Some Fucking Kike on Leddit

There's this fucking jew that constantly says shit like this.

I encourage you to send him "hateful" pictures to trigger him.

Other urls found in this thread:

you have to go back

Hello Re ddit


Hurr duurr an entire platform for communication is silly and I'm too good for it!

I shitpost on Sup Forums instead

pud me in the scren cap!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDD

>bait to make Sup Forums an embarrassment

Yea, no.

I don't give a fucking shit about anything on plebbit. The fact that you do is an immediate indication that you are a huge faggot. I didn't even view your shitty image and there is no chance you will get a bunch of free support to back you up here because you are a huge faggot.

You should go back to plebbit and never return.


>getting on reddit

Leftists fucking despise free speech

Fuck off.

fuck it, I'll send him an auschwitz meme or something. Quit being lazy, Sup Forums

>OP goes to Africa
>surprised and irked by all the black people

>m-muh sace space reeeeeee

reddit is truly a fucking shithole.

How about not being a fucking Plebbit faggot?

>caring about Reddit drama


>facts are now hate

how do these people call themselves adults?


Hey! Did i say you could post your leddit shit in here, jackass? Thats right, back over the wall you go, Paco.

>A redditor trying to use Sup Forums as his personal army

First, you need to stop getting so butthurt over peoples opinions you incite people to raid them.

Second, why do you think anybody gives a shit about Reddit? Or what you want?

Third, by calling raids against the enemies of /r/altright, you're proving the point of the admins that shut it down. You're actually hurting your own political ideals in a fit of childish rage.

You need to go back, and you need to grow the fuck up.

An entire platform for communication CAN be bad you faggot, that's why telegraphs went out of style.

Reddits ENTIRE culture is affected by the presence of users using upvotes/downvotes to hide content, meaning only opinions that are popular get any attention. It's affected by moderators, who censor comments and lock threads when they go "Too far", creating an overton window of acceptable discussion. If the moderators create an actual free speech zone, the administrators will shut down subreddits that go outside of the acceptable overton window of reddit. Usually something like "doxing" will be blamed, and it is only (((pure coincidence))) that the shutdown subreddits learn right, really, I think it's the right-wing that needs to be ashamed of having their subreddits shut down. Bad Goyim.

So you can't get noticed if you don't work within the moderators overton window, who must work within the administrators overton window, and your comment must be popular among redditors to get noticed, and at the same time you have to avoid the wrath of SJW brigaders like shitredditsays if you want to get noticed.

Sure you may not write what you actually think with almost every post you make. Sure you may self-censor yourself because you don't want to be ignored. Sure you'll mask your actual opinion, and replace it with a non-sexist, non-racist opinion mildly to the right of what Reddit actually believes.

That's no problem. It doesn't matter that EVERYBODY on the site lies about what they actually believe, and redpills aren't allowed, only shit slightly to the right of leftist indoctrination. It doesn't matter that you can't say shit like blacks have lower IQs than whites, you can have free discussion, even if everybody on the site has been brainwashed into believing falsehoods, because the truth gets your post removed.

You can "redpill" people with them still believing a ton of liberal lies, with facts being banned on Reddit. Don't give up on reddit goyim!

I mean, on reddit, you're perfectly free to have a discussion about racial inequality, but you CAN'T write the truth that certain races have lower IQs than others.

You can't point out studies like

No bad goyim! You'll be lucky to get downvoted off the page! Never mind fucking just having your comment removed. Never mind having a subreddit that tolerates this removed from the site.

You must discuss why racial inequality is exaggerated, and whites are being scapegoated, just without being allowed to discuss any facts, if you don't want to be downvoted.

Who could NOT use such a wonderful website? Don't you want to share opinions you don't actually believe with other people that hide their actual opinions?

Remember redditor, never give up the site.

You can discuss anything you want.

So long as you don't have the wrong opinion according to the users.

So long as you don't have the wrong opinion according to the moderators.

So long as too many people in a thread don't have the wrong opinion according to the moderators.

So long as too many people in a subreddit don't have the wrong opinion.

Where shitredditsays and far left liberals have worked their way onto the moderation staff of all the popular boards, so they can keep the conversation "Civil"

Where companies pay to get their stuff to the top, or to get access to reddits moderation staff.

Keep using this site where repeating peoples opinions, or slightly challenging them is the only things that can possibly get you any attention. Where having a radically different opinion always gets you ignored.

You are free goyim. Really, Reddit and Sup Forums are just two sies of the same coin. Sup Forums has free speech. Reddit has "civil" speech. It's even better than free speech, because you never have to hear anything that offends or challenges you in any way. You get more "intellectual" discussions that way.

If people stopped using the site, how would they be able to get through to the people using the site? They just don't think things through!

Hurr durr, I think Sup Forums is my personal army who wants to harass some dumbass no one cares about

He's right though

I'm willing to debate anyone here on it.

No one here give a shit about /r altright. Go fight a redditor.

>can't even debate properly

>resorts to throwing a hissy fit and completely missing the point

maybe you should be the one to go back there

quality post

back you go kiddo

Fuckin this. Tell em Fritzyl

No one's going to debate you. Declare victory and go brag to your friends about it.