China is going to annex you all one day. Your cities are full of chinks. Chinks own a lot of homes, property, and significant investment in your industry. Now they're going to be making your roads, buildings, and what not.

>Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said Australia is committed to ensuring the free trade agreement with China continues to grow, and said the countries plan to cooperate more on tourism, regional infrastructure, innovation and energy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Forgot the link

> thinking the chinks will keep any promise, vow or contract


They're hot though. Currently in aus staying with a Chinese family and the mum and two daughters are hot. Me fuckfuck the older sister ;3

>Oh no, beta yellow bois and their yellow wimmin who'll suck our dicks on a dime are invading, whatever will we dooooo

Should i learn mandarin or cantonese? any suggestions?

Mandarin, it's far more standardised. Anyone who can speak Cantonese almost definitely knows mandarin, but not vice versa.

>firm stand against protectionism
Oh great more jobs going to lee and chang.

>want to buy cheap Chink goods that'll end up funding the ships they use to fight in the coming war

Traitors, all of them

Well you should enjoy your beef while you still can. You'll be eating roo roadkill this time next year.

>He said the launch of live cattle trade opened great opportunity for Australia — with massive inland city Chongqing seeking up to 500,000 head of cattle a year.

B-b-ut Plumff was a meanie:(
U r just a racist OP

China is literally buying the country out from under us and sending enough people to slowly colonize us.

They're taking the country without firing a shot you dumbfuck.

>b..but muh yellow pussy
>literally, "muh dick"
You're no better than a dindu

Fuck china, fuck the chinese and fuck our cuckold government who's selling us out to them

God I hate our politicians. We would honestly be better off in an anarchy.


I feel like we have been taken over by the chinese already. I feel that they have our politicians and Australia is now just another island owned by china. We have the highest immigration rate in the western world.

You should learn a European language cuck

We should have let Japan win WW2.

Japan would have turned Australia into a Japanese Colony by now.

How come Aussie liberals stopped saying Free Tibet?

That's right, I forgot race mixing is only bad when women are doing it. My bad.

Seriously though, I honestly don't understand the yellow fever most white men here seem to have. Asian women, especially chinese women are so unattractive.

That's cool man I'm not Australian I'm just visiting here and met her teeheehee. Don't worry when it all goes to shit I'll just fly back home. U like? Yes? Yes you do ;^P

Objectively if you speak English there is virtually nothing to gain relatively speaking by learning another language. You're deluding yourself if you don't see Mandarin as a much more utilitarian decision to learn and a less wasteful use of time and resources to be devoted to, the Chinese will either share or dominate the latter half of the 20th century.

le heart of darkness Vietnam war face
[At least here in the States]
le Freudian Cold War undertone face
le Hegelian teleology face

any of you guys invested any money in the lithium battery industry? rumour has it its the next big thing, potentially making oil redundant within the next 2 decades


Bow down to your new leaders, and enjoy your raising free trade unemployment, Australia.

>Chinese welcome!

>We have the highest immigration rate in the western world.
At least we stopped 'da boats' though right? That must mean that we're tough on immigration. Fuck off, we're full right?

> latter half of the 20th century

We need Rudd back.

Bishop is going to destroy the country.

We sailed here, you bailed here.

I'm honestly not sure what you're trying to say here m8

South Australia is like Victoria in and around Adelaide

*21st century

>not deepthoating the chinese (as deep as possible with them anyway)

I don't know if I can explain it m8
But these trends are all substantially related to the Cold War and the presence of Communism in South East Asia. The soviets fell, they won


>“Australia is a gold mine. The next gold mine,” Mr Ma said in Melbourne on Saturday. “The clean water, the soil and the air, this is what you have, the most unique asset.”

We're going to be colonised by China once they've destroyed their country, aren't we?

>chinese tourism

this is the biggest fucking meme of them all.

has anyone actually seen what chinese tourism businesses do? it's a fucking rort.

