If jews are behind everything.. what is their end game?

They are responsible for everything these days according to pol.

But what do they benefit from race mixing and forcing refugees on everyone except themselves..

Is the jew just a meme? I don't see how they benefit from this anymore than anyone else..

Other urls found in this thread:


It's in the fucking Talmud.

Goyim are to be slaves to the Jew.

Globalism isn't a meme
Jews aren't a meme
Cultural Marxism isn't a meme

The Jews want everyone to be mixed races and heritage so that they (the only ones pure and still having historical roots in a homeland) can rule over the mongrels.

god damn I love that image, I remember it back from 2012 Sup Forums.

Nostalgia for a great old game mixed with nostalgia of old Sup Forums

so these 8 million people are going to enslave the world?

They sure seem to be trying to.

I'd rather not just let it happen.

It's not in the Talmud. All the quotes you've seen are fakes.

>shut it down.jpg

This is now a jewish red pill thread

Hey there rabbi, watcha doin?

A lot of the rich powerful Jews are atheists though.

What's the point of enslaving the world when you can just automate everything?

Yet they still act in the interest of Jews.

Jews are an ethnic designation, and they act accordingly in their own interests. Nothing surprising here.

Breakaway civilization where they merge with machines and become the next evolutionary step paired with sophisticated technology.

>Has never read any Jewish religious texts
>Making claims that can easily be defeated
Either you're a paid shill or just here to stir the kettle. Do you consider feigning actual retardation to be banter? Or are you just a dumb chav trying to look cool by being dismissive?

It doesn't matter. What you should know is anyone that reads any of the Jewish texts knows, infallibly, that the Jews have always considered themselves masters of this world and it's chosen people. They seek to rule it and it is stated and restated over and over, throughout.

> nuclear holocaust
> sorcerer kings

ok guys. quote me something from the Talmud. and don't post those old jpgs that are misquotes.

simply quote me something.

> taken out of context
> misquotes

You sound like a goatfucker trying to defend a pedo.

Post the basic gestalt

Also here you go schlomo


Do cattle know what their rancher's end game is?

Clearly some do.

The problem is that the other Bessies just shove their head in the feed trough and ignore their surroundings.

>that are misquotes

After the race mixing a new race of easily controllable Goys are made.

they want less intelligent left wing sheep who are easy to control


It's their destiny to rule or so are they told to believe. Unfortunately they go about this the wrong way once again as they have done for centuries. The white man is the only one willing or capable of protecting them from the savages yet they make it their mission to destroy the white man.. Utter self-destructive lunacy but the jew has always been a self-destructive being.

Lower white birth rare, importing browns to white nations.

It lowers average iq.
That makes populations easier to take advantage of.

Look at latin america or africa. Dictators, messiah figures, corrupt commie big governments.

Those in power live like kings while everyone is stuck in shit.
And unlike capitalist white society there is no competition or opposition.

They are free to rule.

Jews are making sure the world is populated by cucked euthanized whites, low iq browns and they alone can be at the top.

If you have slaves, your tasks become automated, user



those aren't even quotes

All three quotes are there for people to see for themselves. The Forward talks about this stuff quite often.

> Gets a source posted
> Only selectively replies to what the jew can denounce.

Into the oven with you.


Boredom. It's why we do it at least.

So what happened with that whole Third Reich thing? I heard they weren't too fond of Jews.




I checked, there's nothing about Paedophilia

escape the world and build colonies in space, they will ruin this place so nobody has a chance of building stuff and reaching the stars

good idea

Their goal is to become kings.
No, better than kings... gods.

Jews had plenty of time to either cut out their shit or leave. You need to remember that Jews had no right to Germany they were let in with more or less open arms during the 18th and 19th centuries when they were fleeing reprisal from their actions in Russia. Many people draw parallels to the current American situation, they let in millions of the inbred sand rats with open arms and it took less than two generations for the majority to turn on them. Instead of telling their tribe to stop targeting our children they'll cry about muh americaust when assbooting #110 comes.

i've been on Sup Forums since it was stormfag heaven and never truly believed in the jew meme

They only had 6 years to take a divided and economically devistated Germany and turn it into a war machine that could defeat enemies with 13x their manpower and 21x their land.

They almost won and would have if the UK and then the Americans didn't side with the eternal Jew and its Soviet creation.

see: Adolf Hitlers struggle for peace


99.1% positive rating.

Their end game is "advancement of mankind" but on their terms, which no one else want.

lurk moar

Czechd and kekked.

>Kethuboth 11 b - THE SAGES SAY: A GIRL WHO WAS INJURED ACCIDENTALLY BY A PIECE OF WOOD — HER KETHUBAH IS A MANEH! Raba said, It means this: When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye

You sure about that Rabbi?


I had a screengrab of a post that explained this better but I can't find it (the one with the trading app analogy, anyone have it?), here goes:

Jews don't have an endgame. They are very clever but fundamentally incapable of empathy and therefore incapable of foresight with regard to other people's behavior. They do what seems like it will profit them and their race in the short term, but can't understand what it looks like to other people.

This is why they are such brazen liars, they don't feel that twinge of "what if they know I'm lying" that you or I feel. This is also why they never see the pogrom coming, why they never dial it back when things start getting out of hand.

They have a high IQ, and are low time preference enough to plan things, but they cannot incorporate expectations of non-Jews into their plans. They will keep pushing until they are pushed out, and they will be shocked and appalled that it happened. It will simply be the mystery of Anti-Semitism, they will not reflect on their own behavior at all.

Excellent. My brain is now on fire.

You've just described Chinese, my friend.

Dumb fuck OP has been shown proof and evidence and asks to be shown it for the billionth time...



Wtf the video is blocked in Germany...



The Han Chinese are the Jews of the East. Not exactly the same, of course. The Chinese will eat each other alive more so than the Jew, but they also have more of a herd/anthill mentality than the desert tribe one of the Jew. They are therefore less subversive and more overt in their aggression. They also have a different breeding strategy that has led to a vast difference in population, which in turn leads to a different attitude in dealing with other races. Where they are in the minority they behave more like Jews, but their aim is always to increase their numbers rather than to stay in the shadows rubbing their hands together.

Why fag

Wouldn't other groups just rush in to take their place?

>Wouldn't other groups just rush in to take their place?

Yes, but that is no excuse for not ridding yourself of them. The fact that ants may move in when you exterminate termites does not justify letting your house be consumed by termites. Nature is an endless struggle for dominance, to give in to nihilism is to die.

Interesting. That kind of fits what I was thinking but couldn't explain. I've never heard of time preference tho I have to research that.

This has to be a troll.. right??

The short version: Time preference is the instinctive valuation of each present moment in time, a high time preference means someone "lives in the moment" and is less likely to plan (low time preference being the inverse). It's related to the concept of future time orientation, but they aren't exactly the same.

Low IQ generally correlates with High Time Preference, but time preference seems to be much more malleable. You can teach/condition a child to plan, you can't really change IQ which seems to be almost entirely heritable (with extreme exceptions like brain damage/lead poisoning etc).

Worst LARP ever

I ask myself this every time I read msm.

End game is to force west to support israel via hate of the darkies.

See what, this makes no sense. Mass immigration of brown people does not boost the popularity of Jewish support from the US.

The strongest supporters of Israel are American Christian Conservatives, the highest-priority target of the globalists and Liberals.