If you don't regularly exercise: Why not?

If you don't regularly exercise: Why not?

It was the single best decision I made to improve my life. Regular exercise makes you feel better, look better, live longer, and it makes you better prepared for disaster situations.

Fitness is free and doesn't cost you anything. Start walking, drinking water, and taking the stairs if you're fat, or start lifting. If you're healthier, you're better.

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>being out of shape for the racewar
I seriously hope you goys don't do this

Running hurts and I look like a fruit trying to exercise.

Also, hours of strenuous exercise barely better than not eating a mcchicken with no mayo, no bun and no patty. I have yet to be convinced that the massive effort required to exercise is worth it in any way.

Wow, you're a pathetic sack of shit.
The only reason running would hurt is if you're obese.
Exercise won't make you lose weight if you just eat back all of the calories you burn.
Just eat LESS.
You can eat shit foods, just eat LESS.
Weight loss is about consuming less calories than you burn throughout the days.
Fucking fatass.
Exercise is worth it by the way. Being strong, looking good, and having a high quality of life is absolutely far better than being a fat piece of shit who's nothing but a burden to other taxpayers who doesn't even have a comfortable life because he's too addicted to eating.

Lazy fuck. We were made to move.

only fat pieces of shit like you care this much

i eat like shit and have a 6 pack

>live longer

Who in the fuck would want this? Fuck life.

I am a weak willed PoS and I am happy to be a net drain to this garbage country

I'm a lazy piece of shit. Normally after my office job I come home and chill out and smoke weed, maybe a nap, and then have dinner.

Pretty proud tonight though. I walked 1.5 miles to and from the bar instead of driving or not exercising. I totally understand the benefits of exercise but I have a visceral hatred of it that mostly comes from being made fun of as a child anytime I did any kind of exercise. It's hard for me to exercise without having those memories come back and feeling worse about myself.

Truly I just wish I had a lifestyle that incorporated exercise, though that is difficult in our modern world.

I have the willpower to diet but not to exercise.

I can say, "I'm going to eat plain oatmeal for breakfast from now on" and do it, but I never stick with exercise. I'm probably too autistic or something, idk. I just want an easy regimen to do at home without any equipment.

Whites stand no chance during the race war

>Running hurts and I look like a fruit trying to exercise.

swim then. it doesn't put strain on your joints, is great cardio and tones you

I started training around zyzz phase 2011, stuck it out and probably best thing that ever happened to me. I often stress out and im overloaded with uni + work demands. This plus nofap destroyed my social anxiety

Fuck you talking about cunt?

I dont care if the country goes to hell and back, Im going to do just fine

You aren't going to be able to run from the pack of blacks since you're so fat

I just started lifting and am weak as hell. Can bench only 110 but think I have the hang of the movement and seem to be making progress, other lifts on the other hand I have no idea if I'm doing right or not. Particularly when it comes to rows and the deadlift, I feel like I'm fucking my back up every time.

Stopped exercising for aesthetics. Run shorter distances (7 min mile at 230lbs) while trying to retain as much muscle as possible (225x10 bench). Race/civil war thoughts push me to exhaustion. Fighting for your life and family is the best motivation. I'll be honest though, I've gotten a bit out of shape and I know those numbers aren't great. Tough balancing everything.

>Fitness is free and doesn't cost anything
>start lifting

I don't have any weights. What do I start lifting that's free

Is that your progress between 2011 and now?

>Fitness is free
Opportunity cost.
The more time I spend exercising the less time I spend on my precious internets.

No time :(

Yes, the first photo was me in 2008 but didnt start lifting till 2011


Calisthenics, you lazy swede.

I'm going to get a mat to do sit-ups and push-ups with today. If that goes well I will buy a weight set.

I would prefer to exercise in privacy, the gym is full of wankers.

How does one lift calisthenics?

Btw, hows it going in your war torn backwards ass 3rd world hell hole of a country? Heard Brazil was going through some stuff also

I need to man. I'm 36 on Friday. Married with a 10 month old. Great career. New house. Basically I'm living the American Dream aND am not motivated to work out. However I KNOW if I don't start soon and make it a habit I will never be able to when I get a couple years older and eventually I'll feel shitty in my old age until I die young.


15% of the population and the bad ones are rounded up in the hood. If they try to venture out the good Ole boys will pick em off. Basically they'll turn on each other because no one else will be stupid enough to stick around

>I don't have any weights. What do I start lifting that's free


I run at least a mile daily

This is good advice but add to it fasting a whole day once a week.

Not white mate. Brazilian monkey living in the US.

