply adding heat
>yeah right

That would be just above the boiling point of steel. It depends on the alloy, but any steel above 6000 degrees F should vaporize immediately. The surface of the Sun is much hotter than this.

Good goy! There was no molten metal that day!!

Ever use a plasma cutter? Or even just turn the oxygen way up to cut steel with a torch?

Pretty fun. Takes a lot of oxygen tho. At the scrap yard they have the neato setup with like a whole moble cart of oxygen tanks all piped together so the lady who cuts the engines out of the cars doesn't have to keep switching out the tanks all day long.

>Gravity causes things to fall.
Gravity causes my nutsack to fall out. How does that work?

I'm well aware it burned underground at 'Ground Zero', for over 3 months.

>underground - starved of oxygen
>burns underground for 3 months, regardless



did you ever try to bend steel rebar? Due to strain it gets pretty hot, it is so easy to check this on your own.

How then did it burn for 3 months, underground?

Metal gets soft when it's hot.
It's the most basic principle of working with metal

Pompeii was inside job.

Volcanic lava can't melt stone pillars.

They've did it for petrodenarius.

Underground, for 3 months, at temperatures exceeding 1300F?

You sound pretty basic, that makes it difficult.


He said steel doesnt get weak when it's hot
It does

It gets weakest when you use demolition charges, then plant a false-flag, and embroil the world in misery, for avarice and self-importance.

Its compression strength is worse than its tensile strength. Hydraulics can pull and stretch steel without melting it.
One of the reasons the towers fell in the first place and heated up, is because of the metal bending; this caused the building to exceed its load capacity, causing a collapse. The collapse brought thousands of tonnes of pressure on already damaged materials, causing heat and fires.

1300+ feet, 110 stories, comes down in 10 seconds. 47 core columns, 4 foot thick steel at the base, disappear in 10 seconds also.

>muh pancake collapse

And causing most of the volume of mass of the building and its contents to turn to dust, leaving a surprisingly small pile of rubble behind.

t. visited the site when the air was still think with stinky dust, thick enough to turn the greenish glow of the lights red, viewed the pile of rubble, and viewed the black hole left behind when Guliani had the steel shipped off to China before any decent forensic response could be mounted to the biggest motherfucking happening of our lifetimes.

For insurance purposes alone, you'd expect a thorough investigation of the rubble, for prediction models if nothing else. They picked the remains up and shipped it off to china as fast as they could, without full inspection.

That's some mighty guilty, and or suspicious conduct.


Weren't they outed as a mouthpiece for disinfo and propaganda?

WikiLeaks would appear to have been a CIA front from the get-go (cf. announcement of them in WaPo and then you can chew your cud on what if anything Assange's MK-ULTRA Anne Hammilton-Byrde cult upbringing might have to do with anything -- truth is often stranger than fiction) and allegedly did a good job as a Pentagon Papers style leak venue for the Trump soft-coup.

So I would say take it with a large grain of salt, but don't paint it with too broad of a disinfo brush.

This aside, the argument can be made that the steel didn't melt but rather did buckle resulting in collapse, yes?

>Steel beams bend at temperatures lower than they completely melt at.

try spoon bending for your next trick

then it snaps ater sufficient heat is generated from rubbing

At what temp does it run like waterfalls out of Windows?

>WikiLeaks would appear to have been a CIA front from the get-go (cf. announcement of them in WaPo and then you can chew your cud on what if anything Assange's MK-ULTRA Anne Hammilton-Byrde cult upbringing might have to do with anything -- truth is often stranger than fiction) and allegedly did a good job as a Pentagon Papers style leak venue for the Trump soft-coup.
>So I would say take it with a large grain of salt, but don't paint it with too broad of a disinfo brush.

Nope has been russkie since 2012

redacted emails from the syria files showing the scale of billions being moved to russia

Julian has not been straight with the world since he went to the embassy.

he may have been cia prior to that but who knows it not like the cable leaks did the US or cia any favors

One of the neat things we got after NIST released the unedited version of the noplanes WTC 7 collapse was that what the public hadn't got to see and that was so important to edit out was a chunk of one of the buildings across the street knocked into the top of WTC 7.

So it's not clear whether it was the CIA office fire or a hunk of building that caused WTC 7 to pancake down. Here I though the question was if these buildings could be brought down like that with bigass planes and lots of jet fuel and terrorists, but apparently whoever designed these buildings did a really crappy job of it.

I mean at this rate I fully expect my neighbors house to explode should a tree fall down on it.

the whole point is if steel beam is big enough it generates so much heat during buckling it melts.
You can imagine this as a heat generated by friction between microstructure of steel when shearing force is sliding parts of beam during deformation.

>At what temp does it run like waterfalls out of Windows?

It's true. It's not well-known, but one of the bad secrets in the fire safety industry is that if a building ever falls it just spontaneously combusts.

That's why during normal regulated and certified demolition they have to actually remove all the steel ahead of time so it doesn't start a fire.

What was the dripping orange molten steel-looking substance that seems to pour out, right before the rest of the demo charges are set off?

>molten steel

I always though the building collapsed not because melted beams but the beams being heated to the point they can't hold their weight.

The whole pool of melted steel found on site was more to the do with the pressure with all that crap on top of ground Zero.

>Pressure=less heat source needed to get to higher temperature.


Because the temperature required to do that is beyond even thermite.

They do not melt in that situation they turn to dust

That's correct.

Well yeah I mean maybe it would have caused a bad situation had the 1993 bomb blown out a structural support in the basement.

Kind of like with Oklahoma city where the YELLOW EXPLODING TRUCK managed to blow out a major support beam around a corner (explosions always go around corners, just like ninjas) and the rest of the building didn't give a fuck and didn't melt / turn to dust.

>Because the temperature required to do that is beyond even thermite.

Lot of aluminium in an airframe

Thermate, military-grade. Sulfur residue on the beams they did examine.

Hutchison Effect

Irish Thermite Recipie:
>Take one concrete and glass building with a steel frame.
>Peg it with a load of aluminum, like maybe a plane
>Wait a certain length of time for the ingredients to mix properly

And that's what make the DeLoreon such an unsafe car. If you get into an accident with a regular steel car, thermite could form and turn them all to dust and lava.

>t. Mossad shill

Fuck off Chaim


it is possible for the building to act like a furnace, that is the corner that started the collapse and with the way air flows up a building if an air current formed through that spot it would cause localised heating. Almost like having a huge fan blowing on that spot.

the twin towers had a pretty funky design Trump talked about it during 9/11