AfD General

Thread for coordinating emergency AfD support. Through shilling and buying out the media, the German MSM has managed to make the race seem to be between Merkel and mega kike Schultz, both of which will kill Germany if elected. Schultz has been copying our tactics from the election. This needs to be stopped.

Other urls found in this thread:[Embed][Embed]

>Through shilling and buying out the media, the German MSM has managed to make the race seem to be between Merkel and mega kike Schultz

You are not too familiar with the German election system - are you?

The race is literally and unironically between Merkel and Schultz.

When exactly are the German elections?

She hot.

Germany is lost, the faster they fall the better for everyone else

doing god's work brother, but nothing much afd related (besides spread desinfo) happening right now, have an info bump.

Beware Schulz poster!

Schulz is a notorious advocate of left fascism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignity.[Embed][Embed]

Here are some links to the Lügenpresse, this is a full blown government funded conspiracy akin to CTR:

Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros:

They started to cooperate with facebook in order to delete Fake News and spread ''true information'' around the time the Schulz shill threads have started.

>When exactly are the German elections?
24th September

Well from what I understand, SPD has invested heavily in German MSM and suddenly, MSM is either shilling Schultz or saying that conservatives need to put aside their scruples with immigration and vote Merkel. Also Schultz has his /r/The_Schultz reddit that's copying literally everything we did with Donald.

> Schultz [sic] has been copying our tactics from the election

better get used to it. KEINE BREMSEN

Hmm so what can be done?

As a German you can at least weigh in and give a more solid perspective.
Like this.

Anyway can we meme a dream or do we need a few "happy little accidents"?

Damn. It was too effective. We need a new tactic.

I am not commenting on the shilling, I don't understand why the fuck the SPD is coming from its grave all of a sudden.

What I comment on is that you pretend as if the choice of chancellor is not a two horse race as always.

Can I vote early? I just wanna get it done with

>Hmm so what can be done?

If you want to support AfD then support them, just don't expect Frauke Petry to become chancellor.

Why the fuck are German memes always so cringeworthy? The Schultz stuff is awful and so is everything Sup Forums has produced in regards to the AfD.

A copy is only ever that, a copy. You have no way of growing, only mimicking what your betters do. That's why you'll lose in the end.

yeah, once you receive your wahlbescheingigung you can get postal vote.

Mainly because Sup Forums has no real interest in Germany at the moment. It's all about France at the moment. Hopefully, FN wins in France and that'll give AfD a boost.

Germans are autistic

Why is she so cute?


Vote AfD is state and local elections and SPD in federal elections.

Merkel needs to go.

>tfw germans are too cucked and apathetic to vote for the right person

Just make the germans vote with their genitals. For fucks sake it worked for weedman.

AFD and with it Germany are already dead.

Laughing Merkel is bringing more refugees this year and the public think AFD are Nazis. The only good Germany can do now is to be like Sweden, an example of how a society call kill itself in just 1 short decade.

>and SPD in federal elections

Get the fuck out of here man..

Schultz is even worse than Merkel though.

>and SPD in federal elections.
>Merkel needs to go.
Yeah, sure, SPD will NEVER allow CDU to rule...right?

Can't have an anthem for a soon to be nonexistent Union, m8.

Thanks mister.
If you have more keep it coming.

I want to rub my shnitzel between her yummy mummy jugs

> European Union will fail any day now!

Gotta love this meme.

Your Butthurt will be worse than with Hillary Schulzfag.