Pure laziness.
No self control.
It's destroying me. Bought a interior bike, hope it'll help.

go back to Eritrea, Mahmoud

>was running every day
>fucking treadmill shits out
>feet of snow outside

health benefits of fasting? currently taking vitamins and fish oil but have been wondering about fasting? quick rundown OP?

Amen! Live well or fucking die you sub-men.

how do I become a drain on this garbage country?

I went into my backyard and cut down a tree. now I lift a log. surely you have trees

>i eat like shit and have a 6 pack

more like 'hello skeltal'

>Eat Less and sit around all day

Hipster spotted.

its not a fucking hipster thing you cunt, i used to be 245 now im 170 almost strictly from not being a fucking bottomless hole of food

Excellent book on calisthenics with background, philosophy and routines.

Not an excuse, just explanation: it's very easy to tell yourself you're too busy/tired/whatever and that you'll start tomorrow. Been doing that myself for years with brief periods of exercising semi-regularly.

Anyone got any tips for exercising effectively without equipment or being seen? My brain is crazy and being merely human in front of strangers hurts. Well, unless I'm drunk, but that seems counter-productive.

Do this. It's easy to do, doesn't take much time, and if you don't give up long enough it will give you results. You just have to do it.

If your kid sees you doing this, regularly, and you make them do it, they will be grateful for this for life.

You should give a link, my mongolian friend.

I have a PDF of this book and it fucking changed my life. I legit no longer fear getting old because of what I learned in this book. 6 exercises that cover all muscle groups and promote practical strength than translates to your every day life. More importantly your joints and ligaments get stronger as well. And the best part is you can make a huge amount of progress in under a year if you stick with it.

I have a bulged disc recently and too afraid to begin lifting anymore.

Buy dumbells at low weights. 15 or 20 pounds are fine, just get an adjustable kit at dicks or something.


Do you actually do it, or only think how great you gonna become when you start doing it?

shit that's lame as fuck, what about cardio? if you can't get jacked at least stay fit?

The sad thing about exercise in America is it has become a business. You got these egotistical low IQ retards charging suckers 100+ $ a month to lift. Martial Arts schools are at an all time high. Brazilian jiu jitsu is like 100-150$ a month. Wtf. I remember when Boxing was 30$/month now its 65$/mth.

Nobody can afford that shit. Government needs to create massive programs to keep us fit for very little money. Fuck walking and riding bikes we need to learn martial arts and play fun sports for free or very little $$.

I am a skinny guy but have been trying to do pull ups push ups and only use weights when laying on my back with dumbbells. I have shitty skinny wrists though but I hope it atleast guides itself back into my center in the back...

Can anyone besides ((((Fit))) tell me if a bulged disc can be healed. I've been to pt and a mri but they dont give good info without me shelling out a shitton of money.

Nobody can afford $100/month? Nigga you retarded. Better go pay your $165 smartphone bill now.

People can afford it they just spend money on dumb shit. Poor people are generally poor because they're ass-tier with money.

Although they do keep capitalism/the economy going with their poor spending habits, so there's that.

Spinal injuries are pretty serious. Unfortunately doctors are expensive, but i'de pay and go to a doctor with these questions. Don't ask on Sup Forums lmao that's a recipe for a wheelchair.

I'de say at the very least you'd want to avoid deadlifts and other exercises that induce back strain, and you'd probably need a brace of some sort.

But ask a gat damn doctor.

Here you go anons. No more excuses

Judo/Wrestling Pushups
Tricept pushups.
Pushups with legs elevated
Close grip/Diamond pushups.
Pushups to clap.
Pushups to clap behind the back.

Reverse dips off your couch,bed or steps.
bodyweight squats
Sumo step bodyweight squats
Leg raises

Sit ups that isokate all abdominal muscle groups.

Cardio/Fat burbers
Mountain climbers
Jump squats
Jump lunges
Broad jumps
Back to feet without hands.
Crab walk around your house. Ass cant touch ground(try it...its hard).

Shadow boxing.

There is ALOT you can do without any equipment. However I will say buying or making something to do pullups/chinups on will definitely give you that extra edge. Even weight lifters continue to do chinups and pullups and a DIP station. Dips are huge too.

If you're skinnyfat you're better off starting with bodyweight shit.

The funny part is you don't have to exercise, you just don't eat if your being sedentary. Obesity is a mental disease.

we have all the guns

I have 6 or 7/10 genes, but it would be stretching it to say I workout 3hrs. week, spend probably $30 month on supplements, and look and feel remarkably better than before.

