Wins by 3,000,000 votes

>wins by 3,000,000 votes
>isn't president


wah, wah, waahhhhhhhh


>id is an algebra equation
fuck off Ahmed

2 million dead people, 3 million illegal immigrants. Fuck knows how many votes flipped electronically.
Actually lost the popular vote by at least 2 million...

all leaf gets are wasted gets REEEE

>gets 3,000,000 illegal mexican votes
>loses because we have an electoral system and popular vote doesnt matter

It isnt hard to understand you retard.

>Wins by roughly 1 Chicago's worth of people
>National population > 300 million

>rules laid out for election victory
>agrees to rules
>argues that opponent must also follow rules
>loses election based on these rules
>isn't president

I love people who "hate identity politics" but also "hate the electoral college"

Dems lost because they didnt care about white interests and instead pandered to everyone else so they could REALLY win places like California and New York

am I still banned?
oh btw op is a faggot

She should not have insulted the frog god.

The New England Patriots lead in the Superbowl for exactly zero seconds. They still won the game.

Fuck off CREW

>wins the popular vote in California
>the election is not decided by the popular vote
>neither candidate tried to get the popular vote

The sad thing about the electoral vote (or good thing?) is that if you take away the part of California that voted Clinton, Trump wins by a landslide.

>spends a shitload of time and money in California
>narrowly loses 3 rust belt states that have gone blue for the last 30 years
Her popular vote "win" only proves how fucking retarded her campaign was.


>99% chance to win


CTR still hard at work I see. Is this really the best you guys can do? You'd think (((Soros))) could afford at least semi-talented shitposters.

Sage goes in all fields.
Do not feed the trolls


that's an expression you fucking brainlet.


>surface area is more important than actual votes
fuck this bullshit system. i want a true democracy.

>true democracy
>constitutional federal republic

Suck it shareblue, just go away.

She's a crook and should be in prison!!

If you had your way, a handful of major population centers would be able to control every election. The electoral college is fair.


Fuck off Commiefornia.

Not to mention republican turnout in blue states were probably shit. going out of your way to vote for trump when it doesnt even matter?

But how did she win if she's not president? Is it because she actually lost?

its a shame both parties agreed to the rules of the competition before the competition started :(