Brit/pol/ - FOUR, TONY, FOUR Edition

>Tories: "If you voted Leave to lower immigration you're in for a rude awakening - Cuts in immigration are not achievable"

>Spies and civil servants who leak national security secrets face up to 14 years in jail, in the first overhaul of the Official Secrets Act in a century due to "the growing threat from Russia"

>Muslim pupils outnumber Christian children in more than 30 church schools, including one CoE primary that has a 100% Muslim population

>Britons must be offered 'associate EU membership', claims MEP

>Stoke Labour deny seeking an alliance with the Lib Dems to stop Are Nutt

>Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell proposes cap on energy prices

>(((Kingdom of Zion shilling intensifies)))

>Hitchens on Sunday

>Michael Fallon: Britain needs to engage "military to military" with Russia

Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder that all Thatcherites must be gassed.


>Another Labour MEP on DP
>He's an obvious cuck
What a shocker...


I like Thatcher.

t. Welsh man

>when YMCA doesn't post for 94 thousand milliseconds and you realise it's because he's hiding from the postman who is knocking on the window

Sun readers don't care who runs the country so long as she's got big tits.

Bernard Wooley


First for Manuel, the Cannibal Immigrant Slug from the EU.

Will Brexit finally deport this menace?

Am thinking of studying art at university, what is brit/pol/s opinion on this?

There are guns, but only criminals and the security forces have them.

Thanks cuck.

Nice of you to identify yourself early so I know who to filter

Will you stop making new threads before the bump limit during slow hours you moronic fuck knuckle

any specific course?

>paying money to learn how to do something that you should do naturally

cmon senpai

>He thinks we voted to leave the EU to lower immigration and not increase it


An absolute wimp.

>"W-w-why did you give the money to UKIP?"
>"Because that's how it's done."

Is there anything worse than a Labour M(E)P from London?


Do it, if you're passionate about it, and able to afford it. You won't get many other opportunities to singularly pursue something you care about for three or four years.

Fine art and visual communication.

its okay because he then spams NEW THREAD NEW THREAD to reach the bump limit sooner like nobody notices he just wants to post the new thread earlier before anyone else gets a chance

weebs btfo

What job do you intend to get afterwards? How will a degree in art help you secure that job? Is that job readily available and how competitive is the field? Are you confident you can outperform your peers?

Doing a degree in a useless meme subject just because you find it interesting is dumb as shit and a waste of time and money. Unless it's a necessary step on a path into a career, don't do it. Read books instead.

The Lib Dems, I suppose

Was ment for


all entertainment for the peasants

I would imagine that most courses these days are full of modern "art" bullshit and cultural Marxism, but I don't really know.

I also don't imagine that it would be very good value for money, but you can usually find out what the typical graduate salary and employment is if you do some research.

>If they're not careful they're going to bloody kill themselves

i guessed-
from recent experience helping my partner choose a degree, fine art is a road to nowhere unless you want to teach or work in a museum. More targeted stuff like visual communication is good, just do your research as to what you would like to do after - you might like the course, but will you like the career?

There are some really good arts unis out there, you will enjoy the freedom, encouragement and resources. The creative industry in this country is pretty strong and you're not going to get automated any time soon.
tl;dr do your research for careers and work backwards, avoid fine art specifically

>The Art of Shitposting: A Bane Post


Remember to email your MP to lobby them to abolish the monarchy effective immediately on the death of the queen.

Liz is dying, she won't last long she didn't even make a public apperence for the Sapphire jubilee or even have a new photo released (photo was exposed as having been taken in 2014 earlier today). If she dies before Artcle 50 is enacted Brexit is cancelled as Charles won't sign it into law.

Take a minute to lobby your MP to abolish the monachy NOW, this could be your last chance to save Brexit!








Fuck off to the US and get shot already.


fine art, history of art etc have given creative degrees a bad name.
In this area the reality is you will find politics if you go looking for it, but it won't be forced on you.
>tfw on an open day i saw transgender culture theory being studied by someone who was doing a printed textiles degree

K Y S you filthy traitorous piece of republican scum. I hope you get fucking aids and malaria, and you get treated by Abdul from Bangladesh who went to the Very Good School of Medicalisationing.



