Soros wanted pardon for Snowden

Recently saw the Snowden movie and it sparked my interest.
Then I found out that Soros wanted him pardoned before the election. What does Soros have to gain from this? I doubt Soros believes Snowden should be pardoned for his patriottism.

Soros is an extreme leftist

soros is a bigger nazi than hitler was

Soros is a bigger communist than Stalin was.

Yeah, I heard OP is a fag.

Soros is an extreme capitalist.

Snowden is a Soros op.

OP is an extreme hetero.

Glad somebody else noticed. The ACLU is repping him, which made me suspicious as hell. I'd like to know why Soros is so involved with him too.

Snowden is a walking redpill.

ACLU is a bunch of extremist nazis.

The only leaf post is coincidentally the only shitpost

Well now we have a good idea who funded his shitty movie.

Capitalists don't try to overthrow capitalist societies. Capitalists don't make a push for socialism. It is a tenent of marxism that in order to convert a capitalist society to communism, it must first embrace socialism on wide scale. He's a leftist through and through.

True, I didn't link a source to the faggotness, but neither did OP.

Snowden needs a bullet to the head

maybe, but why? This movie was made before trump became president. Why would Soros want to undermine either Obama or Shillary?

Snowden is a traitor.
He hates the United States.
Soros wanting him pardoned proves that even more.

Not sure, maybe part of the surveillance team is after Soros? I mean, he is a terrorist after all.

Don't you remember the mass hysteria in the US when PRISM was revealed? People still think the NSA is watching them through their fucking Xbox. Soros just likes to create panic, and Snowden's leaks definitely did just that.

He knows that snowden has info that will completely shatter peoples trust in the government. That would help his agenda.

I think his motives are privacy(freedom)>security. Which americans would most likely sympathise with.

Alex Soros has links with Snowden.
CIA and NSA are in a war because NSA found (((something))).
More info if you get digits

Snowden - Soros agent

Which is why he's hiding out in Putin's Russia.

Shill logic, happening must be coming soon

And prioritizing freedom over security is fucking retarded now and forever, thanks to open borders

Snowden worked for CIA, got high up, was flipped over to NSA, then flooded leaks to harm FBI

>Soros wants to pardon Snowden
>Snowden must be sided with the enemy
>lets stop Snowden at all costs

This is called tribalism. Something that dumb apes do. Sup Forums has turned into a bunch of fucking apes.

I disagree, but you must have a government with the interest of the people at heart. This coming from a citizen of a country with a lot of "security" and little freedom. (and open borders ofc.)

Stopping Soros would be more useful. But how is the main question.

You might be right, but Soros does little without an agenda.
Also Trumps hatred for Snowden seems strange.

What's so hard to understand?

Snowden is a traitor
Trump hates traitors

Soros is a bigger faggot than Milo was

While he is a traitor his actions are morally justifiable. To me he seems like a traitor to the Obama administration and not necessarily the USA. I have not heard of any harm done to the USA from his leaks