
Shit like this is picking up speed. This is from yesterday... big rugby star died from the 1995 world cup.. white guy, people of color are posting shit like this...

witty well timed remark

>people of color are posting shit like this...

Why not just say niggers are posting shit like this?

What are you, an outsider? Some undercover shill with an South African proxy?

Answer me, you nigger.


why do you hate black people so much?

seeing as white people are completely spineless these days, I'm not surprised

not OP but you'd understand if you have ever been around them

What the fuck is this shit, user? Saw this on fucking news24

How did his parents manage to fuck up "Ryan"?

This is good, it shows moderates what these people truly are and what they truly want.

20 years from now, we couldn't stop this, but now we still have a chance.

Same cunt.. wtf

Twitter going nuclear here

What is it like being white in South African in the current year?

>(((Riaan Levine)))

Like a clockwork

one word? Foreign.

>me when I hear a white man had died

Autists like you that act like fucking internet detective inquisitors are what ruined this board

Monkeys can't cry, tho.

Oh my I believe this dude is going to be killed. What a dumb fucking thing to say.

Here's the full tweet.

How do you die from the 1995 world cup in 2017?

That's racist. I've seen many monkeys cry. #NotAllMonkeys

As black as your wife's boyfriends benis :)

Do black South Africans rape a lot of white women?

>tfw we get lazy shitskin immigrants instead of hard working afrikaners

why the fuck do you guys even insist on staying in that shithole, move the fuck out and help us counter the wave of niggers entering our lands

it's a win win situation

I a comma.

What the fuck?

bros you need to go full rambo on the sambo

Here's a pic of Joost, the guy who died. this is fucking TREASON.

This isn't Sweden that guy is going to hang from a tree for this.

You know, it's funny how minorities have supposedly been oppressed for hundreds of years and they've only now started to put up some sort of fight.
But it only took a few years of the anti white men rhetoric for us to say "fuck you" and take control of the white house.

RIP Joost, hope the niggers die of AIDS.

Just look what they did to Rhodesia. SAfrica is basically becoming the next zimbabwe. They have all reasons to hate them.

You're fucking done with anyway

It's only a matter of time before the primitive savages hunt you down and rape your female relatives before murdering you.

Good job giving into the kikes, don't you feel tolerant?

It's literally all Britains fault to be honest.. The Anglo will Anglo.

Whatever, It's not our job to get offended over insults to groups of people. That's the left's domain. Niggers gonna nig

Doubt if actually anglo. Most damage was done during """labor""" governments, whose ideas are well, you know.

At least they did admit they were imperialists back in 19th century. Still justification for the second boer war was a fucking joke.