How can we revolt?

I've taken the redpill (even the bogpill), but how can we actually make our dreams a reality and eliminate global liberalism for good. What steps can we take to ensure victory?

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the left is collapsing all over, man. just hang in there, stay strong and the liberal snake will devour itself

train for the violence

but here it seems so strong. the conservative party is totally cucked, and they have no credible opposition. we're swarmed with pakis

we're fucked
britain is no more

What I realized was that Jesus Christ had been living a life that addresses and resists all of the degeneracy of the modern world. Seriously.

Okay, but we cant all be Jesus can we. ffs, he never had to deal with this kind of shit. dildo parades, anti-trump rioters, bogbots, fluoride

I'm hoping for 2 things in 2017.

1. Le Pen/Wilders victory leading to the collapse of the EU

2. Trump team leaks all the deep state pedo shit to wikileaks, the military and law enforcement so the whole establishment gets purged. Also hoping he will use the NSA to leak information on our nonce MPs to topple the two main parties.

But that's what Christianity demands; that we be like Christ in all of our ways. It's a very difficult, if not borderline impossible task, but is still something God demands us all to be like.

To be like Christ, we need to practice Love. Love isn't passive, and Love isn't being nice. Love is an action; an action out of genuine care for someone or something. When you truly feel that love, your ability to stand up to those dildo parades, the anti-trump rioters, or whatever expression of cuckoldry is around comes out natural and with genuine purpose.

A purpose you would be willing to give your life for.

Of course, martyrs aren't made by doing stupid shit. When Jesus says in simplified words, "Turn the other cheek", he means to fight smart, and not to not fight.

I'm sure if Jesus were around today, he'll deal with the cuckoldry as he would without a shred of doubt. With your faith in God and how He will deliver on all of His promises, you know that the divine spirit will always fill you with purpose for whatever comes up.

fuck lets hope so. fuck the lib dems too. cucks

Dude, the leftists are setting it up for the Right. Think about it, or at least think about the violent Antifa protests. They're coming at right wing people in armed mobs to silence them. Eventually, the Right is going to be pushed to make their own groups to defend themselves (sounds familiar, eh?). At this point, violent political groups going will bring the West back to the political scene of the 20s and 30s when fascism and nationalism truly rose up and came to power in the West.

The middle ground folks are going to be scared, so THE RIGHT HAS TO WIN those confrontations. They have to be the ones offering safety, strength, and victory. They'll have to use their own propaganda, just as the left has successfully done through MSM. If the Right can hold their own in confrontations and win the hearts and minds of centrists, they will win.

you made me smile user. so optimistic

violence leads nowhere or rather only resets the same old ebb and flow of increasing tyranny no matter what rationalization lies behind it only to be overthrown by another cycle of violence

we must promote secessionism globally so there are no more consolidated powers ruling over men; there will come a time when this becomes a reality regardless of location, with technology breakthroughs and resulting shifts in mentality we are inching ever closer to this goal: think crypto, distributed power generation, 3d printing, peer-to-peer digital economy, unhindered communication and association, crowdsourcing, and so on; there are still many pieces missing but I trust they will follow sooner or later

>how can we actually make our dreams a reality
You can't (according to Evola), hence 'Ride the Tiger'.

This is probably a good idea, not neccecarily because mass violence will happen but because it is good for you.

I do need to go to bed though, it is late after all.

It's funny because I regained my faith in God by reading Sup Forums, around the same time the Kek worship meme came around the bend upon the Clinton Email about sacrificing a chicken to Moloch, and then the connections to Bohemian Grove, and other Eyes Wide Shut stuff.

What I realized was that God's demands for us were far different from that of Moloch, Kek, or the other entities. God demands we be like his son in all of our ways, while having faith in Him. God's demand for out faith is not like Moloch's demands for children, or Flour, or other stuff. Entities like Moloch are like businessmen; they'll give you something in exchange for something. Give them children, they'll give you good fortune.

God on the other hand doesn't demand material things at all, much less any exchange. He wants us to instead have faith in Him, so that He can fill us up with the divine spirit which in turn allows us to express that Love that Jesus had been living his life doing.

Even with all the money in the world, you cannot buy a soul. A soul must be given in willing exchange by the one who has it. With our souls full of the divine spirit, our souls are untouchable by any of the claws of any of the evil that coiled our world like a serpent.

