American university students, how is it?

Seriously, how is it being surrounded by brainwashed PC professors and often equally brainwashed students? How is it being surrounded by low IQ blacks and other minorities that got in there via affirmative action? How is it not being able to voice your obviously unpopular thoughts?

I seriously don't know how you guys do it, American universities seem like absolute hellholes by what I've been seeing on the internet in the past year or so.

Other urls found in this thread:

It makes you want to neck yourself pretty bad.

On the other hand, nothing wakes up normies to leftist bullshit more than a BLM protest on campus.

I wouldn't know, I stopped going to college 4 years ago to pursue a full time job.

Sounds like I got out just in time too.
Reading all the new bizarre classes and stupid policies campuses are taking on and enforcing is seriously depressing.

Leaf here. Pretty great being surrounded by people who agree with you. I don't want to face any form of disagreement or challenge to my beliefs. I have been fighting for years against racism, sexism, and islamophobia and I am happy to say that anything close to it is shut down, labelled as hate speech, and promptly arrested. This is the world I want to live in.

I used to have a jew teacher who taught a 1000 level general education course. We were supposed to be learning about the world, but it was always just an outlet for her to channel her stupid feminist ideology. But the funniest part of the class was her word-salad manner of speech, where she just randomly combined "intellectual sounding words" in order to give the illusion that there was some content to what she was saying. I can rattle off a sample paragraph on the spot:
>So by examining the different cultural dynamics between various feminisms, we can then establish a framework wherein the transnational interplay of various nationalisms can be examined within the context of post-colonial studies and white versus non-white feminisms.

Not even kidding.

more subtle next time

Don't lose hope, Leaf. That faggot from Shark Tank might just save that syrupy pile of garbage you call a nation.

Went to a UC, not even enough time for the prof to insert their political stands in class. Though I majored in stems so that's probly why. I just slept thru my GE's otherwise.


The good majority of students aren't that bad honestly. It's always the loud ones that are like that. So like for example we had shit happen here for Trayvon back then, BLM, etc. For those that don't live here this is what they'll see, but for those that do live here, what you'll see is that most people just walk by this shit and go "okay..." and then go on with the rest of their day.

The hard left peeps are always in the minority, but they scream about everything the most. Like petulant children. Hell, my roommate got harassed for being white after the election results even though she voted Hillary. But at the end of the day these people are a minority of those at a college.

Don't let the fear tactics of a few make you think otherwise about anything. You're falling for their shit if you do.

>Lefty here
>They're not everywhere
>Ignore all the video evidence showing otherwise

STEM crew. Wouldn't know.

Finance student here. Hardly anybody in business is crazy SJW liberal. They seem to stick to the bullshit degrees like polysci, psychology, and anything that begins with a race and ends with studies (Afro-American studies, Chicano studies, etc.).
The few bullshit electives I had to take were chock full of them

It's not as bad as the memes make it seem. The memes only take the worst of the worst and exaggerate that even further.

My uni is politically mixed, but liberals are the only ones who try to "convert" you.

I took a 4000-level course called Animals and Religion in undergrad. Figured we would be learning about ancient egypt and greco-roman animal mythology. Nope. Professor made it an animal rights class.

If you're not going to get a STEM degree, don't bother with an American university

I enjoy it. The whole 18 months of the election was just build up for their CRASHING defeat. They were "literally shaking" and crying. It was hilarious. So fucking hilarious.

Plus you know they're going to fail miserably in life unless they grow up. They are so out of touch with the basic requirements of employment and self-sufficiency that they will never succeed in life. We're on the cusp of a generation devouring itself with narcissism and stupidity.

It's tolerable at my university. People usually keep politics out of the classroom. We just got out of an 18 month election cycle, and everyone is tired of it. I think people just want to move on from politics, left and right.


Some of my friends are left leaning but the most it comes to are joking pokes and jabs, which I throw back at them.


>allows random pics and videos from the internet to be his "evidence" rather than carefully researched statistics, and the objectively measurable actions taken by the vast majority instead of tiny little protest groups
>being this mentally retarded

I go to one of the largest schools in the country and the most I see is radicals in the campus free speech space yelling about absolutely whatever. Hardly any blue pilled gender politics beyond the schools own heavy handed outreach programs.

It makes sense grammatically

>how is it being surrounded by brainwashed PC professors and often equally brainwashed students? How is it being surrounded by low IQ blacks and other minorities that got in there via affirmative action? How is it not being able to voice your obviously unpopular thoughts?

Fucking terrible. You have to pretend to be a libcuck in some classes or you get failed.

that photo makes me giggle every time i see it

Stem majors dont have time to be attending nigger lives rallies.

