Theory about Trump

He was chosen by the elite shadow government (which exists as confirmed by wikileaks).

The entire election was a scripted stage show. Jeb was there to represent the death of the neo-con movement, and Hillary was supposed to pretend to be the most retarded candidate who has ever run in history.

The shadow government wants us to believe that we have a right-wing anti-globalist champion who will end corruption. Instead, we're going to see Donald Trump pretend to fight globalism, then "magically" get underminded by weird legal loopholes. Then he's going to blame the democrats, and that will keep the left and right angry at each other while the elites conduct their globalist transhumanist plans.

In the next 8 years we're going to see Donald Trump lead us into war in the name of "globalism", but it will really be a tactic to depopulate the earth so the elites can enslave us in 50 years.

I guarantee you pic related will occur over and over again for the rest of his presidency.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice fanfic.

Not fanfic. Trump has a repeating 666 pattern in his real estate, connections to Epstein (and other occultist elites).

Ths is the wikileak confirming the shadow government.

Take an honest look at our past election cycle and tell me if ANY of that made an ounce of sense to you.

Yeah, I've had this same feeling too. (((They))) really put on a good show this time around and made us think that we took the power back from them, but it's just another flavor of jewery. This flavor may taste a bit better though. After all, they know what's best for us, right?

Kennedy was assisinated because he was the only president to actually call out Secret Societies.

Trump won't ever call out secret societies, because he's part of it.

The entire past election cycle makes perfect sense. The FBI would work for said shadow government. This is clearly a CTR slide thread to try to paint Trump as "one of them" under the guise that the people posting in this thread are "one of us."

>Trump won't ever call out secret societies, because he's part of it.

Sure about that?

Trump is the real deal.

>any critical thinking is CTR plant

Fuck off nu/pol/. I voted for Trump in both elections and attended his rallies, but this shit is just not adding up anymore.

There is no way Jeb Bush was that beta. He is the son of a billionaire free mason political dynasty. Nobody acts like that

There is no way Hillary Clinton was that inept. She has all the money and resources in the world, but she didn't make ONE smart decision in an entire year. She did EVERYTHING wrong. She didn't show up to any media interviews, she didn't even campaign in the rustbelt.

Any analysis or statistics would tell her she should. She's not as stupid as she seems.


He works for CTR and received One BitShekel from Soros Industries for this post.

Haha all he's doing is turning the liberal white guilt narrative on it's head and using it against Putin criticism.

That is not calling out secret societies.

You're not critically thinking. You're a leftist, so you're not actually capable of critical thought. Trump won, Hillary isna fucking loser and there is literally nothing you can do to change that. Quit wasting your time typical up so much trash that no one will read.

nu/pol/ faggot see this

B-but Wikipedia said so

>all he's doing

He's doing both.

You're underestimating trump again.

Holy fuck Sup Forums is becoming the new SJWs, just like I predicted

>you disagree're...leftist!!

nu/pol/ s go back to reddi. 2015 brought in a bunch of retarded faggots who can't even build an argument, similar to leftists.

If he's a puppet for a shadow government, they're both conrolled opposition who are only there to build a narrative.

Watch. Globalism will slowly keep happening through the next 8 years, and Trump will blame the left in order to keep the tension strong between the left and the right.

You don't know the factions involved if you think the 7th floor group is on Trump's side

>Globalism will slowly keep happening

What the fuck does that even mean. Of course it will.

Define what "globalism happening" means.

CTR pls go

Why would they let Trump become president? They didn't let Kennedy in.

Trump also has connections to all of the same elitist occult members that Hillary does. Jeffery Epstein pleaded the fifth when asked about Trump and Epstein's island.

Trump also lives on the 66th floor of Trump tower.
He owns multiple addresses of 666
Trump tower is between 664-666 feet high
And he has an Apollo painting in his bedroom (occult sun worship.

Dude probably dabbles with numerology worship, at least.

Economies and cultures will continue to melt into each other. Trump is not going to stop immigration. He's going to be suddenly "underminded" by weird loophole laws every single time he tries.