>take chinese middle class
>fly them to australia on discounted chinese-owned flights
>chinese workers pick them up from the airport in a chinese-owned shuttle bus
>ferry them around with chinese-printed maps and brochures with chinese tour guides
>take all of their money off of them and give them an allowance on souveneirs for when they get taken to a chinese-owned gift shop
>make sure most of the money they spend is on garbage that is made in china anyway
>take them to australian tourist attractions where they spend absolutely no money and trample all over the place and fuck up all the other tourists experiences
>stay in a chinese-owned hotel
>fly home on a chinese-owned flight
>check out all the photos they took on their chinese cameras

it's a fucking joke, we get fucking NOTHING out of it. as donald trump would say, it's a bad deal.

What about all of those universities that only seem to exist to import chinese students who really aren't even here to study? What the fuck is going on with them I wonder.

Thank fuck Trump killed the TPP or we'd be fully screwed.

>going to be
Have you been in a major city lately m8?

White children [and here in the states, minorities such as blacks] are losing their future because they do not have equal access to education
Also, most western countries are not financially stable enough to finance their universities without charging Chinese studies larger tuitions than domestic students. Therefore, they must admit more wealthy foreigners than poor natives. This is because the communists have subverted our economies and governments
See [it is same in U.S]

It's just as bad [probably worse] here but thankfully we didn't elect Clinton

>What about all of those universities that only seem to exist to import chinese students who really aren't even here to study? What the fuck is going on with them I wonder.
They're diploma mills that make the administrators richer. Same thing here. The chinks send their kids there to get an international degree from country X. Country X has immigration policies that will allow the student to stay and gain employment after graduation. After Y years the graduate can start importing their family into country X. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

not like there is much we can do, their military has 1 soldier for every 7 Australian

Chinese colony. Your politicians are selling your country. Why not take in Europeans instead?

They are and they'll deep deeper and deeper into the middle of aus and get all those yummy num num opals for fat cash.

Funny just had dinner with the Chinese family I've "infiltrated" and the dad has said the farm he works at is owned by a Chinese guy back on the mainland and he pays cash in hand. Also he's bought a house in the hills and he's bought one of those cul-de-sacs which has like 8 apartments. He bought the whole block and is going to put Chinese people in there to live there while working for him

because the right wing is run by neocons who want to sell us to chinese money, and the left wing is run by SJWs who want to bend over and spread our collective anus to foreigners to show how tolerant we are.

the fucking unions we had, reputed as some of the best in the world for the worker, have ceased to be useful and now do nothing to save the working class.

the only right wing populism we have in this country is plagued by controversy, either by their own doing or by media witchhunts.

there is quite literally no legitimate party in this country representing the trump demographic in any significant capacity.

Once you go Slope, you have no Hope.

>Julie Bishop
It's a woman, Australia is fucked. The little gook will sell her virtually every lie in the book.

>australia is willfully annexed by china
>great firewall descends upon them
>free internet is shielded from australian shitposting
>world rejoices
I see nothing wrong with this.

Same thing here, and same problems with our unions. They create pro third world immigration PR-campaigns pin by the members money. They are later chocked when the same immigrants are driving salaries down and putting their members out of work. And they care more about immigration, trans toilet rights and other SJW things than members' job and salaries. Half of the union members are now voting for the only anti-immigration party.

Yeah but they're Chinese. One regular Aussie is worth at least fifteen chink soldiers.

Turnbull want's to revive it with China in place of America. Our goverments are literally selling us out to a foreign nation. Where the fuck is Britain in all this?

>We're GOING to be colonised by China
You see where you fucked up, don't you user?

Hands tied by the EU. U.K. Wants to trade with Aus but it's limited until brexit actually happens

We're gonna dig deep and we're gonna fight for this land.

We're not gonna be colonised by fuckin anyone.

>the fucking unions we had, reputed as some of the best in the world for the worker, have ceased to be useful and now do nothing to save the working class.
Do the leaders just take leadership positions to make more money than they would had they been doing their job? That's the case here.

I don't understand it either.

Asians look like aliens to me. It would be like waking up next to ET.

Same thing that happened to the european social democratic parties (and the democrats in the us?). The working class have lost all influence are are replaced by the urban middle class who cares more about SJW & immigration than the "stupid workingclass".

That's not how it looks.
I'd like to believe it.

With what?

