When did you finally grow out of fascism Sup Forums?

When did you finally grow out of fascism Sup Forums?

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To be honest with you, I'm just getting into the whole thing right now and I kind of like it!


Am I seeing a little bit of Kristen Stewarts vag in this picture?

Proper fascism is pointless without an ethno-state and cleansing people based on subjective racial purity indexes is just too complicated.

I'm growing into it

These multiculti pedophiles and antifa faggots are pushing me from purple to blue

I think thats a testicle

No, it's skin tone underwear to prevent slips

When I transitioned from it into National Socialism

>Proper fascism is pointless without an ethno-state
Allow me to make a direct quote from The Doctrine of Facism, 1932:

>Race: it is a feeling and not a reality

Yeah, I'm not so sure about that.

I don't consider myself to be a hardcore racist or anything, but having lived in Brazil for 26 years I can assure you it is very difficult to install a system that thrives morally and economically on inherent appreciation to order and community when the nation is comprised mostly of mixed-race niggers.

you now notice that the pedo photographer put young Kristen into a sexually suggestive pose, to show leg skin and panties, for the enjoyment of older lewd men

Mussolini didn't know anything about population genetics. You can't effectively run or have a country like Brazil where the average person is of so low quality and they're mixed into different groups that don't share the same culture, history, ethnicity, etc.

I am a national socialist untill the day i die,i know its not the same but i am pretty sure that after you take the true totalitarian pill you will never go back.

You are for the most part correct, but don't fool yourself into thinking the same principle doesn't also applies to the US.

There is literally nothing pedo about this.

No of course, the average person of the country at this point is too low-quality and inequality among the different groups too high to salvage anything effective. That being said it's still better than Brazil from what I can tell.

>I am a national socialist untill the day i die,



>different groups that don't share the same culture, history, ethnicity
Admittedly, Mussolini said it is 95% of a feeling in an interview. He knows people share the same country. The individual does not matter. Your background does not matter. Your ethnicity does not matter. The state is all that matters. Mussolini knew anything else would divide and conquer the Italian people.
I think you underestimate how easy it is to appease gibmedats with words alone.

When I discovered Juche.

Mussolini was a faggot about races because he knew his beloved Italy was made of half Germans and half Greek/Arabs.

>When did you take the blue pill Sup Forums?
Please go.

Oh, no doubts about that. Both in that you were founded from the British culture and from mostly white genetics, the US' superiority over Brazil is undeniable in comparison to our Iberian and wildly mixed-race genetic makeup.

This is what drives me away from Fascism: we know for a fact the cultures and backgrounds at this point are so intertwined and there are many undesirables spread out so thick into the web of society, that any attempts to drive the individuals together as a coherent Nation is inherently impossible.

Fuck me for convincing people to give up religion as a teenager.

When I found out we need solutions, not the eternal divide between left and right. And no that is not Trumps fault, it's just the way politics work and the fact that >50% of the people are stupid, so it's easy for them.

When I build a time machine and saw the glorious future Islam will bring to Europe.

I was 20 when I realised that both left and right wing faggots are retarded af.

>I think you underestimate how easy it is to appease gibmedats with words alone.

See, that's already tip-toeing into the inevitability of flirting with the ideas that make Fascism such a dangerous idea - how to you organize a bunch of savage niggers who have no innate sense of order and duty? The answer is well known and tried: state sponsored repression and relentless propaganda do little to these sub-humans other than fan the fires of their innate rebellious nature, fueling feelings of revenge and self-righteous retribution for a perceived attempt to undermine their freedom.

What is the worth is there to a nigger in the promise of a nation of prosperity and wealth if it comes to the cost of short-term and frivolous gratification? I personally fail to see how this sort of system can appeal to the lazy and amoral.

The funny thing is that the less white/Asian a country becomes the more inherently totalitarian (and therefore Fascistic by their retard meme standards) it becomes since other groups aren't nearly as well-behaved and can't think in the abstract as much as to why they should behave well and why they shouldn't commit crime, therefore drastically increasing the necessity of a powerful police apparatus.

>90% of discussion about "fascism" from """experts""".

Glad to see the improvement, guys. Please learn to recognize these key words.

>I personally fail to see how this sort of system can appeal to the lazy and amoral.
You know the we wuz kangs memes? Italian fascism thrived under that. It works on blacks too.

my first taste of nigger (boy)cunt. not going to lie i used to think penile papules were actually tastebuds on my cock because it honestly felt like i could taste it. even put my cock in marmalade once. turns out i just have an extremely acute sense of smell and a good imagination.