It's all part of the script.

nu/pol/ 19 year old reddit migrant pls go

>He's going to be suddenly "underminded" by weird loophole laws every single time he tries.

Well that's not unlikely.
The president basically needs consent of the congress to enact any lasting changes.

never attribute to malice what stupidity can adequatey explain

Explain my picture in my OP then

She intentionally acted like she wanted to lose the entire time. Her behavior and campaign decisions seemed intentionally unwise.

She didn't do a single thing right.

Oh I read your post wrong

>Explain my picture in my OP then
This is a judge using (or abusing) his judicial authority to halt an immigration order. There's literally nothing any president can do about that. Although the judge who did it might lose his license if he acted above his lawful authority.

The thing is, this is a temporary ban. In order to get a permanent immigration scheme, trump has to work with congress and get them to agree.

They literally did not let trump be president

That's why they're stiiiil fighting to stop him now

>people aren't beta because they have politician parents
>people don't make fail decisions due to their outdated view of the world and shitty advisors

Hillary made sound decisions during the campaign. She was hoping that her contacts, donations, political history, media shilling, and woman status would give her the presidency, since these factors got previous presidents and politicians elected. When her tough woman image failed, she followed her advisors and became more compassionate. What caused her to fail was her scandals and her lack of an economic message. She would have never had that message in the first place because she's clearly an insider that panders to 1%ers.

Jeb may have seemed beta to you, but to some Americans he seemed "reasonable". What caused him to fail was his connection to George Bush, since normies think of Bush as "that guy who started the Iraq war and put us in debt". Only unusually high charisma could have pulled him through that.

If any of this seems familiar to you, it's because I was in one of your past threads. I still think that a shadow government with the intention of controlling the people would choose someone more charismatic than Trump.

Broke clocks are right 2 more times/day than leftists. Nothing surprising about that. Look who Jebs married to. Ofc he's that beta.

>Her behavior and campaign decisions seemed intentionally unwise.


>They didn't let Kennedy in.
Yes they did. They killed him one year after he became president. Trump hasn't been president for one year yet.

They know that getting rid of Trump would spark a civil war so bad that it would take them decades to regain control. If they just wait until 2020 or find a legitimate way to impeach Trump, they can regain control in just a few years.

Kennedy was president for 3 years you fucking retard

Not to mention that there is nothing that could be offered to Trump. He was going for the triple crown. He had more money than anyone could do anything with in one lifetime. Everyone in the world knew his name. If he was going for power, he would try to get in on the shadow government if it existed. Not an opportunity to be their puppet.

>never showed up to a single press conference or interview for an entire year
>claimed she was using the "less is more" strategy, even though nobody has done that in a campaign ever
>had all the statistics and analysis at her fingertips
>never even campaigned in the rust belt even though she knew what was going on there
>pandered to a minority and alienated the majority

Does not make an ounce of sense. If somebody were trying to win, they would not have done any of the above, especially somebody who has all of the economic and cultural analysis reports like she would.

The media is possible controlled opposition in order to make the right-wing more loyal to Trump. Now that the left and right are getting their news sources from completely different sources, controlled media sources are able to cause stronger tension amongst the two groups. This keeps them blaming each other for the nation's problems.

I predict the judge will see no consequence and Trump will magically not get a single anti-globalist policy pushed through in eight years.

>more charasmatic than Trump

I don't think that exists. I think they had to send in a professional actor to take control of the growing anti-globalist sentiment that was growing.

They know this because they compile over a billion people's internet data into behavior patterns, and study how to psychologically manipulate the public that way.

That is true, Jeb's wife is an ugly mexican woman.

why does he write his tweets like a 4th grader?

Trump might be an occultist, but at least he has brought back a little bit of pride in being American.

The Drunk John Kennedy sowed the seeds of
America's destruction with his 1965 immigration bill, that changed America from being a white country to Babylon.

The US is in deep trouble....

