It's Ronald Reagan's birthday today you fucks

It's Ronald Reagan's birthday today you fucks.

Give respects.

Other urls found in this thread:


> Amnesty
Fuck Reagan and fuck you

Happy Birthday Chief.




That really was a nice post, user. Unfortunately, I can’t be bothered to dignify it. Why, you may ask? Well, I must inform you that in the span of glancing at your post, I have ejaculated about five times to a rather enthralling hentai called ‘Emergence’. The way the hentai depicts the gradual process of a virgin becoming a cum dumpster really made me erect. Hell, I haven’t gotten that aroused since Anton Yelchin’s death. Anyways, this girl gets raped by her drunk father and has sex with all the boys at school. Now, these parts were perfectly fappable, but the real fun starts when she gets bullied and ostracised from her class. Her downward spiral of drugs and prostitution eventually leads to her becoming a mere shadow of a human being. In her last dying moments as a pregnant prostitute, she dreams of a future with her (would be) daughter. Instead of getting to live that future, she dies alone in a cold room. I swear that last scene will always bring me to ecstasy. Now, if you really want to get my attention, you must commit yourself to reading such refined works as I do. Only then can I consider you my intellectual equal.

>tripled the national debt
>gave amnesty to millions of mexicans, dooming california to what we see today
Yeah, he was a real winner.

He's like 100, he's gonna die soon anyway who gives a shit.

For Ronny.

rest in piss you piece of shit

>destroyed the middle class
>fucked up the debt
>AIDS epidemic
>amnesty to illegals

Foreign policy wise he was actually good, but I don't know why republicans constantly praise for his economics when he's one of the reasons everyone is in debt now. He was like a 6/10 president

Reagan is the Devil!
Remember Rex-84!!!!!

supported gun control because those super scary black panthers


>tfw born a day too late to have same birthday as Reagan

Feels bad man...

>gave amnesty to Mexicans
>started the modern gun control movement
Eat shit and die.

ShindoL is great

Happy Birthday Skipper

>responsible for Hispanics getting a foothold in America
>muh free trade
>funded Afghan """"rebels""""
>dementia was fucking up his shit towards the end but he didn't step down

Press S to spit on grave

God bless you Pan Reagan, Destroyer of Communism and Bane of Liberals!

Fucking charmed life that guy lead.

Rot in hell neocon filth

>> Amnesty
Letting a kidnapper keep the hostage in his basement is not amnesty. What Reagan did is called invasion licence.

Holy fuck that's goofy.

Reagan was hermano-tier he gave my dad and uncles amnesty AMA

You guys think at this point in his life he was capable of knowing what Clinton is even laughing about? He looks confused.

He was slipping in and out by 1992

>Respects, Sir.

How a was he a neoconservative protip he wasnt even Pat "Hitler did nothing wrong" Buchanan a Paul Craig Roberts say he wasn't


>slipping in and out
of Nancy.

Great Communicator checked

He fell for the "Mexicans are natural conservatives" meme.

> Destroy/disenfranchise unions to harm the average American working male while not improving the quality of the industries it was claimed to be harming, like automobiles
> Triple the National Debt
> Star Wars
> partially responsible for the genesis of the modern fiasco in the Middle East
The only reason people like him is because of nostalgian because he was the last president of the country while it was almost entirely supermajority white, even in large cities.


Daily reminder that Reagan is the reason why no-fault divorce is now common.

This too. Seriously the dude is behind so much cancer it's unreal that American """conservatives""" can even be deluded into liking him at all, let alone how much they actually lionize him.



You lived a fucking idiot and you died a fucking idiot.
No one with intellect misses you.


anyone else watch that 2 hour piece on 1 America earlier?

Link it

I don't like Reagan. He's the reason why we can't legally own full auto guns that were made after 1986.

Thanks for deregulating wall street and giving beaners amnesty to turn a red state california into commiefornia.

and yet, a bunch of hostages, held by mudskins, was set free. Before!! he officially took office. Yeah idiot indeed (irony)

get comfy faggot and pay respects to mr president

fuck this guy.