So, thanks Sup Forums for helping me accept Jesus Christ.

The left (or at least the left as it exists now) operates on feeling, not logic. They will insist that all races and cultures should become one because it "feels" virtuous, but logic, reason and evidence will very quickly demonstrate that it is not a benefit to anyone. Largely because the end result would not be the friendly utopia they envision but more like a global Islamic Brazil.

People are stupid but individuals are smart. Similarly people are emotional, but individuals are logical. If you can't sit down and present to an individual a smart, logical reason to embrace poorly-educated violent immigrants who despise you then they will not support your cause. This is where globalists and modern leftists will inevitably fail. This board might be comprised of nationalist racists but we're nationalist racists with data, something the left will never have.

Found the right thread.
I'm in California. Went to Leftist heavy art schools. Mad indoctrination...
The Holy Spirit baptism kept me close. Now I'm looking around and all the stuff in the air I was incubated with is revealing itself for what it is.

>no more consolidated powers ruling over men
I worry that people on the right are drawn to anarchist ideas like this because they've never been exposed to good government in their lives, and so see all government (and by extension all ways of organising people) as inherently bad.

Good article on the subject;
>radishmag.wordpress {DOT COM}

>The left (or at least the left as it exists now) operates on feeling, not logic.
As opposed to the right?

It's not about optimism. With that Love Jesus lived his life practicing and showing us, you can see anything through, whether it be in the depths of pessimism or no.

But I do mean everything I said. Jesus is the way. (((They))) wanted him dead for it. The Papacy wanted Christianity destroyed with them replacing it. (((They))) realize the threat Jesus posed to their rulership of the world. While I cannot make you, I do encourage you to practice why it was that made the Pharisees want Jesus dead.

Today, those Pharisees now own the world's money, and have declared dominion over the whole world. Despite this, they could only silence Jesus' teachings. They could never address it; because they know it's true.

Good luck finding any evidence an influx of immigrants from poorer nations has improved upon the victim nation in any way. There's a difference between feeling emotion in response to logical evidence and operating purely on emotion.

Where the fuck I claimed anything regarding immigrants?
But since you mentioned it, there's a difference between an immigrant and a refugee, as I'm sure you know.

What's this bog pill you speak of?

in my mind there are several reasons why this is so:
-inability to self-actualize (for the majority) through hnonest work because of alsmost half a century of stagnation
-interventionism propping up bubbles at the expense of the many, exacerbating the above point
-increasingly taxing coercion into failing schemes like PAYG pensions and single-payer healthcare
-becoming "woke" by unhindered and unfiltered information flows

democracy leads down the same authoritarian path to dystopia, I say let people live among likeminded individuals without having to tread on those who disagree
imagine a totally balkanized world with politically and culturally distinct communities competing, cooperating and complementing each other

Lefty here. Yeah, your fucked.

We punching your nazi asses left and right, smah the fash...

Actually, fuck this... I don't even have the strength to troll anymore. Shit sucks. We need help.

I am a Libertarian, according to Facebpok, I am a Nazi. All our girls are sluts and the Jew keeps taking our money. Send help.
>Why Jhan, a child of Holocaust survivors, journeyed to a place that led him to Jesus
Jidf, get in here kikes

>democracy leads down the same authoritarian path to dystopia, I say let people live among likeminded individuals

>without having to tread on those who disagree
Yes and no, depending on circumstances

>imagine a totally balkanized world with politically and culturally distinct communities competing, cooperating and complementing each other
Tribalism, although that's probably impossible now so ethno-nationalism can be substituted in it's place

Read Victorian literature.

It would be pretty funny if somewhere way down the line, we all found out that Trump himself leaked crucial shit to Assange. And Bannon too.

Do you agree that theft and murder are immoral?

>even the bogpill
whats the bogpill?

Serious answer?

Gonna be completely honest. Trump has to hold anti-Semitic views and refuse to pursue kike wars. If he goes along with their plan of attacking Iran, which would send even more refugees North, then we'll just have to wait for the "one who will come."

I'm hoping he refuses, the fed raises interest rates, which sends the economy out of control, and he just comes on the television unscripted, and goes full Goebbels.