Be german

>be german
>work 40 hours overtime on a forklift to pay for syrian refugees
>go home
>"ah, das ist ze time to relax"
>play forklift simulator 2017

Except for the simulator part... sounds about right.

We Germans get milked to hell and most of us are cucks enjoying it... at least they have the moral masturbation of not being a Nazi kek.

Even 80% of the muslims in the country are on welfare, people get fatter and fatter and the tax payer gets milked to pay for other people. If you are one of the lucky "well earners" and are not married, then you get taxes around 55%... so you work roughly 7 months a year for somebody else... and that when the Euro is 20-40% undervalued for our economy, which is good for exports/(((companies))) but bad for the people because of reduced buying power.

We have one of the best GDP's, yet the average wealth per capita is below that of Greece, while that of France is twice as high, that of Switzerland 5 times as high. I'm wondering for a year now why there are not mass executions in public and right wing death squats marching the streets.

>be german
>work 40 hours overtime developing truck simulator games
>go home
>"ah, das ist ze time to relax"
>play truck simulator 2018 alpha test

>Except for the simulator part
Is it just a meme that you guys are big on the simulator games?

>be german
>decide you want to stop being a jewish tool
>back to being a workaholic tool

Funny enough, when you go to big IT stores you actually have them around A LOT. I went there and say like 20-30 different simulator games, ranging from agriculture, trucks, trains, forklifts etc.. literally everything. Yet they are low budged games which cost like 10-15 Euros and I have never heard of or seen anyone playing these games.

They are usually games for extreme retards or parents who want to give their young kids something "useful" to play where they can learn something, instead of fucking other people's mom's over ingame chat in battlefield at 10yo.

I also played games like Transport Tycoon when I was younger, but this is a long time ago...

How accurate is forlift simulator to driving a forklift for real?

damn. you guys have had the right in power for like 20 years, why haven't they lowered your taxes yet?

>back to being a workaholic tool

The Workaholic tool never changed. Biggest and fastest growing economy pre WW1 except for the US, biggest and fastest growing economy pre WW2 except for the US and biggest and fastest growing economy in 1955 except for the US. The US basically had the advantage of population, you simply can't compete with limited Lebensraum and a war torn continent.

The workaholic part never changed and this made other countries butthurt, leading to war.

we still have to pay taxes that were introduced in the middle ages

because it's like that only in your country burger
yuropoors simply love getting milked by their kike controlled goverments

the sad part is who your people are working FOR

Give it to me straight, Hans: is there any hope for you guys?

>right in power for like 20 years
Our conservatives are more left wing then your democrats.... Not having a right wing party even as opposition in the Parliament for nearly 80 years really fucks up your reality.

>why haven't they lowered your taxes yet?
Oh you're going to love this. They have not reduced taxes but produced a surplus "keeping" the "earned" (read: stolen taxpayers money) in case of a crisis. They started doing this like 4-5 years ago. Then in 2014, the UN and EU suddenly did no longer have the 2-3 billion Euros available to keep the refugee camps in northern Africa going and suddenly we get a refugee crisis. Mh, I wonder who could be behind this. It is literally orchestrated.

In addition, our then Federal President Gauck (they that is called president but doesnt have any power) toured in foreign countries shitting out propaganda to get people to move to germany for work in the future (mostly africa and asia). That was somewhere in 2010-2014. He literally went to india and tried to convince 1000 schools to add German as a language to their curriculum instead of english to get more immigrants in the long run.

I tell you, we need to fucking lynch these people everywhere, traitor scum ready for extermination.


>is there any hope for you guys?

I would say yes because putting it into historical context, Hitler turned everything around withing 1 year basically and we are still far above the standards of living of the Weimar Republic back then.

To reach so low, we need to have starving and freezing people, all surrounding countries hostile except Denmark and Switzerland, record high suicide rates never to be achieved again, economic crisis with strong inflation, prostitutes giving blow jobs for 50 cents and child prostitution on the regular...

So all in all, if we can get the right movement going, there is no problem turning it around. Current GERMAN population, so minus all the invaders, is still higher than that of the Nazi Era, even though many are old.

nothing like it

Good fucking grief

how on earth are you guys getting away with not spending 2% of GDP on defence? youd think AT LEAST that would fly

The problem is not the amount spend in the military. the problem is the regulations the military has to face when buying new equipment. its literally almost impossible to get new equipment due to the fact that the parlament has to agree to it and the contracts for new equipment have to be offered all accross europe. And while the offer is up the money for the new equipment already has to be requested in parlament without even having a safe contract. but you only get money when you got a contract. see the problem there?

>not spending 2% of GDP on defence?

Military is evil and why would you even need it when you are surrounded only by friends who want your best? How can you even think like this you racist, xenophobic, bigot, totalitarian facist warmonger?

Ah and then theres those funny stories like the g36 or whatever the standard weapon was. designed for certain situations people suddenly started bitching around when the weapon didnt work in situations for which it was not even built.