I've totally given up on appearing normal to women (or even people in general) in hopes that i can redpill as many...

i've totally given up on appearing normal to women (or even people in general) in hopes that i can redpill as many people in real life and online as possible. (pic related)

There's a lot of good tips on redpilling by quaslacrima, including:

Disruption is Easy
thesis statement: reminding leftists that their allegiances are built on sand doesn't mean you have to provide them with an alternative in conservatism.

The NatSocratic Method
thesis statement: with friends, coworkers and family, acting confused (socratically) can cause them to redpill themselves without breaking trust or causing defensiveness

Are there any articles I should be reading to get a better understanding of how to spread reactionary thought to normies? A how-to guide on efficient redpilling? I want to change hearts and minds wherever I can.

Other urls found in this thread:


Man, leftists are zombies, it's not like they're always willing to open up their minds and learn something new.

It isn't productive wasting your time with such narrow minded people and you probably won't make any difference in their political views, no matter if you show them actual data from statistics or even start playing by their rules and got for it appealing to emotion.

But what I like doing, is exposing the redpill to people that show some particular personality traits that are naturally leaned to what the pill is all about
People that think for themselves, that like to ask questions and search for answers, the kind of people that like questioning things, you know?

These people generally get redpilled by themselves after a while, it's not like you get to redpill them, so you just open up a door of possibilities for them and then they find the answers throughout their own curiosity and conclusions

It's way healthier and cool to make it that way, you won't compromise your social life with normies and you won't direct your time and effort on a lost cause.

You surely won't find that many people that fit the criteria as much as you find normies, but be sure you won't fail nor even get labeled as someone that's spreading hate around by those that would misunderstand your intentions and ideas

take this dumbass shit to r/mgtow you loser

if leftists/marxist can commit social engineering on such a massive scale, we can too. We already know that it's possible for the majority of an entire population to be pilled---it's happened before! Now, how do we make it so?

elliot rodger's manifesto is trash zero consistency and zero ideological backbone. I feel sorry for him and all hapas who got fucked over by multiculturalism but that kid was a total dumbass, 0/10.

And honestly, the implicit comparison in your post between Elliot Rodger and Ted Kaczynski is, frankly, insulting. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Seems like you're looking for ways to be a better persuasive speaker. Start there, improving your powers of persuasion specifically as a speaker.

bumping for interest.

good call, i'll look more into the art of persuasion in general (maybe i'll get around to reading the god-emperor's book finally?) at the same time there are probably things that work specifically for political persuasion, and still things that work specifically for reactionary political persuasion. Selling a Toyota Prius not the same as selling European Identity even if there are shared foundations

After you guys finish reading through Quaslacrimas in a century or two, check out The Braggadocio (autisticmercury.wordpress.com/) and medium.com/@kantbot2000/ both written and curated by Twitter user @kantbot2000. Sam Hyde was my doorway from fringe comedy into reactionary philosophy and guys like Molyneux and Spencer helped me along as well, I'd say @kantbot2000 is the influence that really made it all "click" as he has a true intellectual backbone that I feel other popular "alt" figures just don't.

For my experience I think people kind of stop being "political normies" when they take the pill and actually start getting active on politics at a personal level after a while

That naturally gives us the idea that we have to "convert" normies through our persuasive approaches because we truly believe in our causes, but normies are not driven by that, they only adopt a specific set of ideological behaviors and thoughts when they realize what they're championing is socially acceptable and object of reverence for the majority of people around them

We already have broken the condition, the redpill is getting mainstream as we speak, but the movement is not enough mainstream to a point normies would feel comfortable to jump in without having a proper initiation or something like that

It seems like the pill has an advantage when it comes to spreading the word, it always seems like we have a very solid set of values based on tradition etc., while the left on the other hand always exposes itself as a conglomerate of basic utopic ideas that are generally used as a means of subversion

I think that's the root of their behavior related to most of the things they do such as virtue signaling, PC culture etc.

Once it goes mainstream the normies will just be the same cannon fodder they've been to the left for a long time, just because it's mainstream, but our solid people from the core of the movement are the ones that will keep things happening long term, so that's my point when I said all of that about redpilling people that have personality traits that lean to the pill, these people will be the ones that will stand against the opposition no matter what, while normies would just take what fits best for the status quo

>wasting your time on okcupid whores

We're already doing it with memes.

For fucks sake you mouldy cumstain! When women say 'super left wing and a feminist' they basically mean 'publicly I want seem powerful and in charge while also seeming like I care about people other than me', which in female double speak means 'look I like being choked while you rail me hard and although I expect you to pay for everything I don't want my friends to think I'm weak, also lol at poor people'.
They don't actually know anything about politics or care.

great links OP and I kek'd at your pic

don't give up though, do your part for whites everywhere and keep looking

damn you're right

what interested me was the way she said it---that if you've got a problem with leftism or feminism not to message her. A lot of women probably say this or generally treat rightist guys as verboten and vice versa among whites. One could draw the conclusion that if this social order occurred with intention then the motive would have been aimed at putting whites at odds with each other specifically. Imagine how weird it would be if Hispanic, Black etc. Men and Women were opposed to each other as a general rule over some random political issue (save the whales, bee colony death) and how weird and suspicious that would be.

Just pretend to be a feminist too. While you're inside of them, put on your MAGA hat.

I believe that being dishonest about your reactionary views will get you in a lot more trouble than simply being forthright. Look at Palmer Luckey---if he had been open about supporting Trump from the get-go and camped his support in economic/civic nationalism or whatever (which is probably where he's coming from anyways) he never would have been forced into hiding.

before you bring up milo, spencer, mcinnes, southern etc and the protest/harassment/assault they've been victim to, keep in mind that starting controversies is literally their core tradeskill. (with the exception of Spencer who used to be more of a real academic/essayist before devoting all his energy to meme magic) If people weren't assaulting them and protesting their speaking engagements then they wouldn't be doing their jobs correctly.


you know the stupid twat will report you for rape immediately after she cums on your massive conservative cock

careful, those black pills are filled with cyanide!