FAKE President.

Happy birthday Ronald.

Fuck that dead bitch, lets celebrate trump!


>Hey let's let in all the beaners for cheap labor

Ronald Reagan destroyed this country


He's been dead since 2004 retard

> as you sit online with no girlfriend, never did anything for anyone, let alone for your own pathetic existence.

kys faggot.

He is the man

ucking neocon shill sold out America. Rot in hell you manufactured piece of Hollywood Jewry garbage.

Press P to Pee on grave

I think it's because the Bushes were even worse. Keep in mind, before Trump you had to go back all the way to Reagan to find a President who was not a member of that horrible clan of globalist idiots. Compared to those two, Reagan is a major conservative icon, while simultaneously avoiding the taint of Watergate, or the electoral failure of Goldwater (who had a lot of problems himself). Eisenhower was a moderate who didn't really do a whole lot himself. "Ended" the Korean War and oversaw a large period of post-war prosperity. Anything before the New Deal is Ancient History by US standards. So, yeah.

Reagan is a major conservative icon because there was no other alternative to speak of. That's sad and goes a long way to explaining why things are so bad right now.

*Republican President

up until he completely lost in his mind


Don't know any stories from that point in Reagan's life. Had to watch my grandmother lose her mind. Screaming and crying and saying shit like "I don't know who I am!"

No fun.

>people think that an actor can become President
>people actually want that loose canon Ronald Reagan in the white house
Your C-movie extra is about to get taught how the world really works by the President of the United States.

This is now a /CARTER/ general

>Don't know any stories from that point in Reagan's life.
i don't think many people do. they kept it secretive

Isn't he the guy who ruined your economy? I don't get it, the left idolises LBJ who ruined your society and the right Reagan who ruined economy.

It's like most of you fucks don't know shit about politics. No wonder Hillary almost* won the popular vote

*if you don't add the illegals.

>Israel shill
>tore down Berlin wall
>attacked Gaddafi
>attacked Sandinistas
>attacked Maurice Bishop
>was involved in the destruction of Yugoslavia

Are you 80 years old or 10

t. Israel supporter


/fa/ as fuck

lol yea right, this is the guy who thought the taliban were gud bois

reagan was unironically worse than obama

I thought it was bait.

t. Lefty/pol/
He never visited Israel btw and went to Germany to honor Waffen SS vets

He was a proud member of Bohemian Grove.

He was a Luciferian like the rest...

Fuck Reagan, fuck trickle down economics, fuck neoconservatives, and fuck him for starting the crack epidemic.

I think Carter was a much nicer prototype of Trump. Smaller team of trusted people around him, wanted to avoid globalism, etc, so it's no wonder Trump supported Carter way back then. But Carters ultimate downfall was that he was too nice, but Trump has the personality to rip Washington a new one

Why would I respect some neoliberal-neoconservative hollywood kike who supported open borders? Gtfo, babyboomer.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Reagan created the Taliban you worthless pile of dog-shit. He funded Islamic extremists to fight against the secular, fascistic and red-pilled government that used to control Afghanistan.

"Hey Carool can you show me how to ask mr goggle for banan bred recipea? God bless. Love, Betsy."

-this fucking babyboomer faggot.

I heard you were a great man.

One of my favorite doujins.

I love gyaru.

>to fcking reagan


I was in the Army when Reagan died. First Sergeant got everyone out in the field to announce that we were getting the next day off because Reagan had died. Some dumbass cheered and Top almost popped a blood vessel.

Fuck that faggot, you see what has happened to California? He is why it's a brown shit hole.

He was a fucking faggot senile idiot retard

i am with Texas on this one

Happy birthday, you suave bastard.

Pretty much this. Reagan is a shitstain of a president. He started amnesty which fucked America hard. I hope his soul is burning hard in hell right now.

This too. He literally created the modern jihadist.

No they don't.

They think LBJ was a bastard, but he was "their" bastard because of Great Society.

The left idolizes FDR and Kennedy.

Carter started that actually.

Reagan didn't stop it though....why would he? It was a fucking success, it was revenge for Vietnam.