Well the old cunt did it. She got nominated as the Secretary of Education. Can we have a general education thread?

Well the old cunt did it. She got nominated as the Secretary of Education. Can we have a general education thread?

What's the big deal about this old cunt? Just what will she be able to accomplish or ruin as the Secretary of Education?

What is it that leftists want to achieve in regards to education? I know they want a bunch of free shit, but as far as the nuances in policy go, what do they want to accomplish? What would YOU do different?

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She wants to stop cultural marxism in public schools. Communists are furious.

teacher unions are buttblasted as fuck

she wants to bring accountablility back to education and has actually challenged tenure as an institution in the past

Its fucking over for demoshits, this was the person they were fighting the hardest and they still couldn't do shit

btw does anyone know when carson gets final vote?


Fucking bitch wants to shove christian religion down kid's throats she can go fuck herself.

2 Traitor Republicans.

Remember this Sup Forums

Please destroy common core.

It has literally made idiots out of the current generation. How did this shit even get approved?

Kys kike redditor neckbeard shill

>brother is the founder of Blackwater
>former party shill
>no experience dealing with public schools
what are the pros here, besides her being for charter schools?

this country is in the shitter if you haven't noticed

Why is education in the US and UK so shit? Surely with all the money thrown in to it, both ought to be a lot better than it is

Common core isn't horrible. There needs to be some basis to test what level kids are, but it is outdated and can heavily restrict to what teachers want to teach.

Which is eh if you think teachers are retarded. A lot of the shit we have now is from a too restrictive common core and crappy principles that's don't get rid of crap teachers or don't have a vision for the school.

Things have worked so well having God out of our education right?

She's hot desu

>I know they want a bunch of free shit

Yes but you dont need christian fundamentalist propaganda to have good morals. I have no religion and people don't hate me .

Good i dont care and im not even religous. Schools are full of degenerates right now anyway.

Erik Prince will send all failure students off to Merc camp

I hope this isn't going to become a trend, where everything gets through by the skin of its teeth.

And we are all very proud of you.

>not realizing Repubs. planned it so that Mike "AC/DC if you're not sure which toilet you peepee" Pence got to tie-breaker the Dems morale into submission.

Minorities drags the numbers down. White and asian test scores are really good, and is one of the reasons why the US dominates tech and medicine.

>She's hot desu
[citation needed]

Short version - she wants to roll back a lot of the Common Core/No Child Left Behind bullshit and encourage more options for private schools.

While I obviously don't agree with her on every matter, I think those are both good goals. NCLB has been absolutely devastating to primary and secondary education in the US - shifting the focus away from focusing teaching fundamental methods, contextualizing history and literature, building critical thinking and analysis skills towards rote learning - drilling factoids into students' heads long enough for them to pass some bullshit standardized scantron test so the school doesn't lose funding. CC's been almost as bad - forcing schools to waste time and resources on touchy-feely subjects, "active learning", and teaching methods meant to lower everyone to the same level as the lowest common denominator in the class.

>She wants to stop cultural marxism in public schools.

You're right, but it supervenes on the fact that she just doesn't want to spend public money on anything.

They could be teaching meme magic and love of hitler in there and she'd still close em down.

public school is shit

>What's the big deal about this old cunt? Just what will she be able to accomplish or ruin as the Secretary of Education?
She threatens the money and power of the NEA and AFT, both of which fund the Democratic Party to trap minorities in failing schools.

Taxpayer money goes into public schools -> public-sector teacher's unions collect a portion of that money -> Union bosses give that money to Democrats -> Democrats protect public schools from competition -> Taxpayer money goes into public schools -> ...

In the long term, Democrats can't have poor minorities become normal members of society, or else they lose votes.

Democrats will immediately lose funding from corrupt unions and over time lose minority votes, while everyone who wants a better education can get it. It's win-win-win.

She is most likely dumb, but I don't know what harm she can do. Ending Cultural Marxism and bringing school choice is a net gain, even if the kids learn Jesus road a dinosaur over evolution.

>Heavily restrict

That's all teachers do nowadays is test prep so that their school system gets more gibs from the state for their good boy points.

>not being a hidden supporter of cultural marxism

They worship a jew, nobody should be surprised when this ends in disaster.

They'll never deny Carson. The man has literally saved lives, is black, and is walking proof race is no longer an excuse in America.

Okay, they hate him for that last point, but still, they could never be so openly racist. The primary users of HUD housing are in fact African Americans. Who can deny them such an accomplished and based leader of their own kind?

How is this a bad thing?
Why cant people educate their own children?

>I hope this isn't going to become a trend, where everything gets through by the skin of its teeth.
Republicans backed an extremist. What did you think was going to happen?
Don't worry though, Republican gerrymandering will keep them in power until the 2020 census.

That is the most retarded thing iv read. No wonder kids give up on school.

>Challenged tenure
Holy shit this GILF just caused 99% of teachers in the U.S. to chimp out.

