Is he the most incompetent president in the history of the US?

>first raid
>gets a Seal and 30 civilians killed because of lack of planning

if Shillary had done what Trump has done up to now there would be a revolution and this board would be REEEEEEEing into oblivion

seeing Sup Forums not commenting and shutting up in shame every time this doofus goes full retard is almost better than witnessing the destruction of the United states from within


obama did this twice a week for eight years and yet we heard nary a peep from the press


>plugging your ears and shouting "i cant hear you"
boy, you dummies sure dont contradict expectations

Rumor has it that the subject of the raid was informed a couple hours before it transpired.

actually we did, it was just you that spent your days on here shitposting
>obama did it and the libs thought it was ok so even though I criticized obama for doing it now that trump does it it's ok

>implying killing mideast "civilians" is a bad thing

No shit, if trump so much as takes a ahit its reported on the frontpage news. Why do you think obamas people sat on it for months


>1 raid went wrong(according to the people being raided)
really nigger? If you aren't crew then this is just pathetic

No you didn't and, if you did it wad under your breathe so obamas secret police didn't black bag you in the early morning rain.

Come back when you've learned not to believe virtually anything the MSM tells you

Ttump missed it? You mean the military missed it.

>memes dehumanizing anons
Kek is a evil god

feel free to explain what is incorrect about that article and be sure to source it from at least 2 reputable sources

>Trump personally trained those SEALs for couple of years, then flew them himself in his plane to Yemen then commanded them on field
Might as well blame him when your car runs out of gas.

projection and exagerration....yawn

They were forewarned by Omorosa who is/was a mole who was subsequently shot by secret service in a random sweep cause she tried to run, high treasonous cunt. Digits confirm.

A SOLDIER DIED?!?! Its almost like its part and parcel of the job, the "civilians killed would be sympathisers with al qaeda ideologies if they were living in the same area or they would already be dead so fuck em.

he's the person in chief and the one who gave the order.
I blame obama for every single drone strike with casualties he had, you dont keep your president accountable
pathetic lack of convictions

Clinton moles in the White House leaked the info to the terrorists. They were given a heads up.

Sup Forums is the new reddit shit skins are welcome here.

Sup Forums is the new reddit shit skins are welcome here.

Sup Forums is the new reddit shit skins are welcome here.

Nigga, if we were to point out the militaristic failures of Obame Bush Clinton etc we'd have a whole list to cherry pick out of

My wop, do you even know who Obama is?
That negro sent drones to hellfire missile fucking hospitals

Are you retarded enough to think that conservatives give a fuck if the US military blows up a bunch of shitskins?

settle down alex, did you forget to take your "male vitality" pills?

you did, and now you dont

>Trump gives the go-ahead for the military to launch an operation
>It goes fubar
>This is Trump's fault

You know the guy didn't go to West Point right? He isn't a soldier, that's why we have Mattis. If this op went wrong it fooled the Mad Dog himself, which means it was probably unforeseeable.

no, motherfucker. i already know everything.what's my name?

too bad we're talking about drumpf

I agree with this post so much. I remember first reading about that failed raid and laughing my ass off and then coming on pol and seeing nothing.
The austitist on this board can't even make excuses for how badly their god emperor fucked up this time.
So good, so good.

hes not planning or executing it , he's just signing off on it based on information he's given. we dont know whose fault the casualties are.

also the purpose of the raid is to kill the terrorists so you should ask yourself if they're dead, if its a yea its a success if no its a failure not killing civilians and having no casualties is a bonus not a requirement.

SEAL SOP is to Leroy Jenkins every mission. It's not the President's job to scrutinize battle plans provided by the combatant command.

Do you really think anybody believes that you're Italian?

>A minor raid goes wrong

What are you actually going to DO with all the straws you're grasping? Do you want to build a man out of them or something?

You are so very, very worthless.

Yes, pretty much.

>Trump missed his main target

Wow he was literally there leading the assault with the Seals? That's pretty amazing. Didn't see Obama doing that.


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Obama did similar things, Bush did similar things, Shillary would have done similar things. Trump is, right now, under a magnifying lense of "let's criticize everything".

30:1 kill death ratio sounds pretty good to me

He's nowhere near Obongo's killcount. Who gives a shit?

>read: militants not currently holding weapons

Not his fault, but it is his responsibility.

killed his daughter though so its a win in my book. Then again women are nothing to those people so maybe he's more upset at the loss of property than his blood

It's not civilians, its muslims


>30 dead shitskins
The only thing of value lost was our man's life.


He will never accept that blame. He is no Truman.

Ever met a seal in real life? I'd say it's more like losing ten men. Those guys are impressive.

It was Obama's plan
and Trump stupidly let that cunt's plan go ahead


fuck off shit skin

That's pretty fucking stupid mate. Heads of state are not expected to be military experts.

> Implying militants don't classify as civilians.

Don't his intelligence agents and generals plan this stuff out?
I mean it's not like he went in and killed them himself.

I got fat fingers too, its hard for us old timmers to click on the right shit sometimes.
still 30 kills

can someone explain why is trump pro Israel, aren't zionists true evil on earth?

