Rich people need more tax c-

>rich people need more tax c-

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>rich people create jo-


>maybe if i tax rich people more, they'll pay their taxes

If you tax rich people more, they leave the country and bring the money somewhere else and create jobs there.

Which is why we need globalism

Sure. The rich people will all agree to not be the elite anymore. They will go full socialist. The only difference to now is: You will have no chance to build a business to perhaps become the 1%. Now you have a fair chance. I made it from nearly nothing not to the 1% but the 5%.

We could still have millionaires. Just not George Soros type people with more than 100 Million. And meanwhile the middle class would be way richer and corruption in politics would go down. I'm still against globalism but that's the one sole good argument for it

Read Atlas Shrugged, or watch the shitty first movie. Either way, you will understand.

>still refuses to tax "the 1%"

No wealthy man will give up his wealth
you dingbat

It happens everyday. Rich people pay taxes ergo they give up their wealth.

I'm not saying we should round them up and confiscate their property, communist style. But putting some cap on how much a CEO can pay himself to prevent people from making more than they're entitled to by exploiting their employees is just rational. Only a Jew disagrees with this. If we could make this happen it would be a good thing. You can still be rich just not Bill Gates rich which you weren't gonna become anyway, faggot.

Perfectly normal, if our society was fairer it might actually get worse/ more dramatic.

The same thing happens in MMORPG like WOW. Those games are fair in ways society never can be, like the fact that everyone start on level one.

>the government that can't fix potholes or regulate immigration gets to decide how much money I can pay myself.

Not like that plan would work anyway though, there's a crap ton of ways to accrue wealth outside of a currency.

CEO's don't pay themselves.
They are paid by their employer.
Guess who that is? Stock holders.
Not to mention that various football players, and basketball players, make more than CEO's.

what the fuck are those floating bits supposed to be?

Yeah, people forget that CEOs are just employee number one. I roll my eyes every time I hear about someone complaining about CEO compensation. Sure, CEO's make a fuckton most of the time, but they actually contribute something to the company, owners on the other hand don't have to do shit but own things to get money from them. The more things they own, the more money it gets them. Wealth starts to snowball after a certain point. Donald Trump could have just invested his loan from his father in an index fund, sat on his ass for 50 years and made just as much if not more than he did playing the real estate game.

And those are more of a pain in the ass. Also you can't really hide having a billion dollars

Yeah I suppose that's true. I'm not really sure stock holders should be taxed too heavily. Because that might inhibit innovation. I guess I'll shut up I don't know enough about economics to really talk about it so much

>make 21% of the income
>pay 37% of the income tax

Yea sure that seems fair :^)

He missed the argument entirely. He didn't account for the increase of population, not to mention all the recessions we put ourselves through due to wars.

All he did was point out stagnant wages, which is not the same as claiming that they don't create jobs. Aside from this he keeps on relying on the fallacy "hurr we once thought the earth was the center of the universe but we were wrong!!!"

Trump under preformed the market from 1990 to 2000. He actually over preformed the market from 2000 to present.
So ideally he would've invested in an index fund from his inheritance until 2000, then he would start the real estate game.
Well you're going to have to figure something out then friend. As your beliefs are contradictory. People like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, hell even George Soros, made their money from investing (technically Trump too, btw).
The way Bill Gates/Mark Zuckerberg make their money, for example is by holding a large number of shares of a private corporation (Microsoft or Facebook) and restricting public investment (as they have every right to do, as the primary stockholders). Then when IPO happens they make a fortune.

I should also add that the owners/stockholers are deserving of their money. Banks likewise make money by holding money, but this is perfectly okay.
Firstly, stockholders are putting their money at risk into an asset. Second, when initial stock is sold at par value, they are injecting valuable currency into the company which may be beneficial if the company can't receive a desirable loan.
Furthermore, this "snowballing" you refer to, is in fact proof that wealth is not zero sum. Even the poor can profit from compound interest. People are forgoing present consumption for future consumption by saving today and getting interest tomorrow. If you demand currency today, then you have to pay the price (interest). It's really that simple.
Focusing and attacking compound interest really shifts the debate from rich vs. poor to saver vs. borrower.
Gains in the stock market are isomorphically identical to a certain type of long term interest rate.

This guy is a fucking idiot unless every economist in the world is wrong

Hard work should be rewarded to have a goal for the lesser population
Punish the weak, not the strong

income tax is left. kill all communist. fuck the fed.

I'll take offshore accounts for 500

He is a retard, they created millions of jobs, however globalists have allowed them to create them in third world shitholes instead of creating them in America.

>Atlas Shrugged
>fiction writing

now I know why you austrian economists are so retarded
Wealth will always follow a pareto distribution. We can work to make it more spread out but not eliminate it totally. The most important thing to focus on is wealth mobility. People are not always in the same spot on your wealth distribution graph. Some 50% of americans spend time as part of the 1%.
That graph also has:
No source
no y axis definition
How do they come up with their ideal?