Trump could be influenced with threats or something truly novel, like immortality. In the first case, he would try to secretly undermine his bosses. In the second, they would probably have his full cooperation. At least, provided he wasn't lying in order to screw them over later.

That's what I mean, they killed him. They killed him because he identified the real problem.

>wait till 2020

Look at who they are picking. The dems are picking COMPLETELY un-electable people. Like a fucking black muslim or some shit. Any common sense, or statistical research would tell you NOT to do that.

Just more intentional losing. Just like when the republicans put up fucking Romney and McCain against populist king nigger.

You're smart enough to see past the right vs left illusion.

So Sup Forums will hate you and call you a shill..

do you have more circumstantial evidence to present that Trump is "the bad cop globalist"?

>nothing offered to Trump
>he would try to get in on the shadow government if it existed

The shadow government is bound together by occultism for the goal of achieving immortality through transhuman technology. They don't care about money, except to fund transhumanist research.

This is why we're seeing all of this weird pedo shit come out of the wikileaks with our government officals. That is part of occultism. Every society that has used occultism to discover new technology has gotten into child abuse/sacrifice. Rome, egypt, and south america off the top of my head.

Trump has connections to known occultist child trafficers. Not saying that he is for sure 100% involved in all of this, but it looks pretty weird.

excellent analysis, watch video and move to higher level

>never showed up to a single press conference or interview for an entire year
>claimed she was using the "less is more" strategy, even though nobody has done that in a campaign ever
Coverup for being sick.
>had all the statistics and analysis at her fingertips
There are two kinds of statistics: ones that tell her who's winning the election, and ones that tell her what public opinion is. Due to the general consensus that Obama was "okay" and the suppression of anti-SJW attitudes, she would have no idea that people would support an anti-Obama, anti-SJW candidate.
>never even campaigned in the rust belt even though she knew what was going on there
She campaigned in swing states, like nearly every politician before her.
>pandered to a minority and alienated the majority
Nearly all democrats pander to minorities for votes. Democrats believe that the majority of people support or tolerate SJWism, and most people who don't seem to support it are just more economy focused. To them, only hicks and online trolls support racism.

>thinks he has authority on subject because he spews infowars jargon
be gone

I usually provide all of the links to the sources in these threads, but people usually just ignore them. I need to compile them in a word document.

Trump lives on 66th floor

Trump family spends $1.8 billion on 666 address

Trump tower 664 feet tall, I'm assuming it was meant to be 666 feet tall

Trump's relationship with Epstein. I know politico is controlled but ring-wing publications never talk about this, for obviousl reasons.

Trump's relationship with Cohn (known gay Jewish child abuser)

The list goes on and on. I just suspect that Trump is worships numerology, which might connect him to the elitist occult worshippers, which makes me think he may be involved in the shadow government.

Maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong.

Look it up. Everything that Jones said in that interview is 100% true.

This is from 2015. Cuckerburg was already talking about this shit all the way back then:


For the transhumanism definition check it out here


Jones also said "Trump is the real deal" just a few days ago. So which is it cuck?

Have any idea why the transhumanist shilling on Sup Forums came out around the same time as the Trump shadow government theories? Did one prompt the other, or are they made by the same people?

Would be a great incentive to join a shadow government though. What kind of billionaire wouldn't want immortality?

that video was dumb. no explanation, just a comic of a very popular figure in the 90's that happened to include a wall. it was always joked that trump would be president, and that wall is a divide between the rich and poor.

as for OP's theory, i do believe trump is a plant. by who or what idk, but it was too easy and the whole thing reaks of orchestration. either candidate leads to a police state.

Numbers are suspicious but not enough evidence to link someone to a shadow government on the same side as the other American establishment. If anything, it seems like Trump would be a member of a different cult that works against the establishment. Maybe a worse one.

Meant "as the current American establishment". Like the one that contains most of our politicians.

