Redpill me on OKC bombing

Pls school me on OKC bombing, background motivation, building history, who was involved, does it have anything to do with Waco or Ruby Ridge and so on.

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Dude, fuck off and do your own research

mcveigh was a muslim

>Not critical thinking abilities to research and analyze information
>Goes on Sup Forums to be spoonfed how to think

Welcome to the era of anti-intellectualism

Inside job like 911

Jet fuel can't melt Mcveigh

Seriously dude, 5 mins on wikipedia will answers all your questions. What you're asking for by posting this is: can you guys substantiate my pre-existing beliefs with your own speculative conjecture and lace it with some white-nationalism, patriotic, and anti-semitism?

And the answer is yes, we can. But do your own research first.

>Background Motivation
Waco and Ruby ridge
>Building History
The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was a United States federal government complex
>Who was involved
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols

Just two men who hated the government and wanted to enact a revenge for waco and ruby.

William Jefferson Clinton and his lizard wife wanted to drum up support for gun control, so they attacked a church in Texas. After shit went sideways they had Delta blow up a building in a Republican state so they could blame right wing terrorism and make everyone forget that they murdered babies in a church.

It worked.

>Dude, fuck off and do your own research

1 post by OP. It is almost like there is a slide going on......Edgelord slide topics that any of us autistic schizophrenics will bite on...

OP I suggest you do your own digging on this old topic. All of the crazy conspiracy has already been published elsewhere. Sage for great justice.

And if you don't have time to watch the videos, fuck off.

Okcupid hq is preyyu big.

There was actually a really good archived thread of this from a while back, about Timothy McVeigh's personal life and life history, not sure if I could find it atm but somebody else probably could.

The militia was getting uppity so (((they))) false flagged OKC and (((SHUT IT DOWN))).

Some butt hurt faggot derped then got euthanasied.


My co worker is the nephew of one of the guys who knew about the attack going down and now he's in the witness protection program

holy fuck... that building got rekt. how did that one guy manage that?

Mcveigh did nothing wrong

Explosives but he killed kids in a daycare at a federal building

It was rigged with bombs mate.
The government are up to their neck in it, or rather Clintons government.
As for Waco Hillary destroyed evidence, it was government sponsored murder.

There is no pill.

It was simply Newton's Third Law taking effect.

well obviously it was explosives you fucking idiot, but how did he smuggle all that shit inside...

what kind of a bomb made by a civilian could cause that amount of damage? How big was the bomb and how did he get it inside?

It was in a truck faggot now do some research

Yeah I realize it was an inside job.

A Ryder rental truck. He drove up in front of the building. Jesus were any of you alive when this happened?

Waco and Ruby Ridge were the motivation. Building had the regional ATF office, which was behind both Waco and Ruby Ridge.

>people who where born in 1999 can post here now

We all know it's impossible for people to go crazy and kill others.

What he said.

It was govt sponsored due to evidence the building held on certain govt figures, and how feds went around and threatened people to keep their mouth shut and that some people close to the evidence were murdered after the bombing

I cannot believe that faggot chink sniper has been protected through it all, and even Troy firearms hired the faggot

Yeah I was alive but that's still a lot of explosives needed to that much damage it damaged surrounding buildings. How much was in the truck?

who? what? who gives a fuck about some fat retard on youtube (you). fuck off!

The bomb wasn't in the building, it was in a box truck out front. ---Why only the front of the building is gone.

The bomb itself was made of fertilizer (ammonium nitrate-completely legal to this day) , Nitromethane (legal), blasting caps, and Tovex sausage.

No you're my bitch.. you tell me... how the fuck did he manage to make a bomb that could do that kind of damage? I always heard about the oklahoma city bombing but this is the firs ttime I actually saw the extent of the damage that was done....

It literally rekt the building completely. This is the kind of shit I'd expect to see in a war...

Yeah do you know how much you would need to do that much damage way more than a truck full.

McVeigh was an anti-gov libertarian Alex Jones kind of guy who was so pissed by Waco and Ruby Ridge he blew up a government building. He got his friend and another guy to help him build the bomb, drove the truck to the building and it came half off.


5,000 pounds of explosives.