>abolish the monarchy
>do it for the queen

Woman was not but trouble and destroyed english stoicism when she dies with all those namby pamby emotionalists parading around her flower pile like the Yank-wannabes that they are.

Very well, continue.



Don't worry I intend to in the future.

>still pushing the Saint Di meme 20 years later
>unironically wanting an elected head of state
Enjoy your President Sadiq Khan and Vice President Richard Branson you fucking faggot


Have you said your daily prayer to the NHS?

behead all those who believe they are above the common man!


Why are all our best Prime Ministers named Jim?

To be fair the vast majority of people who support the Monarchy do so because they're sheep or believe the Tourism meme, they wouldn't give tradition, hierarchy or religion the steam off their piss. It's no coincidence that the people most fiercely in favour of keeping the Monarchy are generally fat single mum slags who will probably end up wanting to guillotine Charles when he ascends

When it becomes acceptable for the media to shill for republicanism, they will, and public mood will change extremely quickly

If he wins France is finished

>most people who voted leave will be dead before we actually leave

He who controls the past controls the future.
He who controls the present controls the past.

>This picture
Top kek

Pic related after 3 years of college. This was my final piece. I'm worried I'm not good enough, I just told my teacher I made it from scratch but I actually just painted a wooden elephant...

Took me a minute

Jokes on him paying their pensions


>They're coming for us lads, time to find a new country.
One step ahead of you, m8. Actually considering the USA, if things keep going well there. I love England, but I love my family more, and going back home is frustrating when you see just how many utter idiots we have in our electorate. I try not to be too pessimistic, but there are serious structural obstacles in the way of turning things around, so I have my back up plans...

My point is only the landed gentry should vote

The queen wants Brexit, if she dies before the bill to allow the government to enact article 50 is signed by her Charles WILL block it.

Do you want to think of how she must be crying in Heaven every time you see a photo of her or handle a coin, note or stamp?


I would like to hear his opinion on that issue when he is old.

imagine if your roommate was a woman. awkward, right?

my point is women shouldn't get to vote.

>your party starts saying "we will pay women more and take jobs from men and give them to women"
>you get more votes from women

wow, astonishing


Is this a joke? I wouldn't give that slag the steam off my piss.

I don't really care about her. Her job is mainly keeping Charlie happy, no? Has she ever exerted any influence on anything important? I wouldn't mind stopping him from getting on the throne, though. Maybe he wouldn't last long - or is he likely to live as long as his dad? Fuck, what a dire prospect...

haha I know right mate old people need to fuck off lol what did they ever do for this country, not like they ever watch comic relief or put their change in the charity box at KFC
haha LAD

Yesterday I sustained two blows to the head at work, once when I leant back and hit my head on a wooden partition beam, and the second time I was kneed in the temple by an enormous horse as I ducked under his stable bar. I shrugged it off for a while but once my adrenaline wore off I started to have splurred speech, vertigo and I vomited a total of ten times. Mum took me to A&E, explained my symptoms and I was listed as a priority patient.

Within ten minutes I was having a cannula fitted, blood taken and painkillers administered, straight after I was taken to a bed in the HDU, two minutes later I was being hooked up to the machine and given a help me buzzer (aware of incorrect terminology). Not five minutes after my nurse had left did my doctor bowl in, and proceeded to instruct a literal head to toe examination on me, and a thorough and somewhat embarrassing Q&A. Five minutes after examining I was taken for a CT scan, again this was really quick. I was taken back to my bed and told to expect the results in an hour, 20 minutes later they arrived in my doctors hand, I was clear, I could go home, and I could expect to feel quite concussed for 48-72 hours, got an instructional leaflet too.

I was very scared of the state I was in, but I was consistently cared for, reassured and flawlessly organised by everybody who helped me yesterday. I sat in A&E for all of ten minutes, with easily over 200 others. Looking around there were elderly people, sick children, people with bleeding faces, a man with his hand twice the recommended size and bright purple, people with runny noses and coughs. Everyone there, for whatever reason, felt they were justified to be in that waiting room, and everyone would be seen.