So armselig. Medien machen natürlich vollkommen mit und pushen die SPD, damit das Establishment rund um die neoliberalen EU- und Transatlantikerelite weiterhin dieses Land regieren können.
Schulz war der Merkel Vertreter in der EU. Hat alles von dieser Regierung auf EU-Ebene mit durchgewunken. Wer ernsthaft denkt, dass sich mit Schulz, der diesselben politischen Ansichten wie Merkel teilt, auch nur ansatzweise was ändert, ist an Naivität kaum zu überbieten.
Deutschland ist ohnehin am Arsch. Es gibt keine wirkliche politische Alternative, die zeitnah die Macht für eine politische Veränderung übernehmen kann. Die AFD wird höchstens auf 20% kommen. Die Deutschen verpennen wirklich JEDE politische Entwicklung. Alle Großmächte im Westen wählen so langsam das Establishment ab. Der Deutsche macht es wieder zu letzt. Vorher wurden wir von der Merkel-CDU und der Arbeiterverräter-SPD außenpolitisch isoliert und der Konflikt mit der EU so angeheizt, dass eine politische Veränderung nur radikal oder in ähnlicher Weise ablaufen wird. Noch einmal 4 Jahre eine große Koalition und es gibt Verbrannte Erde. Wir sind so cucked.

Noch schwuler ist nur noch dieser erbärmliche Schulz-Hype, der ganz offen zeigt, wie degeneriert und vor allem sau dämlich große Teile der Bevölkerung sind, die WIRKLICH eine ALTERNATIVE in Schulz sehen. Die haben wohl überhaupt KEINE Ahnung, was der Typ so in der EU getrieben hat. So ein Idiotenvolk sind wir geworden.

>implying it will last much longer

everything is ze fine, france and britain gone, italy,spain,greece have no monee and east europe are angry at ze german oppression

We have to make it Fillon VS Le Pen, in the first round, to stand a chance, since Fillon goes against socialism, we can exploit that to convince the masses in voting Le Pen.

no arabic on these boards please

She needs to grow her hair out she looks like an Elijah Wood with a skirt in this pic as QT German as she is.

The race is between Schultz and Merkel. AfD winning the election would be literally a political miracle. it would be akin to a third party candidate winning the election in America. it's pretty much impossible.

If the AfD can make somewhere between 8-12% it would be a massive upset and unpresidented succes. Anything above 12% would be a literal miracle.

But it is true the media has been shilling Schultz like crazy. Thing is most Germans don't even know the guy. They kinda knew his face but that's it and he is a full on populist. Promising jobs and lower taxes. He is basically Trump light without the racism and scandals and also a much much better speaker than Trump.

Very intolerant. Its not in arabic

problem with AfD tho is that they really have a problem with their personell. Apart from maybe 2,3 people you cant put anyone in front of a camera without cringing. just incompetent people

in austria we have a similar issue with the fpö, apart from strache, hofer and maybe kickl everyone sounds like a stiff nazi or a retard. gotta win the people tho

Shit > Merkel > Merkel's shit > Schultz

What a fag lol

Yes, nations are wanting to leave leaving the EU like rats on a sinking ship. Everything is fine Fritz.

>das Establishment rund um die neoliberalen EU- und Transatlantikerelite weiterhin dieses Land regieren können.

Die "bösen Neoliberalen" sind übrigens vor gut vier Jahren aus dem Bundestag geflogen. Bitte such dir ein neues Feindbild - das Neoliberale ist ein bisschen stumpf geworden seitdem Linke und Rechte ist jahrelang benutzt haben.

>He is basically Trump light without the racism and scandals and also a much much better speaker than Trump.

There is a nuanced distinction between 'populist' and 'socialist'. He's nothing like trump, you baka

Trigger the article 50 already - I know that you are scared but it is getting pathetic at this point.

>better speaker

That's why nobody knows who he is despite him being in the EU for a million years.

Most people only know him from him autistically screeching at Nigel Farage.

>implying our (((government))) wants to

Posting cute Fraukes now

Was denkt ihr leute wie es hier ausgehen wird?

26. März Saarland Landtag
7. Mai Schleswig-Holstein Landtag
14. Mai Nordrhein-Westfalen Landtag


>not a good speaker
Wew lad. Stop shilling, this isn't reddit.

Jawohl, recht hast du

Does AfD have reddit page already? I know you don't like reddit, but it helped Trump and it is helpins Schultz

>Was denkt ihr leute wie es hier ausgehen wird?
>26. März Saarland Landtag
CDU gewinnt. AfD 7%
>7. Mai Schleswig-Holstein Landtag
SPD gewinnt. AfD 5%
>14. Mai Nordrhein-Westfalen Landtag
Groko. AfD 8%
Low energy and shitty subreddit.