Winning is winning, kid. Lrn2Trump.

Yes it did you retarded fuck only shitholes like my country, phillipines teach relegious thiest bullshit

I hate you for saying retarded shit.

According to the founding fathers, god doesn't belong in our education.

I think it has to do with niggers desu
Black people have genetically inferior intelligence. Once they become more than a small minority, they significantly drag down the quality of education.

What conservatives want is "school choice," which allows white people to send their kids to a school with an entrance exam instead of having their education sabotaged by the (literally) retarding influence of niggers. Liberals would rather white kids be disadvantaged in order to counteract the natural self-segregation of the races within society.

But to be fair, De Vos has no experience in schooling or the public sector. I guess that wasn't sufficient to stop the election of Trump though.

Blacks... not even trying to be racist about it, but Black students as a group are a massive drain on public education in the US - requiring more time, more attention, more supervision, more assistance, and more accommodations while still managing to pull down class averages by 10, 20, 30 points.

There are plenty of very intelligent Black students... but the statistics don't lie.

I believe she is going to undo the idiotic "Dear Colleague" letter from the Obama administration that caused colleges to bring young men accused of rape in front of kangaroo courts stocked with radical leftist professors that wouldn't allow evidence, or legal counsel, or questioning of the accuser. If she brings back due process to colleges, or tells them to stop dealing with this issue and turn it over to law enforcement, it will at least be an improvement.

Some experiences of mine with public education.

>Anne Frank Diary book, and field trip to see play
>Elie Wiesel's Night, and many other such things involving holocaust
>Reading about poor Japanese victims of A-bombs.
>American occupation and torture of Phillipines.
>Agent orange and American travesties in Vietnam.
>Nazis threw babies up in the air and used them as shotgun practice.
>Had to pick a holocaust survivor off of a list and make a presentation about them.
>Black Harlem culture, and slavery.
>One particular project in elementary we had to draw ourselves and family as slaves. Literally draw your family as black slaves.
>Rosa Parks, Hariet Tubman, ect.
>Elementary christmas carols we had to sing the Dreidal song
>In elementary choir we had to sing some Hebrew Israeli song. "Hine ma tov"
>Also had to sing song about immigrants sailing to the US. This land is your land commie song as well.
>Trail of tears, ect.

But yes, teachers unions fuck everything up. Schools have way too many administrators and only want funding. More funding. Also memorize shit for standardized testing, and all kids need a tablet apparently.

Last year of high school was fucked up. Checkpoints, and all kids had to stay in lunch area and couldn't go to locker before a certain time (before school started). One kid wrote Trigger Warning on a paper and the fucking cops came and took him away in cuffs. Drug sniffing dogs checking lockers and there was always a cop in the school. One kid tweeted that he didn't care much for a teacher and was suspended for it. Some kid argued with a teacher over it and the teacher fucking sperged out screaming about how the 1st amendment doesn't apply to use while on school grounds and the schools authority reigns supreme.

And all of this in a small, 99% white conservative town with an extremely low crime rate. It's not like we're poor, or have tons of problems with drugs but they still act on edge. I can't imagine how actual ghetto schools are.

Logistically or practically speaking?

Those two traitors have their campaigns heavily funded by the NEA and AFT. It's not coincidence.

I would bet this is an example of McConnell playing "catch and release". By only asking for the minimum votes necessary from his members, he protects the most vulnerable seats. Tom DeLay used to do the same when he was House Majority Leader.

they didn't take prayer out of public school until the 1960s


Now we need Sessions and we tear the whole rotten house down!

>there's no more distinction between tea party and mainstream republicans


blah blah commie lover fuck OFF!!

>trump has a reputation for always punishing disloyalty
Can't wait, desu.


Early education is overrated by liberals. Finland apparently has the best education in the world and yet it's bordering a third world country. We're not allowed to talk about Japan or Hong Kong because they don't get their results in the 'right way'. And in the end all the best universities in the world are in Anglo countries and our apparently retarded kids still lead the world in business and science.

The whole is just about fluffing numbers.

I can still pray in a school if I want to. Stop spreading your lies.

Most families have both parents working so that's a no go


It benefits minorities greatly. They get to escape shitty schools on vouchers.

>Finland apparently has the best education
this is because they make everyone go to public school
It skews that stats not actually make it better

>Employing a method known as "catch and release", DeLay allowed centrist or moderately conservative Republicans to take turns voting against controversial bills. If a representative said that a bill was unpopular in his district, then DeLay would ask him to vote for it only if his vote were necessary for passage; if his vote were not needed, then the representative would be able to vote against the party without reprisal...

McConnell is protecting their seats.

Go fuck yourself common core is the worst shit I have ever seen. Mom teaches for private school and they got a demo for CC her 8th graders would be at the 3rd grader reading lvl if they adopted it.

>school choice

Code word for putting a bunch of feral niggers into formerly nice schools and making the taxpayer pick up the tab.