This confirms one of two things:

The comic book writer is connected to the elitist shadow government and knows about their plot for the next 200 years and made it into a comic to entertain himself


He was friends with Donald Trump, and Trump had talked to him about his ideas for being president someday, then the comic book writer was inspired by that and made it into a comic.

One of those two.

lol yeah and that one time he punched Vince McMahon it was totally real too

Alex jones is bill hicks. he's a cia plant used for controlled opposition. there's a reason he's so crazy and over the top, it's to deter normal people and make conspiracy theorists look like nuts. there's a reason a trump likes him so much. theyre all in cahoots, it gets bill more exposure.

bump for keks

>Her behavior and campaign decisions seemed intentionally unwise
or the more reasonable explanation is that her failing health and bill's failing health made it so her campaign failed like not being able to go to campaign in the rust belt.

Also why would the shadow government aka the global bankers want a strong a russian american relationship with trump. Russia is anti-globalists and not controlled by the global banks. That is why they have had trade sanctions against them for so long.

The shadow government could have control over Russia as well. You always need an enemy to keep the people under control.

Looking at his inner circle & cabinet picks makes me think this could ring true.

So, basically, that thing that happened on that episode of Black Mirror with the stupid fucking bear

>the nu/pol/ already showing signs of emotional turmoil

I'm on the fence about about Jones. A lot of his videos seem true, but then he randomly starts doing weird shit.

His bohemian grove vid doesn't make any sense. How did he sneak into an elitist cult ritual, get it on video, load it to the internet, and get away with that? Why would they let him get away with that?

Also, he made a video called "I'm ready to die for Trump" today, which looks like he's trying to soften the right-wing up to going to war soon. War is definitely part of the globalist transhuman agenda.

Pretty sure I make like 85% of the shadow government threads. I'm stuck at home for the next year and I just read about this shit constantly for fun. It's a hypothesis I'm building, going to make it into an essay.

140 characters will do that to a man.

It's possible that he practices/practiced occultism on his own, but since he (was) friends with many elitist occult politicians like Epstein, who is connected to Podesta, it seems like he probably did something with them.

Stale pasta

>connections to Epstein (and other occultist elites).

I hear this one a lot but I don't think you understand. All billionaires are connected to each other. It is a a literal club. They have to at least PRETEND to like each other (all that was thrown to the curve when he ran for president). I need more convincing proof that Trump has been to kid fucker island

Hashtard rekt

saging a david brock thread

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




And I'm not saying he was "supposed" to win. That was not the plan. Hillary was supposed to win. Scalia was likely murdered with the expectation that Obama could get a leftist justice in place "just in case". HRC losing wasn't the plan.

Still, look at Kushner & see what his dealings are -- that guy is shady. Still trusting Trump at this point, but it's a wait and see for me.

> 8years

Stop posting my secret fear you faggot

He's logged in Epstein's black book, has been on his jet at least once, and snarkily pleaded the fifth when asked about the women.

He also had a close relationship with fucking faggot child abuser Cohn who died of aids.

Dunno. Pretty weird.

Your theory is right, except there is no shadow government. Its independent actors from Wall St & Sillicon Valley acting in unison to protect their interests.

The proof that Russia is also part of the shadow government is the fact that we collaborate them on faking space travel, the ISS etc. In fact most of it is done through Russia these days.

Kennedy was part of the party at first. That's how he got elected. He played along for a while. Then he really saw things as they were. He starting calling out the secret societies. He wanted to stop being their puppet. They had to kill him...

> im offended, your ctr!

at this point you are almost acting like the left.

"hillary was supposed to win" is the narrative set forth by the shadow government.

That would be what they want the right-wing to believe in order to set the narrative that our right-wing anti-globalist savior has arrived.

If Trump really is a knowing fall guy, they won't string it out over 8 years. They'll make the fall as fast and as sudden as possible to scare the sheeple into the hands of globalist saviors in 2018 and 2020.

Remember that it took 20 years for Republicans to hold the White House again, and 50 for them to hold congressional dominance after Hoover.