Italians aren't stupid and lazy
> Inb4 memes
Nowhere near blacks

It's actually kinda funny watching this debate unfold. Each one thinks they are actually playing a "wolf in sheep's clothing" when in reality they're all sheep. Do any of you honestly think that someone would willingly identify as a "fascist", even anonymously?

Very interesting observation. Here in Brazil, there are several states that fit the profile you've described, where racial homogeneity is nearly zero (or, ironically enough, everyone shares the same lack thereof), and as expected the police and military forces in these areas are forced to act with absolute wanton brutality, where otherwise nearly criminal acts ranging from torture to extra-judicial executions become entirely normalized in order to uphold any resemblance of the law and order.

That said, our system has figured a much more convenient way to exploit these masses: deprive them of both the state-sponsored police oppression and of most responsibilities, rewarding their existence alone in the form of mediocre social-welfare programs, which is beyond enough to satisfy those individuals. In return, of course, the system receives the much election votes in order to maintain itself in power through the sustained illusion of a fair and uncompromisable democracy.

Is this seriously how hard they try?

>Italians aren't stupid and lazy
are you sure about that?

>August 2013

Is she retarded?

what you want employment data of all of Europe from yesterday or something? be fucking realistic

>implying unemployment meant you don't want to work

I bet in after the 1929 all the world had become lazy af

when your country pays it's debt

70% of our debt belong to italian citizen.
Meanwhile you're violating the export suprlus rules of EU.

when i discovered national bolshevism

well, because we work, you lazy shitskin,
maybe work for more than 4 hrs a day and get your shit together

I'm a paleoconservative but I can go ethno fascist if we're God forsaken

You can't grow out of the truth

we work more hours than you on the average you stupid kraut. learn some economics.

Technically never, because I've never been into fascism to begin with. It's a pussy ideology for pussy people who want to stop being pussies but have no idea how to actually do that, so instead they just work themselves into a frenzy and pick fights with much stronger opponents and get crushed utterly. It's the politics of irrational resentment and pitiful self-delusion. It accomplishes nothing except death, destruction and embarrassment. Plus, formerly fascist countries will bend over backwards to "make amends" for their past ways, and indulge in even more cuckery to show how much they've changed. Face it Sup Forums, fascism is a dead end, a pipe dream, doomed to fail. Move on.

I've always been a royalist.

>TFW no royalty means no feudal lords means no liege to swear fealty to
>YWN be knighted age 14 and have a clear purpose in life
>YWN rally under your lord's banner and stand shoulder to shoulder with other sworn men to subjugate the Baltics
>YWN joust a motherfucker off his horse to your liege's amusement and then fuck his wife for your own
>YWN see your men-at-arms proudly carry your household emblem into battle, brothels and inns
>YWN die in gruesome combat, kicking and screaming and jumping into hell's mouth

never was one. I just enjoy sjw tears

well, while you cry about how rich germany is, we just become richer and richer, suck the good people out of you country and in the end you can't do shit
your country will end up like a tit on an 80 yo granny, no more value, what then?

you fucking retards didn't even notice how the EU is the final 3rd reich, germany rules over all other countries combined in the "EU" ahaha

> Unemployment == Laziness
Are you retarded?

>we become rich

you mean the german elite become richer. govt is not incresing the spending (even if has more export surplus than china) so the average kraut is poorer since the beginning of the euro not richer.
again you're so stupid i'm starting to think you're a turk or some other shitskin, not a german.

I grew into fascism after I learned more information about the world and its people.

>I grew into fascism after I learned more nonsense and misinformation about the world and its people


> implying i am not part of the people who profit of it
fight the fact that we pull the elites out of your country or gtfo, the highly educated people already leave to work for german companies

however keep up the q.q

More money means more migrants.


Around 12 years ago

would be a shame if that problem would distract the EU from how germany eats the economy of all the other countries

No. It's the other way around. I was extremely naive and sheltered growing up. Private school. University. All I ever met were intelligent, rational, well-educated people. I thought everyone was like that. Travelling and work taught me otherwise. Then I noticed that whites were becoming minorities everywhere and inferior cultures were replacing everything I loved, with a corresponding decline in quality of life. The destiny of the West now seems to be heading towards an inevitable Brazilian mess, rather than colonisation of the galaxy. At least limited fascism is the only way to fix it.

>the german millionaire on Sup Forums

Oh sorry of course. My bad.

Friendship ended with fascism. Now national socialism is my best friend.

when I visited Starbucks for the first time

Never fell in it in the first place.

I abandoned it because real fascism is centrist.
I believe in Ethno-Nationalist Capitalism.