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Oh no, people DIED in BRAZIL of all places! How could this be? Has our god abandoned us?


Great order comes from great disorder.

Let it burn.

IT'S up 936%

Every day is purge day in Brazil


Who cares, it's all thugs and narconiggers anyway

>four people died last month
>75+ people now dead just 7 days into the next month
>"no big deal"

Do fuck off.

because the police and gang members are doing it killing innocents



Who are we purging?

still wont be white

What is this over? People keep saying more people are dying in that shit hole, but what over?

Police in the states should do that t b h.

Would sort BLM right the fuck out.


only 75?

Damn it! Why dont we get a purge!?

Those evil Brazilian scum

>read the article
The police went on strike. Only criminals have guns.

The rest is history

>four people died last month
I have a hard time believing that one

They even fail at purgin in Brazil?

By that do you mean criminals? Because the only good criminal is a dead criminal

No is the time for a fasist militia to take the streets.

Remember, lawlessness, vandalism and a weakened economy is all it takes for fascism to succeed in South America.

> 75 niggers

Who gives a shit?

News from today
>Armed evangelicals confront thugs in Vitória, Espírito Santo

BTW vote for ourguy in brazil strawpoll.me/12244153

And if you guys wonder whath our media are thinking, a reporter (datena) was just bitching on TV that the army was using "weapons of war" in the streets to stop the thugs from thuging, and that they should use only tasers and peaceful means

Fucking hell, our media is shit (every "security expert" they call on TV is a militant for left-wing parties who think police should not bear weapons, citizens should have no gun rights, that the police in the streets doesn't prevent crimes and that arresting cirminals solves nothing so why do it?)

Here is a first hand account of how shit our gun laws are, btw asterisko.com.br/gun-laws-in-brazil/#more-2870

And here (for hues) is Peninha's new website on which congressmen are in favor or against getting rid of our anti-gun "Disarmament Statute" so we have gun rights back. deputadopeninha.com.br/placar-pl-3722

we're next bro, one the nazis take our guns away its just a matter of time until the police "go" on strike, and everyone starts killing eachother


read the article, check the police reports. four people in the state of espirito santo. contrary to popular belief, people just dont go around killing eachother, even in brazil

who cares really the country is a hell hole we can only hope they clean up the favela after this. The country needs a good clean up

I'm done with the MSM. Literally only read Political Outsource now, everything else is BS


>75 niggers
>in brazil
0 fucks given.

Is our media covering it at all? Or we don't really care about that?

your gangs are marching around with assault rifles in the streets according to another huehuehue

Considering it's Brazil we probably have Gork and Mork as gods which is even funnier.

gazeta is better than average, they have some ok people as columnists

Political outsource is literally pol tho, the map they used was made by me yesterday, and they don't verify anything, so they posted bs like this was near argentina, and a bunch of pics from unrelated crimes years ago

Am I a bad guy for not caring?

PO poses a good question:
While the chaos continues, armed thugs and assailants harass, rob, plunder, and kill just about anyone and everyone in their sight. While gun control has risen to a great concern for both Brazilians and the people of the world watching things unfold, another issue has come to light: Why isn't the mainstream media reporting on this? Political Outsource was the first to break this story after we received a tip from one of our southern informants. Since then, a few other media outlets have picked up on the chaos, including the Daily Mail, Mirro.co.uk, The Sun, and even Rueters and BBC. However, many are questioning why the top dogs like CNN, FOX, MSNBC, and NY Times, who usually are the first on scene to just about everything, pushing their way through the lines and publishing stories first even if they're false, are yet no where to be found on one of the biggest outbreaks and purges the world may has ever seen. As the death toll climbs to over 75 in just three days, the mainstream media is silent - not a whisper."

Political outsource is a US media outlet, but they're the only ones that have covered it. CNN, MSNBC, NY TIMES not a whisper, probably afraid that it will hurt the gun control theory that it actually works. no, not probably - it's a definite yes.

>75 dead
>of 200mil

isn't it like one day in Chicago?

look at this. three brazilians posting in a row. the purge really has brought us all together

Isn't that just another tuesday in brazil?

>up 936%
>no big deal

eat my penis

O Datena é um comunista filho da puta, filiado ao PT e desarmamentista.

less than 200 people die a month in chicago, and that is a record high just this year after all the niggers are running around with guns.

guess you could say the world is going to shit

Code red for 75 niggers? This is like a day in any American city. Get fucked huemonkey

Wow that`s nothing. Hundreds of people die every century of being hit by meteorites.

last month like 9 people died in the state, now over 70 in 3 days. Pretty relevant if you ask me

I fucking hate that faggot. He's turning more and more leftist by the day. At least whe nI was younger he told criminals were scum and should get fucked, now he is a pussy faggot peddling PSOL lines

organ traffickers are making a killing thanks to those monkeys

should have done this before the Olympics, well done, ass backwards as always Brazil.