Does anyone find it peculiar these pics of libfag students, feminists etc. always display some otherworldy rage. Like a foreign entity is controlling them in that moment?

I studied an SJW classic, archaeology (my old man is loaded so I don't really care that it's a Forbes bottom-10 earning major).

It was actually alright. The literature is generally pretty neutral in terms of SJW content aside from cultural relativism being central to the field. There was a lot of crossover with anthropology and women's studies, though, so any given class tended to have at least one dyed-hair bitch shrieking about how white men and colonialism ruined the world. Feminist archaeology in particular was very disappointing to the females in the class, since it was really just about identifying the roles of women in a given context rather than elevating them past their station.

One of my professors was a full Marxist, though. That guy could fuck off.

>Seriously, how is it being surrounded by brainwashed PC professors and often equally brainwashed students?
Hard to say. It's my last semester and I haven't encountered any brainwashing. No leftist ideas, no fat girls with purple hair screaming in the street. No talk of communism or socialism. In 4 years I have heard a single person talk about their gender unless I'm off-campus at a party, and then it's just the retarded drunks who feel for that whole gender-is-a-meme thing. Once they've passed out and pissed their pants, nobody remembers a single word they said.

>How is it being surrounded by low IQ blacks and other minorities that got in there via affirmative action?
The classes pair you up with blacks, but for the most part they hold their own. They do the work, but they don't contribute much to the discussion.

> How is it not being able to voice your obviously unpopular thoughts?
I wrote about the Jewish influence on the Bolshevik revolution in World Governments, got an A on the paper. Wrote about how capitalism is very successful in resource allocation in Macro Econ, got an A. Wrote about the advent of direct democracy via smartphones in PoliSci, got a B.

I've had 10 gf's since I've been here. Side job fixing computers on the weekends. I dunno, college has been great for me, except the overpriced freaking textbooks and the jacked up tuition and the outrageous parking fees and no spaces to park, and the athletic fees and all the other fees even if you're out a semester.

Yeah, I'd stay if I could.

I agree with you

Holy shit. You're talented, user. You should go into politics if you can just pull that outta' your ass on demand. All those syllables and absolutely no content.

>anyone that doesn't agree with my under-researched brand of paranoid anti-globalism is brainwashed
I did a semester at American University (a college in DC actually called American University) and every lecturer was further to the right than me, either full centrist or somewhat centre-right. I was studying international relations, with a particular focus on international trade and security.

In Australia, at least in arts degrees, tutorials are run in a forum like format where students can have back and forths with one another. You're welcome to voice and expected to defend your "unpopular" thoughts, so long as you don't totally sperg out like in every greentexted instance of a Sup Forums-fag trying to epically redpill a room full of blue pilled normies. Pro tip: journalism is not considered evidence in higher education.

Focus on your own shit and you'll be fine.

Stay away from all humanities and liberal arts. They might force you take a class or two as a requirement but just bang it out early.

I attend a private Catholic University. We don't have much of that shit here. I would guess that the student body is about 70% conservative. We are also 77% white and 3% African American. Thanks Dad!


It's all about who you know.

this is what i want to believe, but it's becoming increasingly difficult

As a student in a premiere southern California Uni, it's terrible. The best technique is to simply keep your head down, get your degree and get out. I have hope that once these naive libtards get into the real world, where they deal with the real consequences of carrying an immature and impractical world-view. For now, everyone around me is basically the thought police who will make sure anyone they know is aware of your indoctrinational malfunction

That's where you're wrong.

I'm an academic at a British university and I've worked at a US Ivy League previously, along with various short stints at other places. About 90 percent of people involved in academia are hard left, and I do mean hard. This transfers down to their students, regardless of subject.

You might like the idea of all the people doing the courses you perceive to be difficult or useful as having politics similar to yours, but that isn't the case. I have legitimately never met a career academic who was right wing. The only right wingers, such as myself, have come in from other areas as opposed to the traditional route of BA/MSc>MA/MSc, then to PhD afterward with no gaps in between.

Activism is massive and covers all subjects and all areas.

Well fuck, I sure am unlucky. I've really aspired to get into an university in the US and study something in the realm of social sciences that I'm really passionate about, either antrophology or political science, but it seems that social sciences are the ones that are the most flooded with these PC Marxists...

How is it being white yet still less than a nigger because ur serbian trash pig

>have obviously Jewish teacher
>slip in a bunch of subtle references to Sup Forums
>one day he notices

>Does anyone find it peculiar these pics of libfag students, feminists etc. always display some otherworldy rage. Like a foreign entity is controlling them in that moment?

