Daily reminder

for the newfag trash

this board is a NatSoc board



This is a contrarian board.
We are against whatever is the mainstream ideology. Which just so happens to be liberal multiculturalism at the moment.

Youre both newfags, Sup Forums is a proud AnCap board

Hail Our People Hail Victory

No were not. Maybe you are but Im not. Fuck you. Im a Social Nationalist


pre-election Sup Forums was nat soc af, and it's time we picked up where we left off

I was posting here when the planes hit the two towers and I'm a vegan democratic socialist. You cheeky Nazis haven't won me over yet!

Wait, this isn't papercraft and origami?
Well fug

I was facebook live streaming from inside the plane. We kept askimg the hijackers what they wanted, but it didnt make sense. I mean its 2001, come on. Theres no place for SHITler




Praise KEK

Welp, I think that's /thread
See y'all next time

nat soc's were behind ron paul

he wouldn't to get rid of the Fed, the most natsoc thing you can do

daily reminder this board is also full of russophiles who BTFO nazis and left wing national socialists

no it isnt
we love israel
trump loves israel
geet wilders loves israel
marine le pen loves israel
afd loves israel

wtf u on about fucking nazi shit

Heil the West.

Daily reminder that stormfags are the newfags.



Says the guy with IE still pinned in his (((Windows 10))).

Ντρέπομαι για σένα.

>When Canada gets so fucking fed up with waiting for us to go full-on 1488 Nayzee that they grab a proxy and force the narrative.

Include me on the screenshot, you disgusting commie dog-fuckers.

Everyone knows, no matter how many times we take the poll, under 15% of the people that post here actually believe in National Socialism.

And by 15%, I am being very generous. I mean like 15 dudes at any given moment, out of the hundreds that post each day. And ironically, bait threads like these are usually posted by communist fuckwits like yourself, from lefty/pol/.

Sup Forums is a board of peace that co-exists as a slight right leaning middle ground where all are welcome but all shall be criticized. Open discussion and free speech in it's purest form, mods be willing. Something you Canadian communist cucks know nothing about.



i mori lugkra. oust prin fonaksw kati antfa pou xo filous sta exarxia

Israel is the closest analog to nazi Germany we have today... ish.


windows 10 is alright.
is you remove its bloat ware like cortana,groov music,windows defender other shit like that.


Plebbit please, go the fuck back

Prove Canada isn't communist.

windows 10 is alright.
if you remove its bloat ware like cortana,groov music,windows defender other shit like that.

Prove America is capitalist.

>Militarised, racist, far right conservative, white supremacist (to a degree, given that ashkenazis had it better than both nonjews and other jews) ethnostate
kek this is correct

Prove the GBR isn't being destroyed for the sole purpose of your mother obtaining the Guinness World Record of largest living organism on earth, man.

>Der Deutschen in Argentinien

It's always been close run between libertarian and natsoc.

Old favorite. The /po/ version of the 'welcome to' cartoon gets me every time

>has anyone told you about the Jews?