The guns stored away in the sticks?
A military coup?
The political climate is fucked. Half would sell their mothers to CCP for a dollar and the other half would do the same for a good boy point.

>The political climate is fucked. Half would sell their mothers to CCP for a dollar and the other half would do the same for a good boy point.
So what are you all going to do? Is there really anything you can do other than deal with it?

I would rather be ruled by imperialist Japan than communist China.

Is that new?
TPP was Australian idea, to bring in China and other Asia. Go to Sydney, bunch of Asians already.

>needing a firewall
Our internet is shit enough.
Any of you wankers wouldn't last a day in a bogan infested suburb.

>a free trade agreement with our biggest trading partner (by far) is a bad thing
>strengthening ties to a rising super power is a bad thing
lol righhto mate

EU is European USA. Australia wants to create Australian-Asian EU.




As long as they put a firewall on the bloody Lebs!

At the moment, no.

The situation doesn't look at all bleak for most Australians, certainly nowhere near enough to foment unrest. The Bernadi situation is good but I fear the complete fracturing of the Labor/Liberal monoliths, which will be required, is pure optimism.

God i can't wait to vote for New Zealand First this year i hope your one nation actually does well int he polls. These fucking chongs are just walking in and taking over the southern hemisphere.

It's fucking horrible here in Adelaide. All I see in the city is slants. I'm so tired of seeing them. It's just fucking crazy.

Oh, hey, another shitty China thread. Let me guess how this is gonna go...

>Other Anglo Countries: Yeah, we sympathize with you America. Chinks are definitely stupid. Here, let me post evidence to support how stupid Chinks are. BTW, Japan, and SK are okay, so try not to destroy them in the process. K. THX.
>Eastern Europeans: But, everyone is stupid. Ever consider how stupid Anglo-Countries are? Here, let me post evidence of how stupid Anglos are.
>East Asians: Yeah. We hate Chinks. But, we also hate each other. Here, let me ignore Anglos and just shit talk other Asians.


Shut up Kimchi babo! Shouldn't you be at a hwae shik getting drunk with your coworkers while neglecting your family instead of shitposting here?

Before the end of 2017 Turnbull will import Chinese migrant workers like Europe imported Africans and Arabs

Any contact with the Chinese means they will try to claim they own you 2000 years later. This is what diplomacy means to them

OP says it like a one party dictatorship rule is somehow better than the two-party dictatorship rule we currently have.

We get fined in Australia if we don't attend voting booths to decide who fucks us over next.
At least if china took over it would take all the "democracy" out and I could stay home and wash my blue bottles instead of fucking about for an hour in a queue at my old high school.

Well... Korea and Japan did originate with China. So, technically, Japan and Korea are really Chinese. It's only a matter of time before they come.

How is this bad? Our economy is actually geared towards higher skilled jobs and free trade. China and Asia is huge for us. This should make our financial and mining sectors grow larger.

Americans BTFO.

We have exclusive, free access to over 1 BILLION CHINKS.




What are you doing to change it? Your defeatist attitude won't help.


Cunt, in one generation we will be China, not Australia.

The weak should fear the strong

>superpower by 2030
Well you're right but only because we'll be officially part of China by then

poor snek

How can I become a US citizen ASAP?

We are sold out so hard people don't realise.

Both Rudd and Turnbull have children married to Chinese elites children.

Carr and senator dastayiri are essentially bought and paid for.

Go o the myschool site and look up glen wavelrly and toorak. High performing state schools where the ESL is 95%.


Make Australia Emu Again

I've just started learning mandarin. What timing.

Zhongguo shi hao

Checked! I guess Aussies will have a war on two fronts: one with the chinks, and tthe other with the emus.

the emu war never happened its just stupid satire used to slander Australians. Emus are in zoos therefore we win

>emu chasing Australian
Delete this emu propaganda

>the emu war never happened
Then why'd we nuke them?

Don't disrespect the fallen of the Emus Wars user

Chinese in the driving seat


You mad white boy?

So American much salt in this thread.. You've been replaced.

Enjoy taking our refos KEK

>Le based tones ebin maymay

Faggot stopped the boats but opened the airline terminals. Immigration shot way up.