It's the same 4 fat girls with purple or red hair used over and over. We've had a few protests, but here's nothing even remotely like the memes IRL.

You must have fallen for some Soviet-style brainwashing, trying to fool Americans into thinking college life is bad. It's not, and I've even worn my MAGA hat to class (had to take it off inside, tho)

everyone who graduates from college can do that, not really a rare skill

What do you teach/research?

Its honestly not that bad, and I go to a school in rural Pa. I would say about 5-7% of the school is communist/socialist left and about 40% really buy into all the white privledge discourse, a lot of people are just here to drink and smoke from Thursday to Sunday. i used to be a Bernie type guy but now I identify as a conservative.

I really only have one hard left green professor but basically everyone understands the white privledge and race stuff, which I think some is true (nogs been getting fucced for 400 years and Indian slaughter eas our class discussion today in Race&Gender In Am. Politics class today) but is almost always pushed with a leftist, Marxist anaylsis that makes their solutions garbage. Some of it is antiwhite. However being in rural PA the town is always super, redneck conservative and actually burned a cross in 1994 while we were having a diversity program, kek.. After the kidnapping, someone in our town said we need to bring back the Klan and said it in our local newspaper.

To be honest its liberal arts in general, not stem (except some envrio) but there are a lot of conservative whites on my campus. Race is always an eggshell topic so we have diversity stuff here. Its not AIDS skilled and Carl the Cuck type levels though.

Challage for pol: I am speaking on a diversity panel (I'm mocoa but raised in 100% white household, look slightly asian) and I wanma drop redpills or be slightly problematic so give me ammunition, like IQ stuff or ill be cruficified.

Yeah but it's unnecessarily constructed in a way that which; would seem intellectually superior to what the average person would create with their vocabulary.


Do you understand that your opinion doesn't matter anymore when you act like this?

i'll go back to school in a decade once all the tranny millennials have died of aids

what the fuck is going on with her neck?
did the mob of protesters rescue her from a lynching on their way to protest trump?

Politics department, but no party politics. Mostly conflict/development nexus and post-conflict policing. At the moment I teach one IR module at undergraduate level, three at Masters and supervise PhD candidates. I'm not paid a salary by the university as my expenses and fees are covered by another institution.

honestly it's pretty fun. Politically I fall to the middle/slight right, but man oh man there are some wack jobs at my school. I unfortunately go to a public university, so there are a lot of affirmative action students on campus. Some of them are okay, like one of my friends in the honors college, or another on my rugby team. But there are still many fierce liberals in my classes.

I'm majoring in Economics/National Security, so my 100 and 200 levels intersected with a lot of polysci/socially conscious majors. I took this one American politics class that was absolutely bananas. Kids were advocating for all kinds of things. Literal communists and nazis running around. I just did my best to fuck with them when I could or keep my mouth shut when they got to wild.

8/10 experience so far.

Calm down, shiptar.

It is sophistry

Thanks user :^)

Different colleges are different. If you go to a school with a big liberal arts department like mine it's not so great. Everyone I know is a far left liberal.

That being said, I'm also r9k so I don't have any friends which probably amplifies the experience.

LMU student.

I hate every goddamn second of it.

I go to a second tier feeder school for a top 50 university. The SJWism is actually tolerably low in the business department with the exception of the HR majors.

The reason is these are mostly the children of working class or lower class whites, the occasional poo, or assimilated Mexican.

Then again I didn't take any of the gened crap here but at the community college where I trolled the stupid SJW faggots hard.

I made a girl cry once in class and told her to get out. She got the fuck out.

>Take real classes
>Politics comes up literally fucking never in lectures

>About 90 percent of people involved in academia are hard left,
Not in America. The Koch brothers donated millions in cash to get a class started on Ayn Rand Objectivism and the prof is real gung ho Atlas Shrugged, but guys who've taken the course tell me not to bother.

One of my girlfriends too k a woman's study course and she had to tell how women played a role in their own subjectivity to men, like they were partly responsible. That didn't strike me as particularly leftist.

Genuinely enjoyed my philosophy degree but christ, I was in a minority politically. Right-wing libertarian surrounded by rabid socialists. It made for interesting debate though.

The lecturers and tutors were obviously left-leaning but I never felt views were pushed on us. The whole idea was that you develop your own arguments.

There was a substitute teacher at my secondary school who was a hardcore green / animal rights activist. He and a few others dug up an old lady's grave.

