William F. Buckley Jr. Thread

>Be William F. Buckley Jr.
>Notice that conservative movement is full of conspiracy theorists and anti-Semites
>Publish conservative magazine that doesn't cater to conspiracy theorists and anti-Semites
>Gain power and influence
>Use power and influence to turn conservative movement into something less alienating
>Internet happens
>You don't have to publish a magazine to get your views out there anymore
>Columnists you fired start writing for websites that are further to the right
>Alt-right pops up

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He was a neocon big gov spook

William F Buckley was a CIA operative. He set the right back fifty years. He lead the conservatives into the wilderness and created cuckservatism which we're only waking up from and destroying in the last few years. What a cunt he was..

Tell me more user. I'm unfamiliar with this topic. I want more.

William F. Cuckley, Jr. actually had a promising start - early editions of National Review in the 50's and early 60's were fairly blunt on matters of race and national identity. He initially opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

But it wasn't long afterwards that he started to cuck, hard. He reversed course on those sorts of issues. By the 1970's, NR had gone from trashing Martin Luther King for being a rabble-rouser to depicting him as a "secret conservative."

As part of this process, Cuckley fired any of his writers who asked the wrong sorts of questions, from Revilo P. Oliver to Joe Sobran to Peter Brimelow, and blocked other writers like Pat Buchanan from the "mainstream" of the conservative publishing industry.

By the 90's, he was fully-cucked. Instead of closely examining issues like NAFTA or the rise of the neocons following the end of the Cold War, he spent a year compiling a book called "In Search of Anti-Semitism," in which he basically accused his own magazine of having been anti-Semitic, for which he apologized extensively.

He was a truly useless and quite loathsome cuck.

I want to know more too.
So far I appreciate the guy because I listen to his interviews with Thomas Sowell and Friedman.

ITT user kills what's left of a salvageable right.

the definition of old money, almost as bad as a corporate shill


on balance he was a lion of the conservative movement.

it's kind of annoying how many people younger people on the right are unable to hold a nuanced view of someone.

yes, he was cucked on the jewish question, but through The Firing Line and National Review he did a lot to advance conservative thought in America.

the fashion seems to be that if someone made a single mistake over a lifetime they're thrown into the "cuckservative" camp. Same issue with idiots claiming Ronald Reagan was a bad President and political figure because he let some beaners into the country in the '80s.

Both Buckley and Reagan are among the most important conservative figures of the 20th century.

This guy was a founding member of the fakeass neocon movement. The cuckservative is the end product of his failed vision.

>Publish conservative magazine that doesn't cater to anti-Semites
i wonder who was behind this msgazine

i really like him, its a shame he is forgotten by the new '''right'''

He sold out conservatism. Claimed we had to embrace big government and "temporarily" cast aside our principles in order to defeat the Soviet union. In doing so he paved the way for neoconservatives to take over main stream conservatism from the Old Right and become nothing more than progressive lite. He was so shorted sighted about the threat of Marxism that in trying to fight the Communist he let inadvertently let the Marxist in the back door.

He used to put on a fake posh accent when he interviewed Thatcher, he is funny face.

its easy to claim that after the events happened. You didnt grow up and for 40years there is an ever looming threat of war with Soviets. I mean just how unlikely is it that US and soviets didnt escalate some major conflict and cause a ww3 in the 70s and 80s.

Would breed hang me in the day of the rope I wont care

He was the Evan McMullin of this time but back then most conservatives were really stupid and got totally played by him and his Marxist CIA masters.

Cuckley was a tool of the Communists.

Modern day America is almost a Marxist nation.

They lost Russia but they have (almost) won America.


>a communist
>secretly conservative

Fuck buckley.

JBS is where its at


>fire John Derbyshire
>fire Mark Steyn
>write entire book about muh anti Semutisum

Sucked too much Jew dick


He's the reason the Republican Party became about globalism and wars for Israel. Fuck off

He always had this bizarre Stockholm syndrome idea of pandering to "media elites" and "New York establishment" (and I mean Jews of course) even when it was contrary to all his goals.
In the end, he was very much like a liberal, only shilling for "le true conservative values". Which is why he is considered a good guy by liberals. He perfectly represents the transition from good old half-libertarian half-nationalist right into neocons. He's the kind of man that would go on tv and say that importing millions of muslims and giving more power to the government are obvious le true conservative values.

JBS will not address TJQ, they are cucks, They do have some good material, though.

I've never seen a cuckservative like McMuffin before. That guy is basically a SJW.
He said how the GOP is racist because 9/10 of Blacks didn't vote for the GOP nominee.


Check out this Firing Line immigration debate from 1995. Everyone on the side opposing immigration restriction is Jewish. While Arianna Huffington was in favor of restricting immigration.


He was such a cuck that let a literal hyperdegenerate sodomite humiliate him on live TV.




Anyone sidelining Pat Buchanan is a neocon faggot



call me a crypto nazi one more time


Christ, I mean that says it all about cuckservatives right there










Basically the father of cuckservatism.





What are you talking about? She's white ;)

Gore Vidal made him look like such a fool.


Only the third one was Buckley. He did fire Joe Sobran though.

I don't think Buckley was running the magazine by the time Brimelow got fired, though, IIRC, he was an editor for Forbes. Oliver left on his own accord and continued his journey to the very farthest reaches of the right (the guy's fascinating and was associated with pretty much everyone in the postwar right [40s-60s] from Buckley to Welch to Rockwell and Pierce, how is there not a biography of him out there?).
He did fire Sobran though. Apparently he also lent him some financial support later on, according to Sobran himself, but Joe was probably the best mind at the magazine.

Buckley was a spent force once Reagan was elected. Still cranked out mediocre spy novels every couple of years and turned his magazine over to neoconservative mediocrities.

Buckley was a faggot that ruined the American right. May he burn in hell.

> no mention of Kristol or Kagan
Yes-- the Alt-Right just 'popped' up out of nowhere and for no reason.

It was a really closely guarded secret.


most of this board isn't conservative. It's radical right-wing nationalists.

In the same way communists hate liberals, many of us hate conservatives.

>neoconservative mediocrities.
And here it is now


Oops forgot pic