A white woman gets raped by a nigger every 6 minutes or so in America


30,000/365/24 = ~3 rapes per hour

A third of rapes are unreported, therefore likely 9 rapes per hour, which equates to ~6 minutes per rape.

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>A third of rapes are unreported
How do they know how many rapes are not reported?

>A third of rapes are unreported,

meant to say, only a third of rapes are reported

How many of those rapes ended in orgasm, this is a statistic that's rarely reported.. statistically speaking

This vital bit of information is crucial in my next thesis

That numbers generous. I'd guess 80% of rapes go unreported.

Its pretty embarrassing. Most the girls wont report it. Especially if its a family member or drunk at a party.

Criminals have admitted to home invasions /rapes in which the women never even reported until confronted. So the reported numbers are definitely lower than reality

What's your thesis cuck? White womins luh da BBC?

>So the reported numbers are definitely lower than reality
No doubt but how do they know how many are not reported? How can you say 80% or 66% or any other number? What's it based on?


>Most the girls wont report it
Why would they report it? They enjoy it

Dat ass

This article says that anywhere from 10-50% reach orgasm from rape, although likely near the higher end:




>A white woman gets raped by a nigger every 6 minutes or so in America

The race war has been raging for decades and no one says a word about it

Well I would like to believe you but it sounds very simmiliar to 5/6 girls in college get raped (because rape is when you whistle at her too)


>Only 344 out of every 1,000 sexual assaults are reported to police. That means about 2 out of 3 go unreported.

I think it's based on victims' surveys.

This would never happen if they would just wear their fucking hijabs already and stop giving people uncontrollable erections everywhere they go.

That's a Jew meme. They dilute the crime by making any small touching of a woman akin to sexual assault

It's the reason Sweden's the "rape capital of the world", even though it really isn't.

When niggers rape, they really rape.

RAINN is not a reliable source. Look at this picture. It assumes "reports" means "it happened."
I'm pretty sure I saw RAINN perpetuating the 1-in-4 or 1-in-5 myth before too.

This is their citation for the 310 out of 1000 are reported stat.
>i. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Crime Victimization Survey, 2010-2014 (2015);(This statistic presents information together which originated from separate studies. RAINN presents this data for educational purposes only, and strongly recommends using the citations to review any and all sources for more information and detail.)

I meant your pic

So what? They kill and rape whites by the millions in America. A country with racial quotas in universities. A place where the media and governmental officials made it illegal for anybody to not serve blacks in their own business. You can't talk about the facts about blacks for fear of persecution. TV, Hollywood, entertainment industry drink deeply from the ghetto, promotes African 'culture' and miscegenation. They condemn you as racist and call every name in the book if you disagree with your own children mixing with them and want your future offspring to at least look like you.

Doesn't much matter in the end, whether it's every 20 minutes, or every 6 minutes.

Stop Jewing up my thread

>looking at citations is Jewy

Google search says it's from the anime 'Young Black Jack'


What's that in niggawatts?

Post moar!

>A white woman gets raped by a nigger every 6 minutes or so in America



Thanks user, sauce?

>Average over six consecutive years:

>White on Black: 0
>Black on White: 22,534
>Black on Black: 24,730
So it's true that conservatards are completely retarded?

says it in the watermark @FairuzaMissIran

second one dunno

i've talked to a girl who lives in saudi arabia. She said the men there just want to have sex. They do things that are haram such as drinking and drugs but as long as it's not in the open no one can really persecute them for it.

Thanks mang, I couldn't even read the watermark

3 + 3/3 = 9

well technically it is 2/3X = 3
which is 3*1.5= 4.5, but meh close enough

How can you know unreported rape?