I am almost done so now I give less shits. It was pretty miserable, I made no friends and lost most of my old high school friends. I'm fine with that though, who needs em.

Some students, mostly girls, seem to view a 3500 word essay as an excuse to show me they know large words. If I find myself reaching for the dictionary or Google within a few lines then I know it's going to be void of any sort of meaningful analysis, with minimal theory and no strength of argument.

Unfortunately they learn it from other people and think it's the correct way to go.

she slipped her collar and is running wild all over the neighborhood yelling at kids and old ladies about their privilege

Which opinion?
IR departments around the world (I've studied it at 3 institutions in 2 countries) seem to have one of the highest concentrations of right wing academics anywhere, to be honest, I'm surprised you can't find any. I think it's because unless you're teaching/learning everything from a super abstracted, theoretical standpoint, IPE demands the use of real economic theories and security studies demands some level of military acumen, and a lot of people on the left are sheltered from these ideas.

Not a student, but used to be and still live in a college town. I went out to lunch at a local cafe near campus and had an altercation with a 17-21 yo semi fat/ugly feminazi with died hair and that booger piercing.

>walking to table with food
>have 1 yo just learning to walk
>she's walking with me
>she trips about a foot from another table where said feminazi is sitting
>bitch says verbatim "Watch your child you fucking breeder."
>I set my food and diaper bag down and pick up my daughter
>Kinda stunned, say "excuse me?"
>"You heard me, watch where your fucking kids are going. She could have broken my stuff."
>"Try not leaving it on the ground then."
>At this point she's screaming and tries to get in my face.
>Her screaming makes my baby cry.
>Manager comes over and asks if there's a problem
>She instantly turns and starts yelling at the manager "This BITCH stomped on my computer and I demand you call the police."
>My friend and I explain to the manager nothing happened except this cunt is screaming her head off
>Won't let the manager finish a sentence
>Won't let me finish a sentence
>She lunges at me but the manager stops her
>Still holding my screaming child trying to comfort her
>She's not crying and screaming
>Manager's not having any of it.
>Kicks her out
>Apologizes to me.
>After she leaves and he reviews the security tape, he comes back and offers to comp my friend and I's meals
>never went back there again

Too bad too, food was great. Now I just avoid any place too close to campus.

Are u in Munich (planning to go there) or is some other university in the US named like this?

>all these butthurt rural and suburban retards ITT who have never been to college

I graduated last May.

I'll be honest with you, it is fucking horrible. I went to class and then got the fuck out. I made some friends through the people I lived with.

I am 10x happier though now that I am a working man. If you are a depressed student, all I have to say to you is that it gets a lot better after you graduate.

>social sciences are the ones that are the most flooded with these PC Marxists..
Marxists? More like socialists and pretty much limited to Sociology. I took that class freshmen year and our professor told us right off the bat that soon after he got his PhD he figured out that we need more socialistic for society to become better. So that's just like his opinion, man.

Why are you such a condescending bitch? And why do you tripfag?

>now crying and screaming

Well, based Serb, I'm what they call a continuing education student. This basically means I'm a loser. In my case, a loser who was never able to settle on a path and eventually stopped attending. Now I'm a wagecuck in a warehouse, but at least it's small and there are no niggers. I'm also fortunate enough to not have racked up student loan debt, although my GPA is just above spic tier.

My studies have focused on web development and general science. While SJW dominate web dev in online culture, I just don't feel their presence at school. Many people on Sup Forums and Sup Forums could sleepwalk through my program, but I think a lot of the SJW can't hack it once they get it into the more involved classes.

This semester I'm fulfilling a non-tech requirement (History) but to my relief the prof basically said disrespectful conversations would not be tolerated. So, no REEEEEEEEE and a pretty easy grade thus far. The rest of campus has been the usual shit show, with somalis, niggers, and SJW crying about this and that while trashing the common areas. They are disgusting people and most will not be employable in the private sector.

>Not in America
A year at Dartmouth and a few summers across various other east coast colleges, and about a hundred contacts across the USA. Genuinely, the only ones that were right of centre were ones who had fallen into academia (like me) or were extremely notable. Everyone else, every researcher, TA, lab assistant, candidate, newly posted academic and so on was left. Really left.

>The Koch brothers donated millions in cash to get a class started on Ayn Rand Objectivism and the prof is real gung ho Atlas Shrugged

This is idiotic.

Most students are based and tired of this shit. They just don't think they can talk about because they are afraid. I'm from UH Manoa and I actually know far more Trump supporters than haters. I work out in my MAGA shirt and occasionally walk around with my MAGA hat, so people feel okay admitting it to me.