Most niggers have prison guts because exercise or any movement at all is an allergy to them so they're in solid company

Calisthenics can get you big too, modern gym hasnt been around for very long. Ancient greek boxers and wrestlers were yuuge and insanely strong with zero gym

>I'de say at the very least you'd want to avoid deadlifts and other exercises that induce back strain, and you'd probably need a brace of some sort.
I have they told me it was a minimally bulged disc. They said it would or would not heal depending on how I am in pt. As of today its been 4 months in pt and it still hurts but the numbing pain in my legs stopped a month ago.
I am desperate for answers but yeah I will never do deadlifts or squats no matter what anymore not worth it.

Do pushup and situps until you puke. Go outside and race trains or cars with your feet until you want to die.

Worked for Herschel Walker.

Still hurts, probably not a good sign. Don't do something stupid you'll regret for 15 years senpai. Wait for Doc to OK it for you.

Humans weren't made to not be physical and curb weight gain by simply lowering cal intake. You should view your body as two bodies. The exterior that everyone sees, and the interior body which is like a health bar in mortal kombat. The interior body is far more important than the exterior body. How do you have good arteries and an egficient heart? How do you maintain a good liber and kidney system? How do you avoid Diabates and GERD? You need to exercise to keep the interior body functioning in optimal order, ALONG with eating as clean as possible. Biggest killers are SUGAR, salt and trans fats. Best way to go about it is ask yourself "would my 2000 year old ancestor be able to eat this? Nope. Then I cant have it". Chest days are good to stay sane but after awhile you wont even want that horse shit. It will start making you feel ill.

>Whites stand no chance
Sure, just dismiss the race that has ruled over 25% of the world at once as fat and lazy (and the only race that can literally destroy the world within a day at the moment)

Sorry guys, my mistake

*Looks at black obesity rates vs white obesity rates*

Unless they're some strong and able-bodied googles then he'll be fine

Running is a nigger sport. and also bad for the joints.

Yourself. Do some push-ups, squats, pull-ups (especially those) and shit

muh muchacho

i barely eat, i'm always reading, and my city isn't good for exercise

Read this too :)

Because the few times I ran too hard I thought my throat was going to close up and I thought I'd die.

Also video games.

But really I'm getting to the point where I'm recognizing my own mortality and I'm getting to the point where I say enough is enough.


But I'm not fucking there yet, and I fucking wish I could manufacture this discipline I need, but my dad was a total cuck and my mom that raised me is a mom, unable to make me a man. I now know what I need to do, but don't have that manly discipline.

I'm getting there but it's a heroin addiction and 4 years of living home too late.

I want to live to see a white nation, but this gut says otherwise.

I wish I felt this way in the morning and not only at night...

I love to exercise but my ankle is permanently damaged meaning I can never run again... I lift weights though, it's something.

Actually I can barely walk all because of my ankle missing a tendon now.


No excuses.

This is kind of a meme, pre agricultural societies had a simple diet of gathered plants and whatever meat happened to be in their range, anyone who was not royalty until the french revolution basically subsisted off of grain products with the very rare color in their diet. Sure they were stunted height wise but hardy all the same. In fact most of the world subsists off of a similar grain with occasional spice up to the diet.

The difference between getting the right amount of calories, and optimizing every food group is not nearly that big a concern.

Yeah, just keep telling yourself that fatty.

Then strap that fucker in and use your calves.

Stop all caffeine. Go the fuck to bed early. Turn off lights and all of your computer at 7pm. I don't care how bored you get, read or something.

Now you're not tired as piss in the norbing and you've got some semblance of a reasonable waking hour naturally. Then go shower, Shace and brush your teeth . Then go for a fucking long walk to go get your haircut.

You will feel less shit about this. Now start with minor discomforts. Cold showers instead of hot. Forgo sugary foods. No soda. Get used to the pain of normalcy, not just pure hedonism. Every time it hurts, and the more it does, you grow and get stronger.

This is how to learn some self discipline, which you need BEFORE you can start excercising.

Your reward pathways are fucked. Pay careful attention of where it hurts, and mentally reward yourself for pushing through it.

I've been doing it for 2 years, and I wasn't kidding about how much progress you can make in under 1, but it'll take more than 3 to really reach the endgame of these exercises, like 1 armed hand stand pushups, advanced bridges, 1 armed pullups, pushups and squats. Peak physical prowess takes serious time and there are no shortcuts.

Dual lumbar curve scoliosis makes me afraid anything I do will just 100% fuck up my back and leave me paralyzed.