
The final redpill is anarchy. Only cucks need government.

Exactly. Anyone who says different is a white faced nigger.


Anarchy it's the real state of things, all the rest are a desperate effort to bend others people's will.

Until you have kids, then you're ready to bend someone over a counter and sodomize them with your NAP

fuck off redit shill, we're anti anarchysm, it's a retarded """"""system"""""". We're anti capitalism as well

size being %GDP that is government spending you autistic fuck

you mean Crypto-Anarchy


the final redpill is that earth is beyond salvation, don't fuck up mars by letting niggers and other subhumans

Anarchy, much like autism, is a spectral disorder. It's OK to want varying degrees of it. And it can blend with other ideologies.

Why so A vs B? Is there nothing in between?

>implying "we're" on the other extreme

Because everyone here is under the age of 20 and sees the world in high-contrast good vs bad. Then they get all butt hurt when someone isn't on their side of the line they've been marketed into believing exists.

kekactly. One of them will get butthurt over this too I bet.

They never said "we". Probably because they aren't adhering to some group of people out of societal pressure and market segmentation.

Not everyone sees the world in terms of "us" vs "them".

taxation is theft and all government is force. The government is legalized crime. Fuck all of them.

shut the fuck up you pessimistic scum.. The earth will rise again go fuck yourself.

>We're anti capitalism
Fuck off you commie shill. kys

Yeah I fucking hate dustbins

How fucking stupid are you? Kys

>Lol rules are for cucks
You are a literal nigger

I didn't say no rules I said no government you fag

>No government
Then how do you create and enforce laws? Consult the tribal shaman or the nigger with the most disks in his lips? Fucking animal

Property is theft

You think that only government can organize and run a police force oh you are so cucked

>Privatize the police force
What could possibly go wrong?

Fuck off to Somalia with the other anarchists you fucking nigger


Why even bother with a police FORCE when you have a gun?

Calm down mate, no need to jump to immediate hostilities and tell me to jump off the old big bong.

Surely an anarchist society values discussion prior to use of force? Or should I cave your gob in for being a mouthy cunt?

>blunder suzerain into war with France
>supply the enemy side
>REEEEE when asked to pay for it
>suzerain actually repeals the taxes
>suzerain tries to play nice with the colony they conquered
>REEEEE because they gave the land you wanted

Pic related aren't anarchists they're communists. You should know that by now.


>if it's not white, it's black
Come on Sven.

What does this even mean? I make money, I spend money on a thing. How have I stolen this thing?

Yeah who needs detectives and shit to hunt down criminal apes. I can see why you want anarchy Tyrone, would make husslin the streets a lot easier


That's where you're wrong kiddo. I don't need to steal shit if the government doesn't steal 50% of my income.

So, if start your own business and work for yourself, is your property still theft?


No you haven't stolen anything

Thats why send the nigers to africa then no need for cops.




"We" aren't anything.
get off my board Commie scum


The West needs anarchy.
Kek confirms, praise kek!


Id love to watch you build a good highway in an anarchy. The problem is unions. Creates a communist-like mentality that makes lazier workers that are paid more. Bring back competitive business and that will bring jobs back to America

What about a semi automatic SKS rifle?

As long as ammo is plentiful and you aren't overly-reliant on the automatic function, it should be perfectly fine.

ALWAYS have a backup though. You can never be too careful.

Greetings my Ancap brother! Come, let us discuss the NAP and read Murray Rothbard while laughing at all the economic illiterates!


> who builds the roads
I thought the answer to that is: whoever wants to, and then charges a toll

go hang yourself

Greetings fellow based bro. Let us share dank memes of ancap free thought.

Stop breaking the NAP you retarded faguette


don't you fucking break MY NAP ever again you moldav CUNT

When someone can show me a single example of an anarchist who could plausibly survive a year of actual anarchy I'll be perfectly happy to consider anarchism as an ideology rather than a meme.

>he fell for the neoliberal free-market no regulations meme

free market like you being tied like conan to a wheel and no police coming to help you, but of course your aren't conan, so you'll die.

Indeed user

>Literally promoting a rape culture
The left are fucking hilarious. What do you faggots think will happen when all of the rules disappear?
You think there won't be roving rape and murder gangs ruling over everything?
Have you seen America's tribes? They're called MS13, Bloods, Crips, etc.
They would rule in place of a formal government, you fucking idiots.
They never think it through.

>Sup Forums
>supports anarcho capitalism
>wants to kick out illegal immigrants

Oh no how will we live without the pedophiles in government telling us what to do?

What the hell?

They'll be killed immediately idiot

I want anarchy simple because of the power vacuum

Your not very bright. I despise government, but without common law there is no order. Without order there is no peace. In every worthwhile society there has to be a higher mold/order keeping the people from anarchy. No government would only work in small cities who were truly nazis. The whole reason capitalism was created was because half the men worked while the other half sat around reaping the same benefits from the men who worked. Capitalism was great, its fucked now. National Socialism or a contingent quality Monarch family are the best forms of Government. At least they were, now overpopulation is a problem. Autist World where people have 9 kids with no job. Let em fucking starve.

I am a free individual, man. What can I say? No government or country owns me. Hahaha get on my level cuck

>falling for the overpopulation jew meme
Hahaha nigger you need to read more.

Because we don't share our land with people who don't share our value idiot. Plus we're not in anarchy yet. If the US was an ancap state and the res tof the world had governments, no immigration would occur.

I woke up at 3am today as a white privileged male made around 300 bucks for the boss and 200 for myself. Fucked up day. Worked my ass off. Get back to office and some fat fucking mexican who sits on his ass all day, makes no fucking money and gets paid trys to give me shit about him having to do 40 minutes of actual labor. Theres so many worthless motherfuckers alive. Pig vomits



>get on my level of cuck

7 billion people is 6.5 billion too many.

And toss our elderly to niggers and other criminal groups? No thanks.


Theoretically maybe. It's hard to actually believe this if you've spent any time around humans.


Haha name a land now that the kikes or the liberal cunts havent diversified?

as retarded as the final blue pill being communism.

just stop

You and Gates nees to be friends

yeah it's the only way secret societies are going to be demolished.

How would corporations benefit from a lower population?
Do you know what supply and demand is?

Toss the criminals to the bullet faggot

Dogshit. You're a fucking dumbass kid. Resources are not infinite and the more shitstains too support the faster they disappear. Anarchy is fucking peasant talk. Its not even possible this day in age.

Fewer people means higher prices. Corporations will be fine.


Without government, who will suppress technology and make biofuel plants illegal?


It really is true though. Depopulation is a good goal, or are you like those in the EU commission who want to replace native populations with people seeking the quality of life but who are unable to sustain it themselves?

if you aren't an ancap then you are shit,
S I M P L E.


Why is depopulation a good thing?



Wrong. The true redpill is chaos. Anarchy is without a leader. Chaos is without control. Which one sounds more appealing to you?

That was a terrible meme and I'm glad it's over.
>spend more fuel on growing crops for biofuel than the crops actually produce

The only reason Anarchy even ended, was all the other races bitched and whines about white people BTFOing every race on the planet. So whites were nice, and gave them modern society. So they could be useful.

Corporations will become your goverment instead. Oh wait...

Fucking this, jesus christ