>You will never be jewish.
>tfw no jewish gf
Jewish gf
>Why would you want jew girls? What's so special about them? Is it just to troll other kikes? And make their grandparents turn in their graves so much that they will act as a dinomo engine.
Only Jewish girls suck dick. They swallow too every time and cup your balls.
tfw i have a jewish gf
Daily JIDF thread
Most Germans were not Jewish too, but it didint stopped them from getting them hehehe.
no thanks
somalis aren't jews, sven
> Ywn have an Aryan nordic gf who oversees the beauty of rural Norway with you
Keep your Jews
>You had your dick shirred
>No Shiksa girlfriend
>Cold Gefilltefish and cold shoulders forever
>Aryan nordic
do you even understand what aryan means ?
Oh look at my beautiful israeli army girl..
Its fcking mandatory, they just go there to take selfies on uniform
Only reason to marry a Jewess is to get in on that sweet sweet nepotism, but I don't think some ugly inbred kike with mental problems who will divorce you and take all your shit in the end is worth it.
But I dont mind!
banged planty of these whores, besides ease of entry into the anus and them paying for dates not much fun
too whiney for my superior aryan genetics
Yeah it's a meme term referring to Indo-Europeans generally but usually applied only specifically to Northern Germanic Nordics. Regardless, IMO it's the peak of female European aesthetics when done well.
gas yourself heeb
Are jews caucasian? They certainly look white.
bad shlomo
I'd rather saw my dick off with a rusty bike chain and then toss my unmentionables into a fucking wood chipper, as appose to wheelin some fucking kike.
"Aryan" is Sanskrit.
>Jewish girlfriend
>Needing to be a Jew to get one
They love goys, man, but honestly, they're like bottom-barrel types. Most Jewish girls look nothing like that. They're usually feminist-tier with potato-shaped heads. Think of that geeky girl from The Big Bang Theory or Anita Sarkeesian. Better yet, there's a picture of a bunch of ladies lined up in an office in Israel. They're your average Jewish girls.
Want one? Go look for the awkward girl at a bar who goes out for a smoke on her own and looks like she's into Rockabilly nonsense.
Israeli girls are good looking but the worst attitude you'll ever come across
They really do swallow, every time. It's quite surprising at first, but then you realize they're fucking insane and it ruins the glory of it all.
Can you please tell them to stop trying to sell me skin-removal ointment?
>"Try some! Eeeees from Eeees-rey-el!
This gives a new meaning to 'special forces'
Iranian actually, with heavy overlap with Northern Indian/Sanskrit, they're the original people who came into the European continent and populated it with a culture and language which resembles Europe now. The only remaining pre-Indo-(Aryan)European Europeans are the Basques.