I'll bet my life savings that whites will NOT be able to chose to pull their children out of schools that are majority black junior-prisons.

Not a communist. Where did you get that impression from? That sounds like projection as the vast majority of communists are religious.

Not sanctioned by the school
maybe they would not have to both work if taxes were not so high to pay for public school

The people this really screws over is rural children

They are too spread apart to actually have any competition so they'll be stuck going to some theocratic creationist school run by the crazy local pastor in his off time

That's a good argument to appeal to liberal sensibilities, but I think the rare smart black kid is less of a factor than middle class whites and asians who live in urban areas.

anyone else think she's kind of hot? dat smile

As much of a fedora tipper as I am, I would still take bit of Christian religious teaching over SJW teaching.

>Lists cultures he wouldn't have learned about otherwise besides in public schools
>yeah school is fucked up

you realize the point of education is to learn, right?

and of course it had to be women senators

>McConnell is protecting their seats.
The seat is Alaska is safe
This is 100% treason

>Short version - she wants to roll back a lot of the Common Core/No Child Left Behind bullshit and encourage more options for private schools.
Common Core is a states-based initiative, not federal.
And "No Child Left Behind" is a Republican program.
...and she's vowed to "destroy" the public school system.
And before you start cheering that nonsense on, just imagine living in a country where nearly every poor person is functionally illiterate.
Unless you voted Trump to laugh at the liberal majority while he burns the country to the ground, you should be against him picking her for SOE.
btw, Trump's first choice was Jerry Falwell Jr. (president of an actual university), but he turned the job down.

Why the fuck do you even need a secretary of education? Isn't it up to the state/company how it wants to run its schools?

better than the marxist shit they have now


Does this mean, even if I live near the best schools in my district, I can send my kids to a Christian school and use my tax payer money to do so? Right now I have to pay tuition of my own accord to send them to the best Catholic school in the state.

If so, this sort of thing could lower my house taxes, because essentially I pay a fuckload of housing taxes to live near two of the top 5 high schools. But if people can just send their kids to whatever school, then I can move out in the boonies and shoot shit and live off the land.

Then how would they acquire food?

Religion shouldn't be sanctioned by school. People go to school to learn, not indulge in fairy tales. Now we just have to get this holocaust bullshit out and education will be fine.

My parents taught me how to read before I went to school

I don't think pol actually knows what Marxism is

>The seat is Alaska is safe
It's a safe Republican seat, but it's not a safe seat for Murkowski. She would be at risk of a primary challenge from a Republican who wouldn't back McConnell. By protecting her seat from more conservative Republicans, McConnell protects his own position.

Protecting moderates in deep red states/districts was one of the major contributors to the Tea Party movement, by the way.

>they get to escape shitty schools on vouchers

And then shit up another school?

Vibrants need to stay in their containment zones.

At the supermarket?
Public schools now are full of humanist garbage

Hopefull she sends everyone in washingtin home and lets local schools pick how they want to teach their kids.

Wtf is this shit.

No one pays taxes in the US anyway so that's not going to help. We need to raise wages bigly and I mean bigly. Than you can make your own school but until than it's pretty impractical. Exactly now private school can be crime ridden hellholes. It's progress I tell you.

With what money?

Wants to give parents school choice. Take federal government out of education giving decision making back to local communities. End common core bullshit. Reduce power of school unions. Resulting in kids having more opportunity for a better education. Only a liberal would be against such things.

Humanism? Okay, that not religious.

Can't wait till school vouchers. I spend $15k a year on private school for my 3 kids. It may go up to $20k/year with $12k back in vouchers.

It fucking sucks having a shitty school district that has more drop out than graduations.

No, Devos wants white patents to be able to get their kids out of those schools.

She prioritized private schools over public, ensuring that public schools will keep getting worse and worse, future generations will get dumber and dumber, guaranteeing republican voters.

This makes it more likely for her to get primaried
This is cultural marxism

Lesson One:

God Is Watching.

They took school sponsored prayer out of school, not your ability to pray. Why would you want teachers/staff wasting money and time doing awkward, personal shit.

Education is important, but big biceps are importanter,

>heh, these stupid christians don't even know our race descended from niggers apes in africa
Look kid you're gonna be going to a Christian church soon and there's gonna be corporal punishment for words such as "fucking bitch". The pledge of allegiance will be done with the bellamy salute again.

Betsy will beat the fear of god into inner city negroes.

>No wonder kids give up on school.

Kill youself and go to heaven.

it's a catch-all term used to describe the negative aspects of progressivism and how they have fucked with our culture

It was coined by Pat Buchanan

Are all Americans this fucking edgy or what?
What did Christians ever do to you? Exactly, nothing. Fucking fedora tipping faggot.

The money that father gets from working
How is it not?
Why does it belong in school but Christianity does not?
>No one pays taxes in the US anyway so that's not going to help.
What are you talking about?

>"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary."

-Karl Marx