Honestly I do worry you are right because after watching how systematically Ron Paul was cockblocked vs how seemingly easily Trump won the whole enchilada.. it doesn't seem right. I think only oldfags will pick up on this

I am getting tired of his tweet style, I tell you what.


Can you give me some articles about this?

pic related except insert a shadowy illuminati reptile behind the computer monitor

Look at who the dems are putting together. They're making it pretty clear that They're going to leave Trump in until 2024.

I think Trump is going to lead us into war in the name of "anti-globalism", and right-wing will blindly rush in.

We'll possibly have some nuclear warfare that will de-populate the earth by a large portion. We may see some really insane natural phenomenons like hurricanes/earthquakes here too.

Meanwhile, the elites will be working on immortality through transhumanist occult technology. They want to de-populate the earth and open up our borders so they can take a monopoly on the world's business. Then they can enslave us by having us only buy their produts and only work for their corporations.

Not saying it'll work, but I think that might be their plan.

He was chosen to lose against hillary cause hes a fucking assclown but now he won and he is a glorious assclown

Sup Forums would be a prime group to send off to war. Bored of their everyday lives, closely knit, willing to die for Trump, and eager to kill kebab. They already have a distrust for opposing arguments because of the constant CTR concern shilling here.

That would explain why recruitment threads have been appearing on Sup Forums recently.

your dumb op

ur dumb nu/pol/ memer.

hey post some funny pepes that'll rlly make the lefties mad on twitter kek!!

>tfw smuggies

Sup Forumsfags think they are going to "reclaim their manhood" by partcipating in a world war.

Just like all the guys in the 50's movies coming home from World War 2!!!!!

Sup Forums has become about as stupid and brainwashed as the average Facebook user

I sorta agree.

I think a lot of it had to do with trump being very recognizable to these simple people. He was a famous celebrity, white, and a billionaire. A perfect combo for the right wing nuts who were consistently triggered throughout the whole obama presidency.

Like I said earlier, I dont think trump is doing this on his own, I think hes made some deals in the past with unknowns and I think they finally came to collect.

Hes saying and doing anything he wants and even when people catch him in his lies he just acts like a child who plugs their ears and screams "I cant hear you".

Theres something weird going on.

This isn't an /x/ thread. This is a politics thread complete with citations from wikileaks documents.

It just so happens that our modern politics involves /x/ shit.

Seems likely. When the pizzagate stuff came out, some anons figured that elites have an initiation ritual. They would force politicians to rape and murder kids on tape. If the politicians later went rogue, they would release the tapes and ruin the politicians' lives and careers. Trump has elite contacts, so he may have been initiated.

>people catch him

Like what?

The entire "alt-right" movement has been completely co-opted

Milo is controlled opposition. He's a fucking jewish clown faggot who infiltrated the movement, dumbed it down, and made sure that homosexuality and Judaism (both occult in themselves) were in the movement.

Richard Spencer I'm on the fence about. I like a lot of what he says, but then I see that he is a transhumanist himself. And when he discusses his end game in his weird obscure interviews, it sounds a lot like what the elitists want.

I'm not sure anyone has caught him in any lies yet. Usually he tells an exaggerated truth that appears to be a lie, gets called a liar, and then is inevitably proven true.

> look call it w/e u want its not a ban

"but mr president thres video of you and your staff calling it a ban."

> no

Why lie about that? Just say its a fucking ban who gives a shit.

Everyone knows Trump has been to Epstein parties and what not.

Furthermore, we know he went bankrupt once. Negative net worth, only able to rebuild because of loans from the elite (major banks, etc.).

Now, if Trump has seen the degenerate shit they do like fuck little kids and wasn't part of all of it in some way do you think they would have extended him the capital to build himself back up from ruins?

Of course not.

You have to be dumb as a sack of shit to believe in the Trump con.

People like to be part of grand social causes. Bored, young people are especially susceptible to this.

Yeah i dont even know where to begin on milos ordeal.

As for richard spencer, I dont even know that much about him.

Theres alot of shit going on lol.