How is he responsible for the dead seal? The defence ministry is

When did you start caring about collateral damage?

This it was Omorosa

Does he look like a president. He can't president

is Trump now some Korean micromanager of all our forces? This isnt his fault.

It's over guys Trump won.

>trump leading from the front line
And he has time to run the country? What a beast.

But they are expected to be leaders.

Based nip. That's the fucking truth.

Maybe so, but things go wrong in war. This isn't a situation where he ignored calls for help or gave them orders that they advised against, they planned the operation, they wanted to go, he said do eet.

This wasn't even a big thing it sounds like a pretty routine raid that went wrong because someone got a lucky shot in or something. Remember that time half of the SEAL team that axed Bin Ladin died in a fucking helicopter crash? Not even the Tippist of Teaparty people would blame that on Obama, it's just part of war.

But he doesn't read the information and he selected what people should execute the order.


Learn to freedom, fag.

Trump told them to fucking do it.
It's the loser soldiers and their commanders that fucked up.

They wanted to prevent unecesary civilian death? The informing of targets is a constant concern. It was one of the big risks of grabing bin laden.

>implying there is such a thing as 'civilians' in a terrorist warzone

You are either cooperating with the terrorist, which makes you a terrorist, or you are fighting the terrorists, which makes you a soldier, or you are leaving your country to become a refugee.

You can't just go 'Allahu ackbar' everytime an ISIS officer walks by and then go back to your house.

>if Shillary had done what Trump has done up to now there would be a revolution and this board would be REEEEEEEing into oblivion

Yeah, so? His military advisers ask him to okay a raid, he is satisfied with the intel and gives the go-ahead, said military advisers fucked up completely and the raid fails, or perhaps it was pure bad luck. Blaming Trump for it is absurd, as absurd as saying that Obama is responsible for successfully killing Osama.

obama killed 955,000 people

>italians think it's the president in his office with the diagrams and pencils, planning the raids, determining how many pounds of fuel the helicopters need to infiltrate and exfiltrate

No, generals have had this planned for months and it finally got the go-ahead. How many seals did obongo get killed?


Obama was the one who set up and planned this raid but it's bad now because Trump.

You're a fuckboi bitch. Have fun with that.

Leaders give a "go/no go" based on the likelihood of success.
Its almost impossible to be 100% on anything, unless you have a constant 24-hour live feed of the target. Most ops are given a greenlight with between a 70% - 90% chance of success. Its like user said, either they had old (and useless) intelligence, or there's a traitor at the highest echelon of our military.

you realize the running the country is a way more important thing that running a campaign. His campaign won. If he can't function in the house he doesn't belong.

So, every single human that ever worked in a bank is a devil?
You people are retarded. Trump hired them because of their experience not because he wants to sell out to them.

You know nothing about the raid. 30 civilians(?) isn't shit of what we are going to do in the future. I noticed you failed to mention how many muzzlems (enemy) we killed. These civilians were just support, including children used as lookouts. If a parent keeps their family in a war zone, tough shit. .
We are not playing by the PC handbook. We are going to kill the enemy and if your mama is cooking them Goat, again, though shit.
It's hard to get use to winning so much! Islam's ass kicking is just beginning.

P. S. YES, WE ARE RACIST. PROUD AMERICAN WINNING RACIST! Heil, Trump, bitch! Hahahahahahaha!

Lol who cares

King Nigger Obama bombed non-stop for 8 years and ISIS is still around.

>if Shillary had done that
you wouldn't even hear about it

>trump personally aims the drones

>You know the guy didn't go to West Point right?
He DID go to a military prep school.
>If this op went wrong it fooled the Mad Dog himself, which means it was probably unforeseeable.
Then how come Obama passed on it?
He didn't go to West Point either.

This strike was planned before Trump took office.

Wasn't this raid planned for months under Obama, anyways?

>Obama does this
>Not even reported, maybe a tiny reference in the news ticker at the bottom of the screen

>Trump does this over a week ago
>Still reported daily

It matters because OP said trump is the most incompetent president you retarded poo in loo

>implying there are any innocent people living in the AQAP headquarters, such a high value target that there were hundreds of AQAP protecting it

Yeah, no.

>Wasn't this raid planned for months under Obama, anyways?
yeah, fake news is a bitch.

pajeet mad he was denied his visa

Trump didn't do anything. He told the planners to go ahead with Obama's plan that was in place since November.

>Heads of state are not expected to be military experts.
He's the CIC of 45% of the world's military, I sure as fuck DO expect him to have his shit together.
On the other hand you guys keep nominating draft dodgers, so I guess you don't agree.
Ok, to be fair, the dems haven't had a military man in the oval office since Jimmy Carter (but they did nominate John Kerry (swift boat Vietnam vet, bronze star).

Best of friends hope you guys appreciate how you got each others back .

Scuttlebutt is target suddenly had intel said raid was coming , all you have to do is google which US politician had usual contact with sand no'ggers (¬‿¬ )

Trump is the best President ever. MAGA is the gift that keeps on giving. The chimp outs are amazing.

Obama killed civilians all the time and no one gave a shit
it would've been the same with killary

>Trump personally missed