> 26. März Saarland Landtag

LOL SAARLAND - es ist ziemlich genau ein Nicht-Bundesland

> 7. Mai Schleswig-Holstein Landtag
AfD wahrscheinlich unter ihren Möglichkeiten, denke werden einstellig bleiben.

> 14. Mai Nordrhein-Westfalen Landtag
10-15% für die AfD, werden im ländlichen Teil sicher gut absahnen aber in den Städten wird zu sehr links gewählt.

How fucked does your country have to be, to have a majority to see Schultz as a viable alternative

Also one big flaw of the subreddit. For a subreddit on German politics, most of the content is in English. They need actual Germans.

Get fucked Schulzfags. Your Fake Polls and Redditbots dont matter.

then give it your energy. We need to draw anime version of Frauke.

Schultz is the Shillary of Germany m8. I doubt a lot of these polls are legit.


it has nothing to do with buying the media its the reality. AFD has lost the moment they took in all the NPD voters and policis, they lost the second they didnt denounce the brown filth.

You see the phrase, Never again, is not related to the juden in Germany but more Never again will we loose. And every thing Nazis ais associated with loosers.

Nobady votes for a party that has no future plans there whole political progarm is utter joke, there policies do more harm then what SPD or CDU could ever do and or did in the past.



>afd = nsdap
what an insult to NSDAP

t. Correctiv shill


Tfw you save Germany

AfD will win.

get lost kike shill

>there policies do more harm then what SPD or CDU could ever do and or did in the past.
Nigga have you seen the absolute state of your fucking country.


yep. solange bier billig ist und fußball läuft ist doch alles ok oder?

>liberal claiming I can't handle the real world
Lmao go back to your "we are all one race, the human race I'm a global citizen homosexual socialist" fantasy world

>they lost the second they didnt denounce the brown filth
Then why didnt SPD lose when they didnt denounce their truly brown filth aka Refugees?


Was man auf Umfragen geben sollte, haben die letzten Wahljahre im Westen deutlich gezeigt...

>implying you can put anyone from other parties in front of a camera without cringing

a socialist and populist and not mutually exclusive. One can be a socialist and a populist at the same time.

>That's why nobody knows who he is despite him being in the EU for a million years
nigger, nobody pay attention to what's happening in the EU. thats why i said they kinda knew his face. Because they saw him on TV or on some newspaper but they didnt pay attention.

Trump is a racist that's why you like him. And yes Trump is a fucking awful speaker. Populist =/= right wing neccesairily. Im not shilling i will vote AfD im just a realist

the solution ist klaar

we need frawooooooooookes

>Claims People cant handle the real World
Believes Muslim Refugees pay his Pensions in 30 Years when the Country is 70% Muslim

No arabic, please.

Wrong picture man..

We're fucked if it doesn't.


habs mir schon so gedacht


Jesus christ the shill is strong with this one. Filtered your ID. There's no reasoning with you.

>Trump is a racist
get out faggot you don't belong here

we are scattered and worn from the us election
europe is where Sup Forums's focus needs to be
encouraging to see an american flag on the op
god bless to all my brothers worldwide
let us commence the current yeaurope

You need to come up with a list of argument to combat defeatism amongst other Germans.

Like, really, start compiling a list of arguments that "not everything is lost" into one giant pasta. And then post and spread this pasta as a whole or in peaces.

It checks out

>One can be a socialist and a populist at the same time.
that would be national socialist

>Oh no, my wank fest is disturb´d
>fast launch denaiel mode, start Callnames.exe

I can play this too.

Underage eggy faggots playing siegheil.

My comment has nothing to do with shilling but is a reflection of the reality.

I know you cant handel it as all you do is flee in to alternate facts to make your life barbel.

Former AfD supporter here. Now supporting Herr Schulz


The fact CTR is shilling hard for schultz says enough