Implying Brazilians are humans and not hybrids

oh shit, I thought they were nowhere near such nubers
shame, south america would have a lot to offer if only it wasn't populated by south americans

What are they purging? Since in Brazil, everyone is a bit of everything.

>There is nothing wrong with racemix-

I was kind of hoping you had the info on the situation.

Why is it always an american who is shilling those threads? Are you a shill for PO?

It's irrelevant because crime always rises when the police goes on strike. Going 'corpses rotting on streets' or 'the purge!' is just disingenous.

Why do you have a yellow star?

Are you a Jew?

Fuck everyone else

Brazilians please chedk this. My congressman is in favor of me having gun-rights? Is yours? If not tell him to go fuck himself and spam his page exposing him as a faggot.

Focus on trying to convince neutrals to vote in favor of PL3722, especially guys from parties like PRB and PSC that are close to churches and might be swayed easilier since their voters tend to be against gun-bans.

Try your luck with cunts like PSOL if you want, but I doubt it'll work tho

You are not the only one

What are they purging?

me the shill? by spreading news the mainstream media wont? ha, nice try fagtron. Whos paying you? seriously tho, you guys are being paid by someone to try and deter this story

Eachother, and some stores

75 Brazillians

So basically 0.00000075% actual humans.

Why do we give a shit about this?

/ourguy/ is Temer, include him in the poll.


Couldn't get in before kek was posted.


Seems like an average day.

he can't run, he violated some finance laws and is unelectable. He'll also not run anyway cause he knows he'd lose. He wants to be "remembered by history" or some shit, as he said himself

I just find it funny how it was an american pushing all those nonstop threads since yesterday. Always with a lot of 'muh purge' and '!!!!'

> it's a conspiracy! The media is being purposely silent because they aren't making it as a big of a deal as I believe it is, even through they are reporting it

Yeah, I see, you really are the same fag from yesterday. You know PO post anything they find without fact checking right? And many of those pics going through these threads are from things that happened that have no connection to this?

You really are gullible.

OK and? These are Brazilians you know hue monkeys, not people.

Because noone is actually interested
It's really, really weird because there's some kind of embargo about it in the media, where only a very small amount of news sites and stations are reporting on it, if at all

I guess it gotta start getting in the three digits to matter? I don't fucking know. I find it weird


The sad thing is that we are not getting less gun-control anytime soon. I'd say not in the next couple of decades.

>still no livestreams

I kind of want to know how it feels to be in a zone like that, obviously it's aids but still.

peninha puts 20% in favor, 25% against, msot neutral.

We can get it passed in the chamber, but I worry about the senate since most of them are still from the 2010 election. The score right now is similar to the impeachment one. If we pressure them a lot will go our way

haha you're really trying hard bro. its ok, no one cares what you are saying, you fucking shill

Time to Make Brazil Great Again

it's a small state that even brazilians don't care about much, and our media reports little on it (all in portuguese tho) because turning it into a huge story would go against their narrative.

Some websites are talking about it tho, especially non-MSM. Twitter is way more interested though

Maybe with this shitstorm we might have a chance


Why is the purge happening? Is it gang warfare or random?

quickly, we have to evacuate the white people and let the left over monkeys all murder each other.

Into the trash, now and forever.

>Notorious anti-semite Mel Gibson has been spotted among the chaos. His condition is unknown at this time

not really a purge, more like criminals trying to steal from everyone/everything they can while there's no police in the streets (even tho our "intellectuals" and experts are sure police presence doesn't stop crimes, criminals are victims of society enacting social justice, gun rights are bad cause the country would turn into the wild west, and the police should be disarmed too), and killing people (especially enemies)

Do You Fell The Power Of Kek?!

It doesn't matter what's the general population support, congress is not representativa nor it will ever be, especially here. I'd say the vast majority of the congress would heavily block the project. Also, don't underestimate the brazilian monkey mindset. We don't have many conservatives or libertarians, most people who went to the streets to kick Dilma out are just anti-PT/social-democrats, moderation is their ideology.

Possibly a stupid question, but with the police out of the picture on their strike, Who's actually reporting all these deaths? Ambo's wouldn't be going out since they'd get ambushed by monkeys for any drugs on board and journalists wont be checking homes that have been broken into.

Our government is economically fucked and it can't pay civil workers properly, so the police went on strike


Wew lad, didn't realize the marxism is so bad down there.

Well, hopefully criminals just kill each other.

>shame, south america would have a lot to offer if only it wasn't populated by south americans

Agree, Ivan can not you send few tsar bomb here? Expressway please

And the Brazilian madia pictures the police as a opresive evil force, don't they?

What is the white population of the area, and are the victims mainly mestizos/nigs?

LMFAOOO thats what i thought when i saw that too haha

idkI I barely watch tv these days

they don't need to be in favor, only 25% are dead set against it, and pressure does work. It worked during impeachment before and I'v seen 2 congressman change their minds due to pressure on facebook so far. Most of our politicians aren't PSOL-tier yet, they're mostly spineless cucks who go whichever way is easier and gives them more benefits

Same here. It's on Sup Forums that i first saw it