People who say they hate Thatcher on here are just LARPing as commies or trying to be edgy.

Everyone on the right knows she's based.

Inb4 Peter 'I was unironically a Trotskyite and didn't vote for Brexit' Hitchens is used as an example

"Snoopers Charter"

universities are less concerned about the quality of your work, that's why you're going there. They want to see interest and enthusiasm in the subject, why you have created what you do and the ideas you have.
sounds like you just need to keep researching on what you are looking to get from it, and what you might need to work on in order to get in

Due to the nature of my injuries I was seen quickly, but I can guarantee that no matter how long I would have waited between staff, I would have received the same level of care by all of them. This was not my first trip to A&E and, being an utter cluts, I doubt it will be my last; but I know that whatever I end up there for, I will be looked after. I will be seen in accordance with the severity of my case, and medically treated thus, but the treatment I receive from NHS staff - including all the amazing junior nurses and doctors who helped me, who have all jumped into a thankless job, with shit pay and terrible press because they're the rare sort of person that actually lives to give and help us when we need help - will be second to none. The enthusiasm and professionalism of staff, and the camaraderie between everyone is awe inspiring.

The NHS and every single person in it providers a safe pair of hands for everyone, regardless. It is a godsend, and a total privilige to have these people looking after us, everybody needs to recognise that and help protect it. The NHS can never be perfect and there will always be causes to grumble about but, by god, the alternative is terrifying. Right now, I'd want everyone earning above the national average - so higher rate tax payers (of which I am one) to have a 1% income tax raise so we can help to properly fund the NHS. We pay less per capita than most other European countries already, it's time we brought ourselves into line.

spoken like a true shut-in


>Everyone I don't like is a communist







We know it's you Ed, nobody here is buying your propaganda

Bravo lad, brought tears to a grown man's eye


>Introduce all-women shortlists and such.
>Can't call Liz Kendall Tory-Lite without being a sexist anymore.
Someone ought to research it, I'm certain that women are natural Blairites.

Maybe Cherie, not Mandelson, was the man behind the man


That's not very progressive of you
Are you becoming a nasty racist conservative?

Reminder that Thatcher increased state spending and tax burden as a % GDP.

>You eventually run out of other people's money!
>Unless it's VAT lol

Charles aint gonna block it, though.

You're saying we should abolish the monarchy to stop Charles blocking it.
But if he blocks it, the monarchy will be abolished.
So best to do nothing.


>Richard Crossman recorded in his diaries: "Jim arrived with the air of a man whose mind was made up. He wasn't going to tolerate any of this bloody liberalism." The newly released cabinet records show that the only real dissent came from the Commonwealth minister of state, George Thomas: "Previous Commonwealth immigration legislation had covered white immigrants also, but legislation of the sort proposed would in effect discriminate against the Asians from East Africa because of their colour. This would contradict all that we had said on the subject."

>Six weeks after the bill was passed, Callaghan wrote another memo, which exposes the thinking behind the bill with startling clarity. "It is sometimes argued," said Callaghan, "that we can take a less serious view of the scale of immigration and settlement in this country because it could be, and currently is being, more than offset by total emigration. This view overlooks the important point that emigration is largely by white persons from nearly every corner of the United Kingdom, while immigration and settlement are largely by coloured persons into a relatively small number of concentrated areas. The exchange thus aggravates rather than alleviates the problem."


So, Farage turned out to be a degenerate, just like every other politician.

Thoughts lads?


We really underestimate how amazing the NHS is, it is our nations greatest accomplishment since the end of the second world war. We must do everything in our power to stop its downfall.

I mean, is it surprising?
He was always "based" for being anti-EU and funny, not for being a proper small-c conservative.

Daily reminder that Jim Callaghan did nothing wrong

What mobile does brit/pol/ use?

Is Nigel doing an LBC show today?

Callaghan the national socialist

W H O ?

Iphone 4s

>The queen wants Brexit
of course the royals want brexit..

I don't use phones they are designed to give you cancer.