When will we

Finally have equality Sup Forums?

Literally guys all we had was lady Gaga performing

Why can't you treat us like the people we are??


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While I think love wins is a fucking stupid slogan, I think that in the end, marriage equality will always prevail

>Why can't you treat us like people
We'll treat you like people when you act like people

How exactly does a person act?

Butthole politics are a waste of time.
No sane, mature person cares about your non-issues.


Will you watch our kickstarter video?

>How exactly does a person act?
Not like this.

Please stop appropriating the flag of the Aztec nation. The white man took enough from them as it is

>looks at the most biased possible view of the most obnoxious 3% of a group of people

That's not us

Saying that all gay people act like that is incorrect though. Most gay people don't act like that, and most of the ones that do reserve it for one day/year.

>U.S. Virgin Islands
We still have colonies?

Nice flag

What the fuck do you want now?

Thats no excuse. I can't murder someone once a year

wow you're right. guess I'm heterosexual now.

Hey officer! I only act this way once a year. It's cool right? We're breaking barriers and publically sodimizing.

I just want bf interested in biology, makes rakija and suseno meso and is orthodox

Have you ever been to New York? It's super gay there. Like so gay that Taylor swift lives there in her lesbian palace apartment

What you talkin about amerikan pig

Amerikan pigs show us with homosexual propaganda and yesterday i saw black guy in tv commercial and there are no blacks here. Why do amerikan pigs spread degeneracy

>That's not us
Unfortunately, it's enough of you.

>Saying that all gay people act like that is incorrect though.
You say that like it's not usually blatantly obvious who is a homosexual.

The best gay people are men who don't act like flaming faggots and women, but they really are few and far between. What is the point of being sexually interested in guys if they talk and act like girls? Sadly, a sizable percentage of you guys are like Vegans in that everybody has to know what your sexual preference is and how proud you are of it.

Honestly, I wouldn't have any problem with Canada becoming this huge liberal gay fest if it meant the rest of us didn't have to be forced to accept you.

>and most of the ones that do reserve it for one day/year.
Which day? The many many Gay Pride Parades that happen in cities all over the world? Gay Pride Month (like Women's Month, Black History Month, etc)? Every night at the Gay Bar? Gay Day at Disney? (because seeing a bunch of you in disgusting pervert outfits is exactly what children should see). I'm curious which day this is. There's a shitty motel here that has big cross-dressing contests many times throughout the year. But whatever you do, don't say you're proud to be white.

It's still funny how the majority of LGBT people are liberal, and liberals are pro-Islam, which is very anti-LGBT (see: Pulse Club). Say what you want about me, but I have never even harmed anybody, gay or straight.

>people we are
Stop lying.

Well I don't know what rakija or suseno meso are, but I'll fuck you bloody.

Was not homophobic before, now honestly want them all to die. Thank you Michael Signorile for making "gay" synonymous with "extreme leftist."

Fuck. You. Bloody.

Fucking this


Bro -__-

Actually, I'll add one more thing.

You wouldn't be nearly as bad if you didn't also bring in trans-gender people into it, but you had to include them in "LGBT".

Get rid of the "T" and denounce them as the lunatics that they are and say should remain inside a padded closet, and I will tip my hat to you.

easy solution: firebombs

Leftists have made me hate the word "Love"

>Why can't you treat us like the people we are??

We just need more (((progressive))) cartoons.

I don't want to kill them - I'm not muslim.

I just wish they weren't so gross about like their assholes stretched, that's all. But I guess that's me being hateful and intolerant.

Your nation will fall pig

Join the official /polgb/ discord!


When our nation falls, your nation will be part of Russia. Again. :^)

Amerikan education


>what was the cold war
>what was Yugoslavia
Sometimes I really feel bad that we bothered to fight against the Soviet Union.

>Being this bluepilled.
No two human beings will ever be equal.
Aside from that gay things are people, disgusting ones, how ever.



I got my squad with me

Pig, Yugoslavia was not part of soviet savez

>not USSR
>still socialist