>Seriously, how is it being surrounded by brainwashed PC professors and often equally brainwashed students?

I was in STEM. I rarely encountered that sort of professor. Likewise with the students. There were rare exceptions, and they were very irritating.

>How is it being surrounded by low IQ blacks and other minorities that got in there via affirmative action?

Luckily, I wasn't surrounded by them. Whenever I did encounter them, all too often they acted unprofessionally or just flat out disruptive. Much more so than any of the other students.

>How is it not being able to voice your obviously unpopular thoughts?

Feels bad man. Honestly, I am staying the hell away from academia once I'm done with it. The social justice horseshit is beginning to seriously negatively effect the work routines of the non-crazy professors.

Its pretty shitty, even here in Texas. I've gotten in trouble a couple of times for being problematic.

>Why are you such a condescending bitch?
Because I always feel like I'm to intelligent for Sup Forums
>And why do you tripfag?
On my personal reasons for using a tripcode:

On the utility of tripcodes generally to the quality of discussion on Sup Forums:

If you're on campus, don't let those guys fuck with you. With a little bit of looking around, you'll for sure find people that believe in what you do. A lot of the silent people often watching from the side these very events; they all feel the exact same way you do. This silent majority is far more powerful than this loud minority, and often more hardworking as well while also knowing their shit better.

jokes on you leaf, I graduated magna sum honor at ITT Tech

oh, they are hellholes alright.

I teach math at a state university, so the political bullshit aspect doesn't affect anything.

The lifestyle is fucking awesome but the pay is shit.

In my experience the students are usually worse than the professors. Unfortunately my school is pretty liberal but its a roll of the dice whether the professor will actively shill or not.


I do know them. They just aren't career academics. They're either here on short notice, have a specialist requirement or ended up researching with minimal teaching hours. Even those with certain "right" tendencies, the realists and such, are progressive left on every other issue.

Career academics are not right wing. There are certain people in academia that are, but it's about ten percent if you're lucky.

It's fun. It's too easy to compete with a bunch of braindead retards.

it's really not that bad

there is maybe one person like that in each class

It depends heavily on the field of study. I have a 2 year CIT degree, and EVERY CIT Prof and Student were super conservative.

The humanities and writing classes were bleeding heart liberals (one even self identified as such).

The worst is pretty fucking intolerable though.

>I rarely encountered that sort of professor. Likewise with the students. There were rare exceptions, and they were very irritating.

So we're to believe that not only are the people on your course and the academics more likely to be right wing than the American populace as a whole, the brainwashed left were rare exceptions? In a bunch of people reliant on federal funding, particularly of the 18-25 age group?

Read that over and have a think about why it seems ridiculous.

ICould any student tell me if the situation at American universities is as bad as it sounds in the internet news?

Are politically correct radicals the majority of students?

not even close
>most vocal
definitely, yes

there are more unintelligent ethnic minority students than i would desire, but aside from that i'm not really upset

haven't had more than a professor or two lightly reference leftist political sentiment and have had a couple professors reference right wing political sentiment

no chimping out, nothing like that

but that is what you get with a mid-size state school in the Deep South and i'm a fucking pseudoscience major for god's sake

Who cares about SJWs, let's talk about the insane amount of foreign Chinese students.

They're everywhere man. I guess the money is too good. UCSD is majority asian now.

It's not as bad and it's the liberal indoctrination is nearly nonexistant is things like CS and engineering.

Walkign around the campus itself though you'll never see anything pro-right except maybe a republican party tabling every once in a while. You will see plenty of marches for the stupidest shit though like the slut walk or whatever its called.

>with the exception of the HR majors

First ones into the fire, please.


Did Sup Forums ever name this creature?

the majority of students are just trying to study and get through their degree and couldn't care less about inane screeching

totally legit post goyi--guys
>day of the Rake when

unless you're getting some shitty liberal arts degree, this is a non-issue outside of 100 level courses

I commute to my uni, so I just go to class then get the fuck out as soon as class ends. Though I have seen a few cars in the parking lot with Trump stickers and nobody really seems to care.

I've had a few PC professors and it was hell to sit through their classes, but my major is in the STEM field so as soon as I got my basic courses out the way they got filtered out pretty quickly along with any SJW students. For some reason liberals are fucking awful at math.

really should've taken that "recognizing satire" elective before you dropped out

I go to a considerably left-of-center liberal arts college (INB4 useless degree cuck; I'm in business) and honestly it's not as bad as I expected going into it. The whole "vocal minority" thing is completely true here; the messages and posters put up everywhere are made and spread by what I estimate to be