So black people should never be imprisoned because slavery happened? What kind of retarded logic is that?

So black people should never be imprisoned because slavery happened? What kind of retarded logic is that?

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exactly what you'd expect from the left.

It's just saying that everyone should be punished equally. If a black guy and a white guy both steal a candy bar, both should get the same punishment, when in reality that does not happen.


Yeah, white people get no sentence for that because you guys have petty thievery on lock down.


Maybe leave the house sometimes?

Typically, the black guy gets a harsher punishment because he has a rap sheet the size of a phone book, while the white guy usually has no criminal record to speak of.

Has nothing to do with race.


Things that jump out as retarded to you or I don't necessarily seem so to leftists and blacks.

This is generally because blacks are retarded and leftists delusional.

finally, a show that isnt afraid to say that the 13th amendment was a bad idea and that all blacks are natural criminals

Bravo, Netflix.


This can be true, but the movie wasn't good at portraying that for obvious reasons.

I would not say that's a typical case though.

>black people

That's right, every black criminal should be deported to Zimbabwe.

Are you retarded? 99% of the time they have prior arrests or convictions. There is now law thats selecting blacks for harsher punishments. From 1980 to 2008 blacks have committed more murders than every other race and ethnicity combined.


No, it's typical. In the situation described- a black gets a harsher sentence than a white for the same crime- the reason is always because the black is an unrepentant criminal nigger, and the white has little to no criminal background.

Only in leftist bizzaro world is racism the reason for the discrepancy. Like the judge, jury, police officers, and everyone involved in the justice system all know eachother from their klan rallies and are actively conspiring to fuck over the black man. Insane Bullshit.

American here, you have no idea what you're talking about. Niggers get harsher punishments because they commit more and more serious crimes. A white kid gets busted for shoplifting and gets a slap on the wrist. A black kid gets the same, but then the black kid gets caught shoplifting 2 or 3 more times, and once for assault, and once for possession of a weapon, and once for robbery, and a couple times for public intoxication etc. Then he gets caught stealing yet another time and the judge who has seen him come into his courtroom on several occasions throws the book at this piece of garbage and you read about it on plebbit and cry about how it isn't fair. Wake the fuck up man, people don't get locked up for first time offenses. If anything our justice system is too lenient. I've known a convicted felon out on probation who got arrested again for assault and only spent a couple nights in jail. You don't know how the system works and yet spout off about it to virtue signal. What a fag

Well according to It's 50%, but the numbers for each race don't exceed at least 8% of difference.

Practically put, it's nearly as likely they'll arrest some one of any race with a criminal background.

OK, English teacher Andy.

The ones that go to prison are the ones with the priors. Dummy