How Much Does the Military Actually Support Trump?

>talk to brother about Silverman wanting a military coup
>say it's crazy because the military overwhelmingly supports Trump
>tells me that the military actually fucking hates Trump because he's putting them in danger in Iraq

Alright, where does the military actually stand with Trump? Apparently depending where you get your news it's overwhelmingly one way or another. I guess a lot of them would say he's better than Hillary, but aside from that do they actually support him? What reasons would they have to hate him?

I'm guessing the MSM paints it as overwhelming hatred for him, which is why Sarah Silverman actually thought the left could get the military on their side.


So, 50/50, basically. Not surprising.

t. amerifat education

does non veterans mean having served but saw no action?

Old but still relevant.

Another accurate CNN poll.

The military always leans conservative, which means they lean republican since that's the closest thing to a conservative party.

Vets and police vote overwhelmingly red every election. Your brother sounds retarded.

>volunteer for armed forces
>butt mad when war happens

Again, retarded

Lol your military is full of Kasich/McCain supporters but they hate Democrats and SJWs.

As long as Trump doesn't let Russia take all of Ukraine he doesn't need to fear.

To be fair its probably a mexican

>putting them in danger in Iraq



Veterans =\= active military

OP's question about military coup does not apply to non active service and retirees.

Who a Nam era vet turned stoner hippy voted for in the election has no bearing on what side an active duty ranger is going to take in a potential uprising.

Have a peacenic friend in the military. Always wonder why. It's gibs

The milltary knows how much of a fuck up Hillary is on foreign policy , and the revere maddis

Just i leaf guessing, but i bet they care less about Trump, but liking him because of the Gen Mattis pick

He's talking about non-veterans.
You know the ones still in the military service.

>Military votes trump
>He turns around and guts the VA

Pure poetry

>putting them in danger in iraq
that was 2 presidents ago

If they military did not overthrow Obama, why would they overthrow Trump?